






1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……


不安全:~险。~殆。~言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。~难(nàn )。~如累(lěi )卵。损害:~害。~及。高的,陡的:~石。~樯。使人惊奇的:~言耸听。端正的,正直的:正襟~坐。“邦有道,~言~行”。指人临死:病~。垂~。星名,二……



汉语拼音:jū ān sī wēi








  • 【解释】:居:处于;思:想。虽然处在平安的环境里,也想到有出现危险的可能。指随时有应付意外事件的思想准备。
  • 【出自】:《左传·襄公十一年》:“居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。”
  • 【示例】:得宠思辱,~
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义


  1. "Faced with this huge responsibility, I feel I need to be very careful, and I feel fear, " Mr Ma said after his election triumph.


  2. Stay close to the detail of your business, worry frequently, don't be complacent, and look after your people.


  3. For the first time in modern history, less than half of the U. S. adult population now read literature, according to a recent survey.


  4. Perhaps consumers began smoothing only after being chastened by the memory of the roaring twenties and the subsequent hangover .


  5. We should enhance the sense of hardship and ruling consciousness, and strengthen the construction of region ability consciously.


  6. Americans became smoothie consumers only during and after the war.


  7. The "smoothie" world is one where cool-headed and far-sighted consumers help smooth out booms and busts.


  8. Squandered a bogey comparisons, should take precautions and be prepared.


  9. Through self-awareness we grow; through self-satisfaction, we decay.


  1. 居安思危。

    The way to be safe is never to be secured.

  2. 居安思危思想

    thought of preparing for danger in times of safety.

  3. 你们要居安思危。

    Never relax your vigilance while you live in peace.

  4. 居安思危, 居危思进

    Think of danger in time of peace and improvement in time of danger

  5. 居安思危,戒奢以俭。

    Be vigilant while in peace, and refrain from luxury to become thrifty.

  6. 增强忧患意识, 居安思危

    Must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace

  7. 居安思危者最平安

    He is most free from danger, who even when safe, is on guard

  8. 居安思危,此乃万全之策。

    Peace with sword in hand, its safest making.

  9. 但是, 我们必须居安思危。

    Nevertheless, we have to be alert to the challenges which lie ahead.

  10. 一个人应居安思危,未雨绸缪。

    It is necessary that a person should provide against a raing day.

  11. 居安思危, 思则有备, 有备无患。

    You should think of danger in time of peace. To think so can lead to preparation and preparation averts calamities.

  12. 在顺境的时候,我们要居安思危。

    In times of prosperity, we have to be prepared for adversity.

  13. 温州鞋机行业居安思危谋发展

    Wenzhou shoemaking machinery industry set strategy for development

  14. 一忌攀比挥霍, 宜未雨绸缪, 居安思危。

    Squandered a bogey comparisons, should take precautions and be prepared.

  15. 保持居安思危的思想以便你不会失足。

    Be sure where your next step will fall so that you will not stumble.

  16. 居安思危转变观念提高航空气象服务质量

    Changing mind and meeting challenges to improve service quality in aviation meteorological work

  17. 居安思危的警号,此刻应该在人人心中亮起。

    The alarm has been raised and everyone should now be prepared for danger in times of peace.

  18. 居安思危,最为保险。安道尔的本地人或居民。

    He is most free from danger, who even when safe, is on guard. a native or inhabitant of Andorra.

  19. 史家龟鉴犹如一面镜子,使我们时刻居安思危。

    Lessons of the past are held up as a mirror for the present and future, reminding us to always be prepared for danger in times of peace.

  20. 史家龟鉴犹如一面镜子,使我们时刻居安思危。

    Lessons of the past are held up as a mirror for the present and future, reminding us to always be prepared for danger in times of peace.

  21. 但是有一点还是需要指出的的, 人们都应该居安思危。

    But one thing still needs to be pointed out, people should be vigilant in times of peace.

  22. 尽管赢了努曼西亚,但居安思危,皇马仍要拉响空袭警报。

    Although has won the Numan West Asia, but danger in peace, Realmadrid must sound air alarm.

  23. 美国人只是在战争时期和战后才变成居安思危型的消费者。

    Americans became smoothie consumers only during and after the war.


  1. 问:居安思危拼音怎么拼?居安思危的读音是什么?居安思危翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居安思危的读音是jū'ānsīwēi,居安思危翻译成英文是 be prepared for danger in times of peace...



“居安思危”是个多义词,它可以指居安思危(汉语成语), 居安思危(司马光著古文), 居安思危(电视纪录片), 居安思危(魏继昆著图书)。