


1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……


1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……




养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……



汉语拼音:wáng yáng bǔ láo





《战国策·楚策四》:“亡羊而补牢,未为迟也。” 丢了羊再去修补羊圈,还不算迟。比喻出了问题以后,想办法补救,免得再受损失。牢:牲口圈。



  • 【解释】:亡:逃亡,丢失;牢:关牲口的圈。羊逃跑了再去修补羊圈,还不算晚。比喻出了问题以后想办法补救,可以防止继续受损失。
  • 【出自】:《战国策·楚策》:“见兔而顾犬,未为晚也;亡羊而补牢,未为迟也。”
  • 【示例】:张学良始则失地,今幸固守锦州,~,可称晚悟。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作主语、谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen.


  2. Instead, it is much better to Make the best of a bad job - to do your best whatever the situation.


  3. You have made a good many terrible blunders, It is time for you to correct them. lt is better late than never.


  4. As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend.


  5. I applaud Unicom for finally realizing its mistake and moving to rectify it with a mass purchase of lower-cost phones.


  6. The earliest moment is when you think its too late.


  7. So far, there are a lot of software system of holding up and avoiding attack, but, these software systems focus on external in break.


  8. James: It's never too late, you know.


  9. I wished you'd unclench your fists and unpack your suitcase. Lately there's been too much of this, don't think it's too late.


  1. 亡羊补牢。

    When the calf is stolen, the farmer mends the stall.

  2. 是的,亡羊补牢,是吧

    Yeah.Better late than never,right?

  3. 是的,亡羊补牢,是吧?

    Yeah. Better late than never, right?

  4. 亡羊补牢未为晚矣。

    Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.

  5. 贼去关门。亡羊补牢。

    Lock the barn after the horse is stolen.

  6. 贼出关门,亡羊补牢。

    Lock the stable door after the lowe is stoler.

  7. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。

    Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

  8. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。

    Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

  9. 亡羊补牢,贼去关门。

    To shut the stable door when the steed is stolen.

  10. 我们应该避免亡羊补牢。

    We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.

  11. 亡羊补牢, 犹为未晚

    it is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost

  12. 亡羊补牢, 犹未为晚。

    It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.

  13. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

    It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.

  14. 我们要未雨绸缪不能亡羊补牢。

    We should take precautions rather than mend the fold after the sheep is lost.

  15. 虽然亡羊补牢,但损失已经发生了。

    But the damage was already done.

  16. 过则勿惮改。亡羊补牢, 为时不晚

    Never too late to mend

  17. 虽然是亡羊补牢,总比不教好。

    Which means better late than never.

  18. 改过不嫌迟。亡羊补牢, 未为晚也。

    He is never too late to mend.

  19. 我捅出了一些篓子,希望能亡羊补牢。

    I messed something up. I'm trying to make amends.

  20. 作为亡羊补牢之举, 这些措施很有必要。

    As is better late than never the action, these measures have the necessity very much.

  21. 不要再拖拖拉拉了, 亡羊补牢为时未晚!

    Stop putting things off. It's never too late to take precautions after suffering a loss.

  22. 不要再拖拖拉拉了,亡羊补牢为时未晚!

    Stop putting things off. It's never too late to take precautions after suffering a loss.

  23. 如果我们犯的错是不能再亡羊补牢的又怎么办?

    What if're making a mistake can't undo ?

  24. 到警察局去自首,你应该知道亡羊补牢的重要性。

    Surrender to the police and you should realize the essentiality of it.

  25. 北京的统治者们才亡羊补牢的费心思去亲近他的敌人。

    Rulers in Beijing are belatedly trying to befriend his enemies.

  26. 亡羊补牢的意思是做错了事情即时改正还来得及。

    Remedial measures means the wrong things still have time to correct immediately.

  27. 成语亡羊补牢就是由庄辛对楚王的回答而来。

    The idiom Mend the fold after a sheep is lost comes from Zhuang Xin's answer to the king.

  28. 所谓换位思考,不过是一个亡羊补牢式的方式。

    The socalled transposition thinking, but a better mode.

  29. 所谓换位思考,不过是一个亡羊补牢式得方式。

    The socalled transposition thinking, but a better mode.

  30. 玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。

    After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen.


  1. 问:亡羊补牢拼音怎么拼?亡羊补牢的读音是什么?亡羊补牢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡羊补牢的读音是wángyángbǔláo,亡羊补牢翻译成英文是 better late than never



“亡羊补牢”是个多义词,它可以指亡羊补牢(《战国策楚策四》典故), 亡羊补牢(史光辉演唱歌曲), 亡羊补牢(汉语成语)。