







汉语拼音:dǔ qì








  1. 负气;因为不满意或受指责而任性行动。

    元 武汉臣 《玉壶春》第三折:“小生被那虔婆板障,赌气离了他门。”《儒林外史》笰二二回:“ 牛浦 赌气,来家拿了一床被,搬在庵里来住。” 巴金 《春》三:“好,你们主仆串通起来拿我取笑,我下次赌气不再来了。”



  1. Sixth, talked to me again allowed a fit of anger, are not allowed to happen again yesterday afternoon, things to see you more sad ah!


  2. Not tuned to the race call for a small problem into a tantrum, child abuse people.


  3. Lin mei mei's mind too much people: today want to treasure brother and I said 1 how anger of words?


  4. Though Uzbekistan ejected an American base in a fit of pique, it still hosts a German one, used to supply German troops in Afghanistan.


  5. I look at my package so ugly, do not pack in a fit of anger.


  6. I thought I would spend the rest of the evening with her and avoid bickering with Iva and going to sleep in raw temper.


  7. But it will not cut off its nose to spite its face and spark a full-fledged trade war with its largest creditor.


  8. After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth.


  9. these children are less happy - even if they succeed in getting attention - than children who do not sulk.


  1. 赌气做某事

    in a fit of pique.

  2. 他赌气走了。

    He left in a fit of pique.

  3. 他非常的赌气。

    He is very angry.

  4. 我赌气而走。

    I would throw up the sponge and walk out.

  5. 那孩子赌气不吃饭。

    The child took sulks, and would not eat.

  6. 她一赌气就走了。

    She went off in a fit of pique.

  7. 她赌气跳进了喷水池。

    She jumped in the fountain for a bet.

  8. 如果你赌气, 去开个玩笑。

    If you're angry, joke around.

  9. 假如你赌气, 去开个玩笑。

    If you're enraged, joke about.

  10. 这小姑娘赌气不吃饭了。

    The little girl took sulks and would not eat.

  11. 因为赌气, 像是分开左右,

    Undaunted, Sunder Ramans unfaltering affection will continue to keep his family together.

  12. 我真想一赌气扯了这日记。

    I want to take this diary and rip it into shreds.

  13. 她将会赌气,几天不理睬你。

    She will go into a sulk and cut you for days.

  14. 他觉得受了委屈, 一赌气就走了。

    Feeling he had been wronged, he went off in a fit of pique.

  15. 不要赌气在分部里面的人身上。

    Don't take it out on the people inside that branch.

  16. 她听见鸿渐开门, 赌气不肯先开口。

    When she heard him open the door, she spitefully refused to speak first.

  17. 德芙琳小姐是赌气才成为卡尼太太的。

    Miss Devlin had become Mrs.Kearney out of spite.

  18. 晚饭后朋友爽约,我赌气到院子喝啤酒

    After dinner, a friend was absent for our appointment. I moodily took a beer to the garden

  19. 无论咋赌气还是兴奋, 俺老是露在脸上。

    I show everything on my face, whether I am angry or pleased.

  20. 他们有时意见不一致,会赌气不和对方说话。

    Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other.

  21. 赌气是拿他做错的事来科罚自身。

    The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself.

  22. 我做了一个慎重的决定, 绝不是一时赌气。

    I made a conscious decision. It wasnt a moment of pique.

  23. 郝思嘉赌气嫁给韩媚兰得弟弟查尔斯。

    Scarlett pouted marry Melanie's brother Charles Han.

  24. 把终身利益作为赌气的本钱, 后果必定是得不偿失。

    Take lifelong profits for a pique will make you cost.

  25. 也不会为一点小事发脾气成赌气, 自虐虐人。

    Not tuned to the race call for a small problem into a tantrum, child abuse people.

  26. 现在我才知道你是在和我赌气,你让我非常紧张!

    Now I know you are in and I have a fit of anger, you make me very nervous!

  27. 恋爱中的大人们就没有一时赌气而留下的悔恨吗?

    Love the big people there will be no a fit of anger and regret left do?

  28. 有时我会为这些事跟父亲赌气,但时间都不会长。

    Sometimes I would be angry with him, but not for long.

  29. 你不是在赌气做这份工作吧?我希望你是真正想在这工作。

    Do you take this job on the rebound? I hope you actually want to work here.

  30. 威利?旺卡别碰松鼠们的松果!那会使它们赌气的!

    Willy Wonka Dont touch that squirrels nuts! Itll make him crazy!


  1. 问:赌气拼音怎么拼?赌气的读音是什么?赌气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赌气的读音是dǔqì,赌气翻译成英文是 act rashly out of a sense of injustice




【读音】dǔ qì


【出处】元·武汉臣 《玉壶春》第三折:“小生被那虔婆板障,赌气离了他门。”

【示例】《儒林外史》笰二二回:“ 牛浦赌气,来家拿了一床被,搬在庵里来住。” 巴金《春》三:“好,你们主仆串通起来拿我取笑,我下次赌气不再来了。”
