


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……





汉语拼音:shèng diǎn







  1. 重大的典章制度。

    《后汉书·皇后纪下·陈夫人》:“隆 汉 盛典,尊崇母氏,凡在外戚,莫不加宠。” 宋 秦观 《官制下》:“循名可知其器,而缘实亦得其文,可谓帝王之盛典矣。”

  2. 盛大的典礼。

    《隋书·音乐志上》:“盛典弗愆,羣望咸秩。” 宋 苏轼 《贺明堂赦书表》之一:“宗祀告成,修累朝之盛典;端门肆眚,答万宇之欢心。” 清 褚人穫 《坚瓠馀集·杂流登第》:“不知此例废於何时,使杂职遗贤,不克躬逢盛典,为可憾也。” 方纪 《歌声和笛音》:“好像要开始什么盛典,广场上静极了。”

  3. 隆重的恩典。

    明 田艺蘅 《留青日札摘抄·宅》:“许令子孙永远居住,如此不惟厉仕者廉谨之心,亦祖父舍宅门廕子孙之盛典也。”《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“圣运龙兴,闢门访落,此乃帝王盛典。”



  1. The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide.


  2. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the 2001 American Music Awards.


  3. While Jackie was in Beijing this past week, he took time out to record a song for a musical show celebrating China's 100 Years of Cinema.


  4. His Oscar performance and acceptance speech was one of the most memorable at this year's awards.


  5. Despite his performance at the Oscars ceremony and being caught up in all the glitz and adulation, Rahman is a reluctant star.


  6. Every effort will be used to make the opening and closing ceremonies into a set of most colorful and distinctive cultural celebrations.


  7. ht. The next day brought about more press and of course the awards show.


  8. "Like a royal wedding, intercourse with a loved one is an unforgettable occasion, " the website continues.


  9. her mission to take audiences on a journey that moves from reggae dance party one minute to a meditative, thoughtful state the next.


  1. 大典,盛典

    great ceremony.

  2. 服装协会年度盛典

    The Annual Costume Institute Pala

  3. 盛典时刻2006年多哈亚运会!

    Time for the Asian Games 2004, Doha!

  4. 为什么要策划首尔电视剧盛典

    How were the Seoul Drama Awards first planned

  5. 我们全都被邀请参加这次盛典。

    We are all invited to take part in the pageant.

  6. 盛典公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行

    A public celebration or spectacular pageant.

  7. 首尔电视剧盛典独有得特色是什么?

    What characteristics are unique to the SDA?

  8. 首尔电视剧盛典独有的特色是什么?

    What characteristics are unique to the SDA ?

  9. 议会的开幕式是极其隆重的盛典之一。

    The opening of Parliament is one of the great state occasions.

  10. 它已发展成为举世闻名的盛典了。

    It has grown into an internationally renowned event.

  11. 李建生, 赵君玫, 郭盛典, 等。

    Li JS, Zhao JM, Guo SD, et al.

  12. 明白!我不会让银河系错过这个盛典的!

    I know! I wouldn't miss it for the galaxy!

  13. 白宫南草坪一向是举行盛典礼仪的地方。

    The White House South Lawn is a place for pomp and pruticalprotocol.

  14. 白宫南草坪一向是举行盛典礼仪得地方。

    The White House South Lawn is a place for pomp and pruticalprotocol.

  15. 游行盛典将会是古老与现代的奇特融合。

    The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.

  16. 与您一同见证2007北京国际艺术博览会10周年盛典。

    Witness the Tenth Decade Ceremony of 2007 Beijing International Art Exposition.

  17. 我们为这场足球和团结的盛典深感自豪。

    We are proud of this great celebration of football and unity.

  18. 让我们的开幕式成为世界的盛典而不是单一民族的。

    Make our opening ceremony a world event, not a national one.

  19. 本次盛典封锁了麦迪逊大道和邦德街。

    The event shut down swathes of Madison Avenue and Bond Street.

  20. 在1980年的全美音乐盛典上,赢得了三个奖项。

    Michael Jackson won three American Music Awards in 1980.

  21. 东正教教徒们开始庆祝圣诞节,他们的庆祝盛典将持续。

    Eastern Orthodox Christians are celebrating Christmas Day, starting a festal season which will last for twelve days till the Baptism holiday.

  22. 如果环保运动有盛典,那么世界地球日当之不愧。

    If the environmental movement has a high holiday, Earth Day is it.

  23. 公主那时即将成婚,人人都在首都等待这一盛典。

    The princess is get marry,and everyone is in town for the great occasion.

  24. 公主那时即将成婚, 人人都在城里等待这一盛典。

    The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion.

  25. 盛典日历中填满了时尚秀、艺术展和访谈会。

    The events calendar is filled with fashion shows, art exhibitions and talks.

  26. 百年奥运盛典将在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行。

    The centennial Olympics will be in Atlanta, Georgia.

  27. 临近盛典的几个月里,许多人参加了准备工作。

    In the months leading up to the great ceremony, many people took part in the preparations.

  28. 因此,广告公司每年都会忙于想象他们的最新盛典。

    So every year, the advertising agency gets busy dreaming up its latest extravaganza.

  29. 全英音乐奖是英国唱片产业协会的年度流行音乐盛典。

    The BRIT Awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards.

  30. 近年来,它也开始成为最大的新媒体年度盛典之一。

    In recent years it has also become one of the biggest new media events of the year.


  1. 问:盛典拼音怎么拼?盛典的读音是什么?盛典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛典的读音是shèngdiǎn,盛典翻译成英文是 grand ceremony



盛典 shèng diǎn 名词 1.重大的典章制度。《后汉书·皇后纪下·陈夫人》:“隆汉盛典,尊崇母氏,凡在外戚,莫不加宠。” 宋·秦观 《官制下》:“循名可知其器,而缘实亦得其文,可谓帝王之盛典矣。” 2.盛大的典礼。大规模的、隆重的仪式。《隋书·音乐志上》:“盛典弗愆,羣望咸秩。” 宋·苏轼 《贺明堂赦书表》之一:“宗祀告成,修累朝之盛典;端门肆眚,答万宇之欢心。” 清·褚人获 《坚瓠馀集·杂流登第》:“不知此例废於何时,使杂职遗贤,不克躬逢盛典,为可憾也。” 3.隆重的恩典。 明·田艺蘅 《留青日札摘抄·宅》:“许令子孙永远居住,如此不惟厉仕者廉谨之心,亦祖父舍宅门廕子孙之盛典也。”《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“圣运龙兴,辟门访落,此乃帝王盛典。”