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Among the items on display are a pair of hot-pink furry handcuffs, a toy sailboat and a prosthetic leg.
在这些展品中,有一副毛茸茸的、色彩浓烈的粉红手铐,一艘玩具船和一只假腿。And but for his illness he would have been put in irons, for he was regarded as a determined prison-breaker, and I know not what else.
如果不是因为重病,他必得戴上手铐脚镣,大家都认为他是一个死心塌地的越狱犯,还有许多我不知道的坏话。Houdini performed acts all over Europe and was known as "The Handcuff King. "
胡迪尼在欧洲各地巡回表演,并且以『手铐之王』的名号著称。T-Bag's moves his hands underneath his shirt concealing that he has affixed one side of the handcuffs to his left wrist.
T-Bag的手在他的衬衫内层移动,他消消地将手铐铐在自己的左手上。Although he is still handcuffed, Jack is able to steal one of the agents' guns and make it out of the power plant.
尽管手上仍然戴着手铐,杰克还是设法从一名特工那里夺了一把枪,逃出了电厂外。The handcuffs are a reminder of this , worn underneath his dress shirts , a daily cue not to leave his job or take clients to another firm .
手铐就是这样一种提醒,戴在衬衫的下面,每天暗示自己不要离开工作岗位或者把客户带到另一间公司。The police handcuffs used to fasten round the wrists of a prisoner make his hands securely tied.
警察用来逮捕犯人的手铐,使犯人的手被固定的更加牢固Afterward? 4. The handcuff in the entrance, waits for you to put out a hand.
(周涛)4.手铐在门口,就等你伸手。None of the young boy's experiences from childhood to this moment, sitting handcuffed in a chair, are of his own doing.