


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà diǎn




1.国家举行的隆重 盛大的典礼:开国~。




  1. 重要的典籍。

    《后汉书·郑玄传论》:“ 郑玄 括囊大典,网罗众家。” 金 王若虚 《论语辨惑四》:“《洪范》一书,诚为大典,然亦归 周 之后,因 武王 之问而陈之耳。”

  2. 国家重要的典章、法令。

    南朝 梁 任昉 《<王文宪集>序》:“至於军国远图,刑政大典,既道在廊庙,则理擅民宗。” 清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·轶闻·戊午科场之案》:“ 肃顺 等力言取士大典关係至重,亟宜执法以惩积习。”

  3. 盛大隆重的典礼。

    《南齐书·王俭传》:“时大典将行, 俭 为佐命,礼仪詔策,皆出於 俭 。” 清 沉初 《清西笔记》卷二:“凡遇大典,恭进诗册,各衙门分函汇进。” 徐迟 《凤翔》:“九月三十日的夜晚,人民政协闭幕后,他参加了开国大典前夕的大宴。”



  1. I've just looked back through past issues to see when we stopped calling him Mr da Silva: the answer is when he took office in 2003.


  2. The show being over, the flutter in the air became quite a little storm, and the precious little bells went ringing down-stairs.


  3. Although without a ceremonial parade in 1974, there were still some activities held at the Summer Palace and places like this.


  4. This is the end of Luzhen ceremony, the ceremony to pay tribute to try and meet Fushen, worship for the coming year a year of good luck.


  5. So the king praised the cloth, and decided to wear the new clothes and rejoice with the people, and refresh his city with a great parade.


  6. In terms of the material collected in "Yong Le Da Dian" , this paper makes a research on its initial categories.


  7. In the Law of Ming Dynasty and the revised "courtesy law" and "criminal law" , there were many legal regulations about punishing heresy.


  8. The only presidents who plan to attend his inauguration are those of Panama and Taiwan.


  9. It contains and is surrounded by halls, museums, and monuments, including the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, where Mao's body rests in state.


  1. 大典,盛典

    great ceremony.

  2. 美国俚语大典

    A dictionary of American slang.

  3. 永乐大典考

    study on Yongle Cannon.

  4. 开国大典, 开天辟地


  5. 永乐大典本

    the edition compiled in Yongle Canon.

  6. 鸣礼炮21响开始了大典。

    The cermony was opened by the firing of a19gun salute.

  7. 密苏里号战舰上的大典

    The Great Ceremony on the Battleship Missouri

  8. 我也参加了他们的结婚大典。

    I was at their wedding too.

  9. 歌星王菲参加了安奉大典。

    Chinese singer Faye Wong participated in the ceremony.

  10. 不是。文婉皇后册封大典启行。

    The coronation ceremony of Her Majesty the Empress Wan will now commence.

  11. 希望明天的开幕大典平安成功。

    I hope there will be a peaceful opening ceremony, and a successful Olympics.

  12. 王室的婚丧大典也常在这里举行。

    Royal wedding ceremony is often held here.

  13. 我能参加开国大典那真是十分荣幸。

    It is my pleasure to attend the Ceremony of the founding of the PRC.

  14. 永乐大典和四库全书是什么样的书?

    What Kinds of Books are Yongle Dadian and Siku Quanshu ?

  15. 传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。

    I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month.

  16. 南山海上观音圣像开光大典接待活动。

    Activity of reception of opening ceremony of the holly sculpture of Guanyin in nanshan.

  17. 他为国庆大典写了激情澎湃的颂辞。

    He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the National Day.

  18. 昨天, 我参加了在北京举行的祭孔大典。

    I attended a birthday party in Beijing yesterday for Confucius.

  19. 值此国家大典,我们谦卑地祈求上帝赐福。

    In this dedication of a nation we humbly ask the blessing of God.

  20. 没能冲淡他对那次授奖大典的回忆。

    nor anything else had been able to efface the memory of this crowning.

  21. 没想到, 却要用在我的册封大典上。

    However, it is now used in my coronation.

  22. 离册封大典还有两天, 我怕我绣不好。

    The coronation is only two days away. I fear this will not be ready in time.

  23. 这一声明是平壤在举行国庆大典时发表的。

    The comments come as Pyongyang celebratesa major milestone.

  24. 这场婚礼得意味和时机, 就像他得人生大典。

    This ceremony's meaning and the opportunity, look like his life grand ceremony.

  25. 这场婚礼的意味和时机, 就像他的人生大典。

    This ceremony's meaning and the opportunity, look like his life grand ceremony.

  26. 我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。

    I hope that you will do better at my coronation.

  27. 大典之前, 我国就成立了委员会, 征集国旗国徽图案。

    Before the ceremony, a committee was set up to solicit designs for the flag and the emblem.

  28. 但总督主持的奠基大典上我们看到的又是什么。

    But what did we witness in the great pandal in which the foundation ceremony was performed by the Viceroy.

  29. 中和殿是皇帝举行大典前小憩或演习礼仪的地方。

    Zhonghedian was the room for taking rests before ceremonies and the place for rehearsing rites.

  30. 工人们直到完成了国庆60年大典的所有准备工作才离开。

    The workers they finished all the work of china is60 th national celebration.


  1. 问:大典拼音怎么拼?大典的读音是什么?大典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大典的读音是dàdiǎn,大典翻译成英文是 grand ceremony



1.[collection of great classics]∶重要的典籍。 《后汉书·郑玄传论》:“郑玄括囊大典,网罗众家。” [金朝]王若虚《论语辨惑四》:“《洪范》一书,诚为大典,然亦归周之后,因武王之问而陈之耳。” 2.[a body of the classic documents of the nation]∶国家重要的典章、法令。 [南朝·梁]任昉《〈王文宪集〉序》:“至于军国远图,刑政大典,既道在廊庙,则理擅民宗。” [清]薛福成《庸盦笔记·轶闻·戊午科场之案》:“肃顺等力言取士大典关系至重,亟宜执法以惩积习。” 3.[grand ceremony]∶盛大隆重的典礼。如:开国大典。 《南齐书·王俭传》:“时大典将行,俭为佐命,礼仪诏策,皆出于俭。” [明]《东江疏揭塘报节抄》:“除一而移会登莱巡抚(袁可立)外,既经委臣查勘前来,合行覆请,伏乞皇上亟赐册号封典敕于该部,速遣使臣航海前来,不致风高浪阻,误敕封大典,并误疆场大事也。” [清]沈初《清西笔记》卷二:“凡遇大典,恭进诗册,各衙门分函汇进。” 鲁迅《祝福》:“这是鲁镇年终的大典。”