











汉语拼音:fǎn fǎn fù fù







  1. To and fro, repeatedly escape, no longer young and ignorant, but, what can also be negative number weight bear long, really do not know. MS.


  2. round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him.


  3. It was that hands-on iterative process which is so much like vernacular design and folk design in traditional cultures.


  4. Ms Whitman is now open to charges of hypocrisy, after pledging ad nauseam for a year to hold employers of illegal immigrants "accountable" .


  5. But southern election campaigns can be a brutal business, and the IRA's many murders and other misdeeds will be repeatedly hurled at him.


  6. I don't think it was someone telling me, as much as seeing how much value you could get if people work together.


  7. Finally, campaigns demand heaps of money these days: TV ads are not cheap to design or to broadcast ad nauseam.


  8. eagerly waiting in the sun and his smiling face and then back to the clouds, back and forth several times.


  9. It is clearly possible, moreover, for a particular style to come in and go out of fashion repeatedly.


  1. 反反复复地说

    over and over and over.

  2. 病情反反复复的

    It comes and goes.

  3. 我们反反复复,反反复复。

    and we came back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.

  4. 反反复复说无意义的话

    jabber away.

  5. 别反反复复说这个了, 混蛋!

    Don't rub it in, asshole!

  6. 这余味反反复复,泛起沉下。

    I want to reach in and pull it out.

  7. 然而我还是反反复复的爱, 爱, 爱!

    yet we reiterate love! love! love!

  8. 反反复复直到人们买下它。

    over and over and over again until they bought it.

  9. 他反反复复地讲自己的胜利。

    He rubbed in his victory.

  10. 这样反反复复,又过了几年。

    Lather, rinse and repeat for several years.

  11. 他反反复复斟酌再三,伏案疾书。

    After considering it again and again, he quickly wrote it down.

  12. 令人神经紧张的反反复复的噪音

    Repeated noises that fray the nerves.

  13. 他的态度反反复复,叫人难以捉摸。

    He's always chopping and changing, and you just can't tell where he stands.

  14. 我们不能把一本书反反复复地读!

    We can't read the same things over and over!

  15. 我每天反反复复的数着安杰的归期。

    I counted every day the date when jack would return.

  16. 因为你反反复复一直想着同样的事情。

    Because you continue to think the same thoughts over and over again.

  17. 不再让自己暴露在反反复复出现压力中。

    Stop exposing yourself to stresses that occur over and over.

  18. 演讲者把他的想法反反复复灌输给听众。

    The lecturer dung his notion into the audience's ears.

  19. 比如说它得文体,其文体是反反复复地重复得。

    The style, for example, over and over again the style is repetitious.

  20. 比如说它的文体,其文体是反反复复地重复的。

    The style,for example, over and over again the style is repetitious.

  21. 孩子们都喜欢反反复复地听快乐有趣的故事。

    Kids love to hear fun and interesting stories repeatedly.

  22. 你的父亲有没有开始反反复复问一个问题?

    Has your dad started to ask the same questions, over and over?

  23. 因此魔术师就放任自己反反复复做同样的把戏。

    So the magician allowed himself to do the same tricks over and over again.

  24. 民主党的广告反反复复用美军士兵的坟墓做文章。

    Democratic ads linger over the graves of American soldiers.

  25. 反反复复,这些思想观念也开始失去了其内在价值。

    Due to repetition, these ideas also begin to have no intrinsic value.

  26. 突然间,似乎索然无味且反反复复的音乐生动了起来。

    Suddenly music that seemed dull and repetitive comes alive.

  27. 这是我们一生中要反反复复作出的基本选择。

    That is the fundamental choice we make over and over and over again in life.

  28. 秋日的忧伤,将我带入一个梦境,一个反反复复出现的梦境。

    Sad autumn will bring me a dream, an iterative dreams occur.

  29. 我付出的情有多深重, 反反复复的爱不能相拥。

    I pay the sentiment has gravely, the repeated love cannot support.

  30. 而各方对这种反反复复的沟通似乎都并不介意。

    All parties seemed tolerant of the back and forth.



反反复复是汉语词汇,拼音是fǎn fǎn fù fù,释义为一遍又一遍,多次重复。亦作“反反覆覆”。