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1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……
汉语拼音:hóng chén
汉 班固 《西都赋》:“红尘四合,烟云相连。” 唐 杜牧 《过华清宫》诗之一:“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。” 宋 秦观 《金明池》词:“纵宝马嘶风,红尘拂面,也只寻芳归去。” 清 王端履 《重论文斋笔录》卷三:“十丈红尘飞紫陌,掩关閒煞踏青屐。” 郁达夫 《浙东景物纪略·方岩纪静》:“不施椽瓦,而风雨莫及;冬暖夏凉,而红尘不到。”
南朝 陈 徐陵 《洛阳道》诗之一:“缘柳三春暗,红尘百戏多。” 唐 王建 《从军后寄山中友人》诗:“夜半听鷄梳白髮,天明走马入红尘。” 清 孙枝蔚 《春城曲》:“素纱软屏看不得,但云门外红尘好。”
明 贾仲名 《金安寿》第四折:“你如今上丹霄,赴絳闕,步瑶臺,比红尘中别是一重境界。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“ 宝玉 本来颖悟,又经点化,早把红尘看破。” 郁达夫 《自述》诗之二:“前身纵不是如来,謫下红尘也可哀。”
Mortal past, the heart and heart is a red silk thread distance, and you my love is like the Garden of Eden Lane Encounter!
红尘过往,心和心只是一根红丝线距离,而你我的爱就像是伊甸园里的邂逅!Weekend, I just mahjong game killing the life of their own will and I do not know what I stick to the mortal world, love or marriage?
周末的时候,我就在麻将桌上扼杀着自己的意志和生命,我不知道我留恋红尘中的什么,是爱情还是婚姻?I love with a sketch, floating in the time, got the time, red disorder, whose heart had not been soft?
我把年华用一纸素描,浮了韶光,惹了流年,红尘错乱,谁的心不曾柔软?This puts "Years of Red Dust" at something of a disadvantage because many of the stories Qiu tells are already quite familiar in the West.
然而,从这个角度来说,本书《红尘岁月》并无特别之处,因为裘小龙笔下的故事,许多西方人都已相当熟悉。The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere.
黑暗双星看起来是紫色或是紫罗兰色,因为它通常发出的蓝光与大气中的红尘相混合。Some of these plans will prove little more than red dust blowing in the wind.
最终将会证明,有些计划不过是风中弥漫的红尘。Ship is the place for him to protect himself and imprison himself, also isolated him with the rest of the world.
船就是他保护自己,囚禁自己的地方,同时也是他与红尘隔离的地方。Red dust, just like a dream, do not know this life practice enough?
滚滚红尘,过眼如梦,不知道今生的修行够不够?Barge to do beautiful mud broken dust eave, the dark corner swept away thousands of feet.
He has seen through the vanity of the world.
Red Dust deep gray fog Oi.
无论红尘俗世, 往往来来
And whatever comes will coom soon
A single woman, difting in the world of mortals
In the mundane, where to the fond dream?
也许萍水相逢, 或许红尘过客。
Maybe we meet by chance, or passing traveller of human society.
红尘攘攘, 一切都犹如过眼云烟。
All the hustle and bustle in the world is as transient as fleeting clouds.
He became a monk because he was disillusioned with the world.
He became a monk because he was disillusioned with the world.
All the hustle and bustle in the world is as transient as fleeting clouds.
与其不合潮流, 不如超脱红尘。
Better be out of the world than out of fashion.
他已看破红尘, 落发为僧。
He has seen through the vanity of life and the world, so he took tonsure and became a Buddhist monk.
He has seen through the vanity of life and the world, so he took tonsure and became a Buddhist monk.
A fine red dust covered everything.
他已看破红尘, 出家当和尚了。
He has died to worldly matters and become a Buddhist monk.
碧草追游骑, 红尘拜扫车。
Bicao chasing Ranger, Red Dust prayer sweep vehicle.
边缘人, 红尘有你, 我不再寂寞!
Marginal man, with you by my side, I will never feel lonely again.
Free among the wandering around the YiRen blood clan.
He walks from the chaos, the world fading away behind him.
In the Milk Way You who have a lot of human societies Let a lot of people overlook
他决意削发为僧, 弃绝红尘。
He was determined to be a monk who abjured worldly pleasures.
红尘爱, 痴心泪, 相思苦守, 冷清寒。
The bustling place love, the foolish tear, love sickness defends painstakingly, cold poor.
没过多久, 她也看破红尘, 削发为尼了。
Before long, she saw through the emptiness of the material world and took tonsure.
Before long, she saw through the emptiness of the material world and took tonsure.
Mr Black renounces the world, the flesh, and the devil, preaches and prays day and night.
自是神仙多变异, 肯教踪迹掩红尘。
More variation naturally immortal, is willing to teach the Red trail cover.
轻点红尘, 一溪墨色的凄凉跃然心间。
Click the Red, a stream of bleak vividly ink heart.
No wonder God punished them by sending them down to Earth.
夕阳西下, 泪洒红尘里, 人断肠, 在天涯。
The sun was setting west, along with tears of someone at the edge of the world.
马上还逢江上春, 冷烟和雨作红尘。
Now also every river in spring, cold and rain for the Red smoke.