







汉语拼音:sù xiě



  1. Hanging in her room are the sketches of six children. The portrait she did for Ding Ling is luckily kept by the latter's family now.


  2. To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw.


  3. I once traveled with her in Guangdong, and she never let go her sketching book, and nothing beautiful would fall out of her.


  4. Picasso was very moved, and he took out his crayons and drew a beautiful color sketch for Gloria Segall and signed it.


  5. When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees.


  6. The same scenes furnished by these two pens might have been sketched in different hemispheres .


  7. Rather condense the material for a novel into a sketch, never spin out the material for a sketch into a novel.


  8. Here we see the swiftly drawn portrait of a woman of energy, power and judgment, as well as emotion.


  9. Her genre switch to memoir in Hospital Sketches set the stage for her masterpiece, Little Women.


  1. 金融危机速写

    A Sketch of Financial Crises

  2. 粗粗的速写

    a rough sketch.

  3. 速写的意义

    The Meaning of Sketches

  4. 素描与速写

    Pencil Sketch and Literary Sketch.

  5. 艺术家速写薄

    Sketch Book For The Artist

  6. 银色速写用纸

    silver express

  7. 略图。简略的速写

    a thumbnail sketch

  8. 速写的永恒魅力

    The Endurable Charm of Sketch

  9. 狂躁时期的速写

    A Literary Sketch in the Times of Frantic Rash

  10. 一张速写肖像画

    a sketched portrait

  11. 他星期天出去画速写。

    He went out sketching on Sunday.

  12. 美术专业速写教学刍议

    Review of teaching of the sketch course in fine arts

  13. 他给猫画了个速写。

    He sketched the cat.

  14. 线在建筑速写中的运用

    On the Lines of Architecture Sketches

  15. 画一位舞蹈家的速写

    to sketch a dancer

  16. 谈速写构图的意义

    On the meaning of composing pictures by sketch

  17. 作一面部, 地方的速写。

    make a sketch of a face, place

  18. 他匆匆完成了一幅速写。

    He whipped up a sketch.

  19. 简介观点时装画速写重要。

    Profile perspectives are important in fashion illustration croquis.

  20. 她认为他的速写毫无味道。

    She thought his sketch detestable.

  21. 论设计速写的地位与作用

    The Placement and Function of the Sketches for Design

  22. 他正在作一张脸的速写。

    He is sketching a face.

  23. 浅谈建筑速写对设计师的培养

    Architectural Sketches and Training Architects.

  24. 很袖珍的速写,但是很生动,喜欢!

    The sketch in the museum, tiny but vivid, I like it.

  25. 速写在建筑设计中的重要作用

    The important function of sketch in architectural design

  26. 速写是线的艺术也是黑白的艺术。

    Sketching is an art of the color of black and white as well as an art of lines.

  27. 设计专业开设速写课的必要性

    Designing the Profession Sets up A Necessity of Sketching the Lesson

  28. 试论大速写艺术的基本形式

    On the Basic Forms of the New Sketch Art

  29. 他能马上把它速写下来。

    He can throw off a sketch of it.

  30. 有空余时间时,我喜欢画速写。

    When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.


  1. 问:速写拼音怎么拼?速写的读音是什么?速写翻译成英文是什么?

    答:速写的读音是sùxiě,速写翻译成英文是 sketch

  2. 问:速写键盘拼音怎么拼?速写键盘的读音是什么?速写键盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:速写键盘的读音是sù xiě jiàn pán,速写键盘翻译成英文是 phonetic keyboard



“速写”是个多义词,它可以指速写(人民邮电出版社图书), 速写(男装设计师品牌), 速写(2010年傅凯编著图书), 速写(快速写生技法)。