




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……













  1. 佛教语。比喻佛菩萨说法时震慑一切外道邪说的神威。见《维摩经·佛国品》。


  2. 泛指传经说法。

    唐 刘禹锡 《送鸿举游江西》诗:“与师相见便谈空,想得高斋狮子吼。” 宋 杨万里 《都下和同舍客李元老承信赠诗之韵》:“诗流倡和秋虫鸣,僧房问答狮子吼。” 明 李贽 《说法因由》:“务狮子吼,无野狐禪。”参见“ 师子吼 ”。

  3. 喻悍妻怒骂之声。

    宋 苏轼 《寄吴德仁兼简陈季常》诗:“ 龙丘 居士亦可怜,谈空説有夜不眠;忽闻 河东 狮子吼,拄杖落手心茫然。”按, 宋 陈慥 (字 季常 )好谈佛,而其妻悍妒,故 苏轼 以佛家语赋诗戏之。亦省作“ 狮吼 ”。《再生缘》第五四回:“龙图惧内愁狮吼,难道説,朕亦低头怕尔强?” 清 赵翼 《西岩招同沉既堂王梦楼两前辈燕集》诗:“閫政严或跪请咎,君家伉儷无狮吼。”参见“ 河东狮吼 ”。



  1. I present to you an excerpt of that work "Simhanandini. "


  2. no , i teach eighty - four thousand methods . and the " lion roar " method , you often experience , so don task me anymore.


  3. Does this mean the end of films opening with a lion's roar?


  4. To enlist all existing Pak Hok Pai, Lama Pai, Hop Gar, Lion's Roar schools, organization or class.


  5. King Lion's Roar headed their number.


  6. The lion roar come birds, bear the elephant blind nonsense, the festival together make;


  7. Namo lion roar comfortable king Bali Buddha


  8. the Sutra of the Tathagata's Lion's Roar


  1. 狮子吼叫。

    Lions roar.

  2. 狮子吼了。

    The lion roared.

  3. 这狮子吼叫。

    The lion roars.

  4. 国王狮子吼排在数字的前面。

    King Lion's Roar headed their number.

  5. 他们要像少壮狮子咆哮, 像小狮子吼叫。

    Her people all roar like young lions, they growl like lion cubs.

  6. 耶5138他们要像少壮狮子咆哮, 小狮子吼叫。

    They will roar together like young lions, They will growl like lions cubs.

  7. 他们在一起要像少壮狮子咆哮, 像小狮子吼叫。

    They will roar together like young lions They will growl like lionswhelps.

  8. 大声呼喊,好像狮子吼叫,呼喊完了,就有七雷发声。

    And he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke.

  9. 王的忿怒, 好像狮子吼叫他的恩典, 却如草上的甘露。

    A kings rage is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

  10. 狮子吼叫,谁不惧怕呢。主耶和华发命,谁能不说预言呢。

    The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?

  11. 王的威吓,如同狮子吼叫。惹动他怒的,是自害己命。

    A king's wrath is like the roar of a lion; he who angers him forfeits his life.

  12. 狮子在吼。

    The lion is roaring.

  13. 一头狮子在吼叫。

    A lion was bealing.

  14. 我要像狮子那样吼叫

    I will snarl like a lion

  15. 他能模拟狮子的吼叫。

    He can imitate a lion's roar.

  16. 这只狮子大吼一声。

    The lion gave a loud roar.

  17. 狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。

    The lion roared once, and sprang.

  18. 她被狮子的吼叫声吓呆了。

    She was frightened by the roars of a lion.

  19. 那只狮子大吼一声把孩子们吓得半死。

    The lion's roar scared the kids to death.

  20. 你是不是疯了?为什么像狮子一样大吼大叫?

    Have you gone mad? Why are you roaring your head off like a lion?

  21. 我听见狮子在笼中吼叫。

    I heard the lions roaring in their cages.

  22. 这只狮子正威风凛凛地吼叫着。

    The lion was roaring triumphantly.

  23. 为力量和勇气的狮子说出而且吼。

    The lion for the strength and courage to speak out and roar.

  24. 狮子很生气, 大吼起来。

    The lion was very angry, and roared.

  25. 他们向我张口,好像抓撕吼叫的狮子。

    They gaped upon me with their mouths a ravening and a roaring lion.

  26. 他们向我大大地张嘴,像抓撕吼叫的狮子。

    They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.

  27. 狮子醒来就大声吼,跌了下来了他对小老鼠爪子。

    The Lion awoke with a loud roar, and down came his paw over the little Mouse.

  28. 狮子正在发出胜利的吼叫。

    The lion was roaring triumphantly.

  29. 随着一声吼叫, 呼地从树林里窜出一只狮子来。

    Following the roar, out rushed a lion from among the bushes.