




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:bāng zi








  1. 鞋帮。


  2. 犹身子。

    魏巍 《山雨》:“别看我这弱帮子,斗起来,熬个十个八个通夜,走个七十八十里地,也觉着没有什么问题。”

  3. 白菜一类的蔬菜外层叶子离根近而较厚的部分。如:白菜帮子。



  1. And none of them seem to have pleased anyone except a handful of financiers.


  2. "If I asked you to count out 8. 7 million pennies, that would take you a while, even if you had a whole lot of people doing it. "


  3. But it was not always that way. The original hackers were benign creatures. Students, in fact.


  4. When I finally staggered into Health class, my nose had stopped bleeding but I had a black eye and a swollen cheek.


  5. " She is poor now , " said the old man , patting the girl's cheek, " but I say again that the time is coming when she shall be rich . "


  6. His thoughts were brusquely interrupted; looking in Ferrand's face, he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks.


  7. While other young players have tosses, Yi has an entourage that would be the envy of Vincent Chase.


  8. "They are a rotten crowd, " I shouted across the lawn. "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together. "


  9. Neither do I want to be kicked in the shin inadvertently as I walk past the photocopier by someone flinging out a leg behind them.


  1. 劈白菜帮子

    strip the outer leaves off cabbages.

  2. 她鼓起了腮帮子。

    She puffed out her cheeks.

  3. 她的腮帮子鼓了起来。

    Her cheeks puffed up.

  4. 她生气地鼓起腮帮子。

    She blew out her cheeks in exasperation.

  5. 把菜帮子丢给小兔吃

    throw the outer leaves to the rabbit

  6. 补牙后腮帮子疼, 怎么办?

    The cheek after fill a tooth aches, how to do ?

  7. 我鼓起腮帮子以表示愤慨。

    I plumped out my cheeks in an expression of indignation.

  8. 狒狒把什么储存在腮帮子里?

    What do baboons keep in their cheek pouches?

  9. 它们会嬉笑打闹, 相互亲腮帮子。

    They will be frolicking with each other pro cheeks.

  10. 菜帮子是这道菜的主料。

    The main ingredient of this dish is the outer leaves of a cabbage.

  11. 菜帮子是这道菜的主料。

    The main ingredient of this dish is the outer leaves of a cabbage.

  12. 菜帮子是这道菜得主料。

    The main ingredient of this dish is the outer leaves of a cabbage.

  13. 绝不能让她带坏一帮子人。

    Let her not infect the whole flock.

  14. 我朋友告诉我,我的腮帮子看起来都绿了。

    A friend said I looked green around the gills.

  15. 不,他说,点了点头,舌头顶着腮帮子。

    No, he said, nodding, his tongue pressing against his cheek.

  16. 她双手托着腮帮子,不知道在想什么。

    She had her chin in her hands, as if lost in a trance.

  17. 这位律师每当沉思时便撮紧腮帮子。

    The lawyer sucked in his cheeks whenever he was thinking hard.

  18. 对他们那帮子人来说, 情况越来越糟了。

    Things are looking bluer than every for them.

  19. 他忙着被一帮子看上他的钱的政客拍马屁。

    He's too busy getting his ass ssed by a bunch of politicians who wantIs money.

  20. 约翰有一帮子朋友并且经常得到他们的帮助。

    John has a bunch of friends and often gets their help.

  21. 除了戴纳克那一帮子都没人和我出去。

    Nobody to hang out with. I mean, except the Dinoco folks.

  22. 警方清晨袭击该所房子,抓住了整帮子人。

    The police descended on the house in the early morning and caught the whole gang.

  23. 腮帮子上凸出一块,嘴里不时地滋儿滋儿的。

    His cheeks bulge as pressed by the fruit in the mouth from which the munching noise come at times.

  24. 他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一大口热气。

    He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.

  25. 是因为外面作战的那帮子人没人愿意和你工作

    Because no one outside of the canine unit would work with you

  26. 别人老是认为他在婚前有一大帮子的女朋友。

    It is believed a Gemini man has a string of girlfriends before marriage.

  27. 那帮子家伙 对你去年扫荡兄弟会的事情印象深刻

    The guys were really impressed on how you cleared the frat of the rape last year.

  28. 用那个脱毛膏脱腮帮子这里的毛可以吗?那个有副作用吗?

    Is wherewith depilated cream is the wool here OK? Do that have side effect?

  29. 里维尔鼓起腮帮子,呼出一口气。他得眼睛里露出凶光。

    Revere puffed his cheeks and blew, but his eyes were dangerous.

  30. 里维尔鼓起腮帮子,呼出一口气。他的眼睛里露出凶光。

    Revere puffed his cheeks and blew, but his eyes were dangerous.


  1. 问:帮子拼音怎么拼?帮子的读音是什么?帮子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:帮子的读音是bāngzi,帮子翻译成英文是 outer leaf



帮子,释义:1. 鞋帮。2. 犹身子。3. 白菜一类的蔬菜外层叶子离根近而较厚的部分。