







汉语拼音:yuán xíng








  1. 原来形状;本来面目。含贬义。

    清 李渔 《比目鱼·巧会》:“露原形,休遮蔽。破羣疑,销惊悸。” 洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第一幕:“ 陈太太 :哪知不消几天,男子的原形就现了出来。” 峻青 《瑞雪图》:“在这种情况下,造谣煽动的坏分子,则在人民面前暴露了原形,失去了活动的市场。”



  1. In this phrase "to" is a preposition, not an infinitive sign, so it should be followed by a noun or a gerund, not the root form of a verb.


  2. She said, he who gets the crystal ball, and holds it before the enchanter, will destroy his power with it, and I shall resume my true shape.


  3. What she did not know was that Lilli was based on a prostitute in "a German adult cartoon aimed at men. "


  4. EPS is often designed with ribs that will compress on impact and return to its original shape.


  5. First, there was this absolutely stunning Ice Sculpture that was shaped in the form of her and her new grooms initials.


  6. Equally, the subject can try and clarify the situation by imagining it in terms of the archetypal ideas associated with each card.


  7. Mercedes engineers are driving a prototype in Germany that has no steering wheel, accelerator or brake pedals.


  8. Dante: How much longer are you going to keep zapping ? Come out and show yourself Mundus! !


  9. With his fortune dissipated, the black sheep reduced to what he was before: doing odd-jobs, earning slender income, eating frugal meal.


  1. 原形化合物

    protype compound.

  2. 形容词原形

    adjective original form.

  3. 原形复合词

    primary compound.

  4. 狡猾的原形

    The very avatar of cunning.

  5. 语义原形模式

    semantic prototype model.

  6. 原形滤波器

    prototype filters.

  7. 作原形食品

    Fo making food with yellow mealworm as original material.

  8. 它现出原形。

    it makes it true.

  9. 原形质性连续

    protoplasmic continuity

  10. 这么快就原形毕露了。

    That didn't take long.

  11. 伪善在你面前原形毕露。

    You have a good eye for spotting hypocrisy.

  12. 那叛徒不久就原形毕露。

    The traitor displayed his cloven foot before long.

  13. 在事实面前,他原形毕露。

    He revealed his real nature in front of the facts.

  14. 有几种恢复原形的方法。

    There are several ways to spring back into shape.

  15. 简缩词语与原形词语的差异

    The Difference Between Abbreviative Words and Original Words

  16. 祈使句使用动词原形。

    The imperative is the same as the base form of a verb.

  17. 与原形毕露的一个古铜色雕像。

    A bronze statue with feet of clay.

  18. 置於动词原形之前, 构成不定式。

    Used immediately before the simple form of a v to form the infinitive.

  19. 度母的原形是印度神话的女神。

    Tara is the Feminine Goddess Archetype in Hindu Mythology.

  20. 修复重建重制使像原形。

    repair rebuild as before reconstruct so that it is like the original.

  21. 青蛙魔女立刻现出了原形,逃走了。

    Frog Witch immediately show and the frog witch escaped.

  22. 人们往往喜好模仿, 嘲弄真实。原形毕露。

    Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing.

  23. 但芭比娃娃的原形是个真人。

    but the Barbie Doll started out as a human being!

  24. 奥库斯的背景与原形全都不明。

    Orcus background and origins are unknown.

  25. 你和外婆不在,我就原形毕露了

    Without you or grandma, I go back to my native ways.

  26. 他的短篇小说以真人为原形。

    His short story is based on a real person.

  27. 我早就认为他迟早会原形毕露的。

    I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.

  28. 咱们要看一看这些土人的原形本色。

    Let us see the natives in their aboriginal condition

  29. 泰德设计产品,迈克制作原形。

    Ted will design the product, and Mike will make the prototype.

  30. 经过大家轮番地考验, 他终于原形毕露。

    After everybody tested him several times, he finally showed his true colours.


  1. 问:原形拼音怎么拼?原形的读音是什么?原形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形的读音是yuánxíng,原形翻译成英文是 true colours {或} colors

  2. 问:原形毕露拼音怎么拼?原形毕露的读音是什么?原形毕露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形毕露的读音是yuánxíngbìlù,原形毕露翻译成英文是 to show one's true colors; be revealed for wh...

  3. 问:原形质拼音怎么拼?原形质的读音是什么?原形质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形质的读音是,原形质翻译成英文是 plasm

  4. 问:原形光栅拼音怎么拼?原形光栅的读音是什么?原形光栅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形光栅的读音是yuán xíng guāng shān,原形光栅翻译成英文是 original grating

  5. 问:原形态的拼音怎么拼?原形态的的读音是什么?原形态的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形态的的读音是yuán xíng tài de,原形态的翻译成英文是 protomorphic

  6. 问:原形成层拼音怎么拼?原形成层的读音是什么?原形成层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形成层的读音是yuán xíng chéng céng,原形成层翻译成英文是 procambium

  7. 问:原形质的拼音怎么拼?原形质的的读音是什么?原形质的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形质的的读音是,原形质的翻译成英文是 protoplasmic

  8. 问:原形复合词拼音怎么拼?原形复合词的读音是什么?原形复合词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形复合词的读音是yuánxíng fùhécí,原形复合词翻译成英文是 primary compound

  9. 问:原形成层束拼音怎么拼?原形成层束的读音是什么?原形成层束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形成层束的读音是yuán xíng chéng céng shù,原形成层束翻译成英文是 procambial strand

  10. 问:原形质分离拼音怎么拼?原形质分离的读音是什么?原形质分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原形质分离的读音是,原形质分离翻译成英文是 plasmolysis



“原形”是个多义词,它可以指原形(汉语词语), 原形(慕容晓晓演唱歌曲)。