




1. 娆 [ráo]2. 娆 [rǎo]娆 [ráo]娇媚:娇~。妖~。柔弱:~~。娆 [rǎo]烦忧,扰乱:~恼。……



汉语拼音:yāo ráo








  1. 亦作“ 妖饶 ”。妩媚多姿。

    唐 何希尧 《海棠》诗:“著雨胭脂点点消,半开时节最妖嬈。” 宋 柳永 《合欢带》词:“身材儿,早是妖嬈。算风措,实难描。”《京本通俗小说·志诚张主管》:“説不尽万种妖嬈,画不出千般艷冶。” 明 陆采 《明珠记·邮迎》:“金花粉,玉镜臺,粧罢妖嬈增百倍。” 毛泽东 《沁园春·雪》词:“须晴日,看红妆素裹,分外妖嬈。”

  2. 指娇媚的女子。

    三国 魏 曹植 《感婚赋》:“顾有怀兮妖嬈,用搔首兮屏营。” 赵幼文 校注:“嬈, 宋 刊本《曹子建文集》作‘饶’。” 唐 法宣 《和赵王观妓》:“桂山留上客,兰室命妖嬈。” 宋 张孝祥 《鹧鸪天》词:“主翁若也怜幽独,带取妖饶上玉宸。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·请封》:“儘咱们掠了金钱,掳了丝縑,夺了妖嬈,方显得勇冠华夷,威行近远的 中山 年少。”

  3. 形容歌声婉转动听。

    唐 唐彦谦 《汉代》诗:“艳词传静婉,新曲定妖嬈。”



  1. We only know that for a few minutes of a pretty strange movie, a woman, a big ass snake, and a filthy border town bar never looked so good.


  2. In terms of furniture, fabric, accessories, fully reflects the wave of the East where the wealth and style, enchanting atmosphere.


  3. Mandala on the other side the enchanting to transform into a demon, fixed in the uniforms skirt, cycling chaotic young and innocent.


  4. With a fascinating architectural beauty, Lin' s poems perfectly combine poem' s form and emotions in an organic way.


  5. People like to say thatZhonghuanxian is like a colored ring making the city even more enchanting.


  6. The most beautiful scenery description: to be a sunny day, look to clad in white, grow more enchanting.


  7. Enchanting charm of a smile, I this lifetime is destined to be not poison.


  8. Even if is illusory. Also beautiful so enchanting and secure. Let me hold your breath.


  9. March diffuse bright cherry fly, all in all, in her enchanting beauty and contains exactly what?


  1. 满身合成钻石的妖娆模特。

    A voluptuous model covered in synthetic diamonds.

  2. 令平淡无奇的世界, 分外妖娆

    Making the unromantic world Especially allure

  3. 男人也有他的妩媚妖娆。

    Man also has his charming and enchanting.

  4. 强调你自己妖娆女人的身段。

    Accentuate your curves and womanly body.

  5. 春日照耀下的花朵分外的妖娆。

    Flowers in the spring sunshine are much more beautiful than ever.

  6. 冬日黄山银装盛裹的妖娆

    The Yellow Mountains in Winter, the Enchanting White Scenery

  7. 红,因绿的衬托,而分外妖娆。

    Red, setting off by green, appears to be more enchanting.

  8. 乱世之中,我是谁的妖娆王妃?

    In this disordered world, who was my prince?

  9. 信江河两岸的上饶,分外妖娆。

    Shangrao beside the both sides of Xinjiang River is especially enchanting.

  10. 冬天银装素裹, 北国风光分外妖娆。

    In winter, clad in white and presenting a typical north China scene, the city looks enchanting.

  11. 女人的一生都是花季, 可以永远妖娆。

    A woman's life are blooming, you can always Yaorao.

  12. 诡秘而妖娆的无色蔷薇开在黑夜。

    The surreptitious and enchanting colourless rose is in bloom at night.

  13. 你, 记不记得我掌心妖娆哀艳的花朵?

    Will you remember the flowers in my hand ?

  14. 我在火车站看到一名妖娆的金发女郎。

    I saw a gorgeous blonde at the train station.

  15. 我在火车站看到一名妖娆的金发女郎。

    I saw a gorgeous blonde at the train station.

  16. 他的浑家长得真是漂亮妖娆风情万种。

    His wife is beautiful and enchanting.

  17. 在阴霾天空下, 陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。

    The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden.

  18. 说实话,起初我并不喜欢她,感觉她太妖娆了。

    To tell you the truth, I did not like her. I thought she was too much enchanting.

  19. 希望的精神体现在安妖娆地这个角色身上。

    The spirit of hope is embodied in the character anna.

  20. 即便是虚幻。也美的那么妖娆且安心。让我屏息。

    Even if is illusory. Also beautiful so enchanting and secure. Let me hold your breath.

  21. 每年阳春三月,十里桃花,嫣红一片,分外妖娆。

    In March every year, the peach trees will be in full bloom, presenting a colourful scene of great charm.

  22. 因为有了您的加入, 东方之珠才更显她的妖娆!

    Because of you join, Pearl of the Orient was even more of her enchanting!

  23. 一部青春小品,记忆如此之美,值得灵魂为之妖娆起舞。

    This is a piece of memory all about youthfulness and dream.

  24. 对最美的景物描写须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。

    The most beautiful scenery description to be a sunny day, look to clad in white, grow more enchanting.

  25. 这两项宏伟工程,使风光如画的东山岛,更加美丽妖娆。

    These two grand projects, picturesque scenery of the island, more beautiful Yaorao.

  26. 红与黑的绝色妖娆, 使夜的气息徐缓而恣意地舞动于空间。

    Unparalleled fascination of red and black enkindles nights atmosphere.

  27. 乐曲的开始并不激烈,略带一点妖娆的印第安蛇舞的韵味。

    The piece starts out innocuously enough, with an almost sultry little snake dance.

  28. 她妖娆的娇躯被紧束而又不掩线条的皮革衣物所包裹。

    Her voluptuous form is squeezed into a tight leather bodice.

  29. 外国人大卫。杰克逊, 从亚利桑妖娆地州凤凰城来。

    David Jackson from Phoenix, Arizona.

  30. 因此说中环线就象一条彩练一样, 把津城打扮得分外妖娆。

    People like to say thatZhonghuanxian is like a colored ring making the city even enchanting.


  1. 问:妖娆拼音怎么拼?妖娆的读音是什么?妖娆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妖娆的读音是yāoráo,妖娆翻译成英文是 enchanting; fascinating; bewitching








【基本解释】 1. 娇艳美好 2. 有诱惑感的,引起性欲的