




1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:cái liàng







  1. 鉴别,衡量。

    《后汉书·许邵传》:“ 劭 曰:‘ 太丘 道广,广则难周; 仲举 性峻,峻则少通。故不造也。’其多所裁量若此。” 明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷三:“吾览 钟记室 《诗品》,折衷情文,裁量事代,可谓允矣。” 章炳麟 《箴新党论》:“且新党虽多諂曲,而品覈公卿,裁量执政,犹其所优为者。”

  2. 裁度。

    《宋书·庐陵孝献王义真传》:“及至 歷阳 ,多所求索, 羡之 等每裁量不尽与,深怨执政,表求还都。”《再生缘》第五九回:“这句话,要紧之词不可忘。此外事情须叮嘱,只须姊姊善裁量。”参见“ 裁度 ”。

  3. 减少分量。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·笨麴并酒》:“与人此酒,先问饮多少,裁量与之。”



  1. The Chapter I defines the concept of the prosecutor's discretionary power and summarizes the features, the scopes and the principles of it.


  2. Both Parties will bind their sub-contractors to observe the same rules of discretion as if the task would be done by themselves.


  3. Of course, the fact that an agency has been granted some discretion by statute is not enough to trigger this exemption from judicial review.


  4. The writer probes into the question of balance theory for judicial discretion and the right of action.


  5. Facilities that do not meet these criteria may still be considered for component level work at the discretion of the MMH team.


  6. Discretion has already been a really virtually administrative right and been the core of administration rights.


  7. In the case of abuse of the administrative discretion, It should be harmed the legitimate rights and interests of "executive relative" .


  8. Black's majority opinion found that government authorities had the discretion to act as they saw necessary to protect security.


  9. Accounting discretion is the the right of accounting choice accountants carry out, in accordance with management's intention.


  1. 解释与裁量

    explanation and judgement.

  2. 行政裁量权

    Administrative adjudication.

  3. 公诉裁量权

    public prosecution free power.

  4. 裁量明显不当

    illegal ruling

  5. 侦查裁量权

    adjudication right of investigation.

  6. 绝对自由裁量

    absolute discretion

  7. 刑罚裁量方法

    penalty measuring method

  8. 裁量基准制度

    the standards of the punishment

  9. 裁量一元论

    Discretionary Monism.

  10. 不起诉裁量权

    discretion of non prosecution.

  11. 预算自由裁量权

    budget discretion

  12. 刑事司法裁量权

    criminal discretion

  13. 论公诉裁量权

    On Discretion Power of Public Prosecution On Quantity

  14. 自由裁量行政行为

    discretionary act

  15. 行政自由裁量行为

    administrative action choice

  16. 量刑自由裁量权

    The freedom of measurement of penalty cuts quantity right

  17. 量刑自由裁量范围

    The freedom of measurement of penalty cuts quantity scope

  18. 行政处罚自由裁量权

    judicial discretion on administrative penalty

  19. 自由裁量权的滥用

    abuse of the right of discretion

  20. 公安边防行政裁量权

    administrative discretion

  21. 罚金刑的裁量依据

    The Discretionary Foundation of Monetary Penalty

  22. 法律漏洞与自由裁量

    The Leak of Law And Free Refree

  23. 自由裁量与司法公正

    Discretion and Judicial Justness.

  24. 论行政自由裁量权

    On the Right of the Free Adjudication and Measurement on Administrative Execution

  25. 行政处罚的裁量与确定

    Ruling and Confirming of Administrative Sanction

  26. 现代社会中的行政裁量

    On Administrative Ruling in Contemporary Society

  27. 中外公诉裁量制度初探

    On Sino Foreign Public Prosecution Umpirage System

  28. 论税务机关自由裁量权

    On Discretion of Tax Authority

  29. 试论法官自由裁量权

    Trial discussions about the free umpirage of a judge

  30. 行政处罚自由裁量权初探

    Preliminary Exploration on Free Judgement for Administrative Punishment


  1. 问:裁量假释拼音怎么拼?裁量假释的读音是什么?裁量假释翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁量假释的读音是cáiliàngjiǎshì,裁量假释翻译成英文是 discretionary parole

  2. 问:裁量缓刑拼音怎么拼?裁量缓刑的读音是什么?裁量缓刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁量缓刑的读音是cáiliànghuǎnxíng,裁量缓刑翻译成英文是 discretionary probation

  3. 问:裁量行为拼音怎么拼?裁量行为的读音是什么?裁量行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁量行为的读音是cái liàng xíng wéi,裁量行为翻译成英文是 discretionary function; discretionary act

  4. 问:裁量管辖原则拼音怎么拼?裁量管辖原则的读音是什么?裁量管辖原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁量管辖原则的读音是cái liáng guǎn xiá yuán zé,裁量管辖原则翻译成英文是 principle of assumed jurisdiction