







汉语拼音:shān jiàn






  1. 亦作“ 山磵 ”。山间的水沟。

    唐 韦应物 《答僴奴重阳二甥》诗:“山涧依磽塉,竹树荫清源。” 明 刘基 《题画梅》诗:“争似 罗浮 山磵底,一枝清冷月明中。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一一二章:“下边是个深不见底的山涧。”



  1. The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, like the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains.


  2. Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence.


  3. Ding dong it sound like a mountain stream in the spring as ? like the sky is as pure white clouds, which is unparalleled Haichao.


  4. If one day you see a fall in the streams of the bat, please do not . . .


  5. Forget the past, do not care, just do not care about streams in the wild lily of that beam.


  6. I thought when the sound of a guitar flowed into my ears, like a stream flowing from the mountains.


  7. Cheng phoned Spring followed the number which Spring told him, then he listened her voice, it is like melted water.


  8. It forced jumps, all of a sudden jump streams, homeopathy put a turtle thrown out.


  9. Eight eight Zhangshui River is not brought together into a long mountain and name.


  1. 溪水成为山涧。

    The continuous flow of the brook formed a ravine.

  2. 涉过险要的山涧

    wade a swift creek.

  3. 山涧向河里倾注。

    A mountain stream pours into the rivers.

  4. 花朵怒放在石楠山涧。

    Flowers blossom out beautifly in Heather Valley.

  5. 可能山涧流出的水吧。

    Do you see any mountain stream around here?

  6. 山涧瀑布飞溅,百鸟啾鸣。

    Creek waterfall splashed Jiu birds sing.

  7. 小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。

    Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.

  8. 小山涧奔流而下, 流向平原。

    The little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.

  9. 一股清流从山涧里奔涌而出。

    A clear stream flow swiftly ahead from the creek.

  10. 一股清流从山涧里奔涌而出。

    A clear stream flow swiftly ahead from the creek.

  11. 天然气处山涧水净化技术研究

    A Study on the Purifying Technology of Mountain Stream Water.

  12. 山涧的入口处垂拄着蔓延的植物。

    The entrance to the cave is overhung with trailing plants.

  13. 溪流是自然山涧中的一种水流形式。

    The rivulet is a kind of water current form in the natural mountain brook.

  14. 你低沉的声音像山涧流入我的心海

    Your downcast voice bring the sweet stream into my ocean

  15. 团里人在山涧里发现的一只小水虫。

    A water bug discovered by a guy in our tourist group.

  16. 找到了。我找到一所坐落在山涧旁边的理想房子。

    Yes. We found an ideal house for us next to a mountain stream.

  17. 情绪透明的的像山涧中未经污染的小溪,欢快而流畅。

    Emotional and transparent image of mountain streams uncontaminated streams, lively and smooth.

  18. 秋天得山涧美景有一种谁都会为之着迷得魅力。

    The beauty of a mountain stream in autumn possesses an enchantment that is universal.

  19. 秋天的山涧美景有一种谁都会为之着迷的魅力。

    The beauty of a mountain stream in autumn possesses an enchantment that is universal.

  20. 赤鲤圆寂时, 曾吐一玉珠在山涧, 化作莲台。

    Lei Chi passed away, he spit a stream in the Ock, into Mid.

  21. 我是一条小溪, 从一座山涧里唱着一首欢乐的歌。

    I am stream, from mountain stream in sing a song of joy.

  22. 可是夏季的炎热天气已经把所有的山涧小溪都晒干了。

    But the hot days of summer had dried up all the mountain brooks.

  23. 它用力一跃,一下子跳过山涧,顺势把乌龟甩了出去。

    It forced jumps all of a sudden jump streams, homeopathy put a turtle thrown out.

  24. 母性的山涧里奔出一泓温暖的泉。悠扬的芦笙回荡在山谷里

    In the maternal mountain stream rushes to a great warm spring. Melodious Lusheng reverberation in mountain valley

  25. 龙池碧波荡漾, 山涧古树参天, 绝壁瀑布飞挂, 绿地野趣盎然。

    Rippling blue Longchi, towering trees, streams, steep falls linked to fly, Wild abundant green space.

  26. 飘摇曲折得爱情逐渐随风消逝, 像星月般地沉入山涧。

    The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, like the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains.

  27. 飘摇曲折的爱情逐渐随风消逝,像星月般地沉入山涧。

    The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, like the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains.

  28. 这麽样子,于是乎他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到山涧里头去了。

    Thinking in this way, he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent.


  1. 问:山涧拼音怎么拼?山涧的读音是什么?山涧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山涧的读音是shānjiàn,山涧翻译成英文是 mountain stream

  2. 问:山涧草拼音怎么拼?山涧草的读音是什么?山涧草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山涧草的读音是shānjiàncǎo,山涧草翻译成英文是 Chikusichloa aquatka

  3. 问:山涧草属拼音怎么拼?山涧草属的读音是什么?山涧草属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山涧草属的读音是shānjiàncǎo shǔ,山涧草属翻译成英文是 Chikusichloa



【词语】山涧 (山涧)


【解释】亦作“ 山磵 ”。山间的水沟。

【出处】①唐 韦应物 《答僴奴重阳二甥》诗:“山涧依硗塉,竹树荫清源。” ②明 刘基 《题画梅》诗:“争似 罗浮 山磵底,一枝清冷月明中。”③ 浩然 《艳阳天》第一一二章:“下边是个深不见底的山涧。”