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中国周代诸侯国名,在今陕西省和甘肃省一带:朝(zhāo )~暮楚。~晋之好。~楼楚馆(旧时指妓院)。中国朝代名:~代。~镜高悬(喻法官判案的公正严明。亦称“明镜高悬”)。中国陕西省的别称。……
汉语拼音:xiān qín
指 秦 统一以前的历史时期。多指 春秋 战国 时期。
《汉书·河间献王德传》:“ 献王 所得书,皆古文先 秦 旧书。” 颜师古 注:“先 秦 ,犹言 秦 先,谓未焚书之前。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·文章》:“先 秦 文字,无有不佳。余所尤爱者, 乐毅 《答燕惠王书》、 李斯 《上逐客书》、《韩非子·説难》。”
Dongfang Shuo was one of the outstanding comedians in the comic literary group from Early Qin to Han Dynasty.
滑稽家是先秦至汉代文人集团中一个非常有个性的团体。Since the Pre-Qin times, Philosophy had already started to discuss around the the relations of "form" and "verve" .
自先秦时代起,哲学界就已围绕形神关系展开讨论。Shortened words and expressions has been a universal phenomenon since the pre-Qin dynasty period.
词语简缩是自先秦至现代汉语存在的一种普遍现象。Mean was one of the important categories of Pre-Qin dynasty, views about "what is the Mean" were different.
中庸作为先秦儒家的重要范畴,在“何为中”问题上,大儒们的回答有所不同。the Confucianism ethics in the Early Qin period was an elite ethics that had the problem of generalization.
先秦时期的儒家伦理是一种精英伦理,这种伦理存在著普遍性的问题。In ancient Chinese texts, those figures with perfect moral character and superior intelligence are generally referred to as sages.
在中国先秦典籍里,德行智能完美无缺的最高理想人物,普遍都是用「圣」或「圣人」来表述的。And with these historical materials, ZiSi, the key figure of Benevolence's mid-genealogy, and his thoughts are being studied in a new way.
而先秦仁学中期谱系的核心人物子思及其思想,也因新史料的发现,有了新的研究契机。Before Qin Dynasty and in ancient Greece, taste had already been used as a kind of metaphor to discuss art.
中国先秦、西方古希腊时期都已开始在比喻的意义上用味来阐释艺术现象。The bronze 'fu' is one of the main sacrificial vessels during the Pre-Qinperiod, which played on important role in Bronze Composition.