


1. 跳 [tiào]2. 跳 [táo]跳 [tiào]两脚离地全身向上或向前的动作:~跃。~水。~荡。~跶。~高。~远。~舞。弹(tán )~。暴~如雷。~梁小丑(指上蹿下跳,兴风作浪的微不足道的坏人)。越过:~班。~棋。~槽。一起一伏……


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:tiào gē







  1. 跳跃歌唱。

    《文选·左思<魏都赋>》“或明发而嬥歌” 张载 注引 三国 魏 何晏 曰:“ 巴 子謳歌,相引牵连手而跳歌也。”

  2. 彝 白 等族人民的一种集体性传统歌舞。逢节日喜庆举行,十余人到数百人不等,以笛子、三弦月琴、芦笙等伴奏。跳时围成一圆圈,动作以腿部变化为主,激烈粗犷。边舞边唱对歌。古称蹋歌,也称打歌、跳乐。“阿细跳月”即属“跳歌”的一种。



  1. 网络
  2. poweramp

  1. 你婚礼的时候会跳哪首歌?

    What will you dance to at your wedding ?

  2. 我们一起唱傣族歌,跳傣族舞吧。

    Lets sing Dai songs and dance.

  3. 我们一起唱傣族歌,跳傣族舞吧。

    Lets sing Dai songs and dance.

  4. 学会做一道菜,唱一首歌,跳一支舞。

    Learn to make a dinner, sing a song, dance for heart.

  5. 伴因为他们热情的高涨,他们唱起歌,跳起舞来。

    As their enthusiasm grew, they began to sing and dance.

  6. 我总是跳过那首歌。

    I always skip that song.

  7. 在音乐房唱唱跳跳唱一首歌

    In the music room sing and dance sing a song

  8. 他不仅唱了歌,而且跳了舞。

    He not only sang but also danced.

  9. 我高中舞会跳的舞曲就是这歌

    I danced to this at my senior prom.

  10. 她不仅舞跳得优美, 而且歌也唱得很好。

    Not only does she dance gracefully, but she also sings very well.

  11. 我希望我的歌能让他们吓一跳。

    I hope it will make them jump back a little.

  12. 谁以前没有听过那首歌和跳过舞?

    Who hasn't heard that song and dance before ?

  13. 其中一个走着跳着, 而另一个快乐地唱着歌。

    One as running and jumping, and one was singing happily.

  14. 山村解放了,村民们都欢跳起舞,为自由而高歌。

    The village was emancipated, and the villagers all jumped for joy singing loudly for liberty.

  15. 山村解放了,村民们都欢跳起舞,为自由而高歌。

    The village was emancipated, and the villagers all jumped for joy singing loudly for liberty.

  16. 唱支歌吧,在悲伤的时候跳个舞吧,在快乐的时候。

    Sing a song, When I am in distress. Dance with the song, When I am be happy.

  17. 谁以前没有听过那首歌和跳过舞?说明白点。

    Who hasn't heard that song and dance before ?Talk about catchy.

  18. 哈维跳了一会儿舞,唱了一支不成调的现编的歌。

    Harvey did a little dance and sang a tuneless, improvised song.

  19. 并且我也非常喜欢跳着舞去感受整首歌的鼓点。

    And I also like the drum beat along with the dance feel to the song.

  20. 知更鸟跳到墙上的一根老藤上, 唱起他最动听的歌。

    The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall, and sang his most beautiful song.

  21. 当一首歌非常流行的时候,有人就会跳出来,说是自己写的。

    When a song gets to the top, someone will come out of the woodwork and claim to have written it.

  22. 四年前, 谷歌纵身一跃, 跳进这个酱缸, 却忘了捎上自己的准则。

    Google jumped into this jar four ago but forgot to bring their principles with them.

  23. 他们用手语唱了一首歌和跳扇舞给我看,我真的很感动。

    They used sign language to sing me a song and did a fan dance for me. I was really moved.