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汉语拼音:chǐ xiào
唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷五:“左金吾大将军 程伯献 、少府监 冯绍正 二人直就 力士 母丧前披髮哭,甚於己亲。朝野闻之,不胜耻笑。” 元 高文秀 《渑池会》第一折:“倘若与他交锋,若俺军不利,枉惹各国耻笑。”《水浒传》第五二回:“今日既到山寨,便休记心,只顾同心协助,共兴大义,休教外人耻笑。” 邓拓 《燕山夜话·三种诸葛亮》:“冒充 诸葛亮 ,假装 诸葛亮 ,是吓不住人的,总会有一天要原形毕露,被天下人所耻笑。”
The fact that he never really was a cowboy hero or soldier is cause no for scorn but for reflection .
虽然,约翰·韦恩从不是一个真正的牛仔或是士兵,但他的演绎没有遭人耻笑,而是让人如痴如醉。Years of drought and floods mercilessly show how rediculous our folly is. And now we found the actual value of these "waste lands" .
连年的洪灾干旱无情地耻笑了我们的愚行,到现在我们才发现这些“荒地”的实际价值。Now I can enjoy the fun of bragging that you do not know.
现在我可以尽情地耻笑那个不知道天高地厚的你了。If drive person of mafia sneer at them to talk but have no letter, not handout spirit, that than killed them still hard bear with.
若被黑道上人耻笑他们言而无信,不讲义气,那比杀了他们还难以忍受。Not only did not insulted her the sympathy of the community, but was ridiculed and criticized.
她的受辱不仅没有得到社会的同情,反而受到耻笑和指责。To avoid the jeering laughter he expected, he sneaked out in the dead of night to mail his first manuscript.
为避免可能遭到别人耻笑,他半夜里悄悄溜出去寄第一次文稿。You are determined to ruin him in the opinion of all his friends, and make him the contempt of the world.
你决心要叫他的朋友们看不起他,让天下人都耻笑他。In addition to its ugly accident, also some dull tone, if out of the broken sound off ridiculed.
它除了难看意外,音色也有些暗哑,假如拉出了破音就惹人耻笑了。He has learned to stay on his feet after being branded a diver last season and now he is reaping the benefits.