







汉语拼音:jù biàn








  1. 急剧的变化。

    茅盾 《三人行》十四:“但凡是一个人,站在这样旋风似的剧变中,他多少总得受点影响。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之二)》十一:“ 望微 眼看着这剧变,他极力想镇压下来,但拥进来的巡捕却越多了,群众更慌乱起来。”



  1. You can apply your own weightings to each variable to see which country may be the next to experience political upheaval.


  2. It is now almost a year since a cataclysmic week for quantitative funds heralded the beginning of the credit crisis.


  3. THE most complete so far in the chain of upheavals to rock the Arab world, Libya's revolution seems to have come surprisingly well packaged.


  4. The stage is set, and the die is cast, and this process of change will happen whatever the Dark Ones try to do, as it is a Divine Decree.


  5. The girl he loves is safe and those "paper tigers" of Assad's security forces will be unable to withstand the wind of change, he believes.


  6. He said the financial services industry would be-changed dramatically by the crisis, emerging with fewer competitors and more regulation.


  7. Preferring to stick to the status quo when faced with unexpected upheaval tends to lead to a sense of helplessness and distress.


  8. I just can't get into a relationship with you without throwing my whole world into upheaval.


  9. At a moment of democratic upheaval, such a thought seems out of fashion.


  1. 冷热剧变试验

    thermal shock test.

  2. 剧变, 迅速的变化

    presto Chango

  3. 要改革, 不要剧变。

    Reform, yes. Upheaval, no.

  4. 情况已发生剧变。

    Conditions have altered radically.

  5. 政治进程中的剧变

    a seismic shift in the political process

  6. 这是剧变的一段时期。

    This is the period of revulsion.

  7. 东欧剧变与腐败的教训

    The Lessons of the Drastic Change and Corruption of Eastern Europe

  8. 战后东欧民族主义与东欧剧变

    Nationalism in Eastern Europe after World War Two and the collapse in Eastern Europe

  9. 然而, 在这次的剧变中,

    And yet, in the midst of this catastrophe

  10. 西方传媒与苏联东欧剧变

    Western Media and the Violent Change of the Soviet Union in Eastern Asia

  11. 家庭的欢乐, 不宁, 剧变等

    domestic bliss, unrest, upheavals, etc

  12. 东欧剧变的原因是多方面的。

    The reason of hamster revulsion is many sided.

  13. 天气剧变的原因还未搞清。

    The reason for this drastic change in temperature is not known yet.

  14. 过去30年的社会剧变也结束了。

    The last 30 years of social upheaval are also over.

  15. 也谈苏联剧变的原因与教训

    Talking on the Cause and Lessons of the Soviet Radical Change

  16. 苏东剧变后美俄关系纵论

    US and Russia Relations Since the Dramatic Change of the USSR and Eastern European Countries

  17. 事实上幕后已经有了重大剧变。

    There is in fact major upheaval behind the scenes.

  18. 过去半个世纪,婚姻经历了剧变。

    Marriage has undergone a drastic shift in the last half century.

  19. 这带来了经济与社会的剧变。

    This creates economic and social upheaval.

  20. 没有空气地球温度就会发生剧变。

    Without air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.

  21. 第二次世界大战使局势发生剧变。

    World War II brought a drastic change in the situation.

  22. 对苏联剧变原因研究的几点看法

    A Perspective on Research of Reasons of Disintegration of USSR.

  23. 许多年前, 约翰逊遭遇生命中的剧变。

    Many years ago, Johnson faced a major upheaval in his life.

  24. 已被革命剧变打破的旧的贵族统治

    old aristocratic institutions destroyed by the revolutionary cataclysm.

  25. 现在的电视剧变得越来越乏味了。

    The TV plays now get sagging and sagging.

  26. 由苏东剧变谈三个代表的重要思想

    On the Importance of Three Representatives in Relation to the Drastic Changes in Former Soviet Union

  27. 由苏东剧变谈三个代表得重要思想

    On the Importance of Three Representatives in Relation to the Drastic Changes in Former Soviet Union

  28. 目前,莱比锡正处于一个社会剧变期。

    Leipzig is currently experiencing a time of social upheaval.

  29. 斯大林时期的政治信仰与苏联剧变

    Political conviction in Stalin period and drastic change in Russian

  30. 法国大革命是欧洲历史上的一次剧变。

    The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in European history.


  1. 问:剧变拼音怎么拼?剧变的读音是什么?剧变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剧变的读音是jùbiàn,剧变翻译成英文是 a violent change; swing; upheaval



剧变 jù biàn