







汉语拼音:chéng guī







  1. 成为圆形。


  2. 前人制定的规章制度。亦指老规矩,老办法。

    《三国志·蜀志·蒋琬费祎等传论》:“ 蒋琬 方整有威重, 费禕 宽济而博爱,咸承 诸葛 之成规,因循而不革。”《周书·独孤信传》:“以今方古,抑有成规。” 徐特立 《我对于青年的希望》:“检查的标准不是成规,而是你们革命的大多数人的行动。”

  3. 既定的计划。

    《三国志·吴志·丁奉传》:“彼动其境内,悉 许 、 洛 兵大举而来,必有成规,岂虚还哉?”



  1. For we're now in a situation where it would be very dangerous to give in to conventional notions of prudence.


  2. Bessie would rather have stayed, but she was obliged to go, because punctuality at meals was rigidly enforced at Gateshead Hall.


  3. but the stereotype persists, and a moment of crisis is sure to bring it out again.


  4. Real sense of the rules, but from the mainstream culture of a society or a culture-specific regional components.


  5. The price that the outsider pays for being so heedless of custom is, of course, the disapproval of the insider.


  6. There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement.


  7. Many people struggle with the rigid nature of the service model in Mule because they don't naturally think in terms of services.


  8. Does that heritage mark the name's realm of use, and should parents fear to stray outside it?


  9. NO ONE could accuse America's policymakers of standing pat as the economy flirts with recession.


  1. 医务界成规

    medical etiquette.

  2. 道德成规前期

    preconventional level

  3. 医务界的, 法律界的成规。

    medical, legal etiquette

  4. 成规死板的, 无想象力的准则

    Rigid, unimaginative convention.

  5. 使某人受到某些成规的约束

    Screw sb. down to some fixed rules

  6. 这个方法公然违抗了成规惯例。

    This approach flies in the face of established practice.

  7. 他无法容忍他人打破成规。

    He can't put up with the guys who break the rule.

  8. 那种习惯现已变为成规。

    The custom has now become a rule.

  9. 有时候就得打破成规, 知道吗?

    Sometimes you gotta break the rules, right?

  10. 他不守成规,又勇于任事。

    No systems but many works.

  11. 他敢想敢干,从不拘囿于成规。

    He thinks big and dares to take action, never confined by rules.

  12. 他敢想敢干,从不拘囿于成规。

    He thinks big and dares to take action, never confined by rules.

  13. 不幸的人往往是默守成规的产物。

    Unlucky people tend to be creatures of routine.

  14. 我们需要一个能够打破成规的人。

    We need someone who can break the mold.

  15. 坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案

    to adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action

  16. 宋代词律无成规张炎均拍无法击

    No Rhythmic Rule In The Poem Of The Song Dynasty

  17. 您是想选择大公司做固守成规的工作?

    You do want to choose a big company for monotonous work?

  18. 保持一致坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案

    To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action.

  19. 这是一幅神圣的遗物, 打破一切成规。

    It's a holy relic, a rule breaker.

  20. 对成规的新看法在年青妇女中特别普遍。

    New views about stereotypes are especially common among younger women.

  21. 而我则是一个成规破坏者,我要破坏你的成规。

    And I am a rut buster, I'm going to bust your rut.

  22. 什么是成规举出一个能产生感觉扭曲的成规的实例。

    What is stereotyping Give an example of how stereotyping can create perceptual distortion.

  23. 因为在这样的情况下, 固守成规, 斤斤计较是很危险的。

    For were now in a situation where it would be very dangerous to give in to conventional notions of prudence.

  24. 危险不在于革命的臆测的灾难, 而在于阻碍进步的成规。

    The danger doesn't lie in the hypothetical disasters of revolution, but in conventions impeding progress.

  25. 这些突破了传统小说重情节, 叙述角度单一的成规。

    These breakthrough the traditional story ruts which thinking much of polt and narrating single angle.

  26. 这些突破了传统小说重情节, 叙述角度单一得成规。

    These breakthrough the traditional story ruts which thinking much of polt and narrating single angle.

  27. 今后一年, 很可能看到艰苦的谈判转变成规管行动。

    The year ahead could well see tough talk turn to regulatory action.

  28. 先弄懂规则, 才会知道该如何适切地打破成规。

    Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

  29. 提前多久开瓶并无成规,各个年份的葡萄酒可能都有不同。

    There is no set rule, and one vintage may differ from another.

  30. 但是这是罗西希望的, 他需要成为一线队成规主力的经验。

    But this is something that Giuseppe wanted as he needs regular first team football.


  1. 问:成规拼音怎么拼?成规的读音是什么?成规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成规的读音是chéngguī,成规翻译成英文是 conventional rules



成规 指一种已被接受的戏剧元素,或风格化的处理方式,或题材类别。