




1. 叨 [tāo]2. 叨 [dāo]叨 [tāo]承受:~光。~扰(谢人款待的话)。~陪。古同“饕”,贪。叨 [dāo]〔~~〕话多(后一个“叨”读轻声)。……



汉语拼音:niàn dao








  1. 见“ 念到 ”。



  1. The old man drooped his head and began to murmur to himself my father's name. Suddenly he looked up.

  2. "Eat" and "boat" were the only two words he knew, yet he said these two simple words with enthusiasm and passion.

  3. "Until the day you die, " Mom says, as if trying to figure out what the words mean.

  4. If he had been asked to describe the pressure, he would have said that it amounted to the phrase, repeated, "Who needs this? "

  5. The old man has been close to talk over with, other people have been looking at him, the sad.

  6. As he sits back down at his desk with his coffee he repeats the word "focus" over and over as a mantra to himself.

  7. and she was obliged to repeat again and again, that she was one of his two dearest, before the words gave her any sensation.

  8. Just start with him, a very good impression of my grandmother, phone calls over your mouth when you constantly talk over me.

  9. Of course Mrs. Darling brushed him, but he began to talk again about its being a mistake to have a dog for a nurse.


  1. 我没有天天念叨

    I'm not moping around all day.

  2. 她常常念叨着你。

    She often remembers you in our talks.

  3. 她老念叨着孩子们。

    She is always talking about her children.

  4. 我有些事情想念叨念叨。

    There's something I want to discuss with you.

  5. 耳朵发烧, 有人念叨。

    If your ears glow, someone is talking of you.

  6. 耳朵发烧,有人念叨。

    If your ears glow, someone is talking of you.

  7. 你打算一直念叨下去吗

    You're sounding a little callous.

  8. 你打算一直念叨下去吗?。

    You're sounding a little callous.

  9. 你能别再念叨了吗?

    Will you please stop saying that?

  10. 你能别再念叨了吗?

    Will you please stop saying that?

  11. 他们念叨着让你回家

    They bugging you to go home?

  12. 不要再念叨我的名字

    And its my name thats on that jag

  13. 韩佳,你在念叨什么呢?

    Han Jia, what are you muttering?

  14. 大家正念叨他, 可巧他来了。

    We were just talking about him when he turned up.

  15. 马克斯韦尔轻声念叨着。

    said Maxwell softly.

  16. 我有个事儿跟大家念叨念叨。

    I've got something to talk over with you.

  17. 你不能没完没了地念叨从前。

    You can't keep harking back to the past.

  18. 她总是念叨以前的世道如何如何。

    She's always harking bak to how things used to be.

  19. 他总是念叨着那部老电影。

    He's always getting that old film out.

  20. 别念叨了,来跟我一起跳舞。

    So shut up and slow dance with me.

  21. 别念叨了,来跟我一起跳舞。

    So shut up and slow dance with me.

  22. 亚历克斯不停念叨你了

    Alex can't stop talking about you.

  23. 她开始念叨起自由主义的陈词滥调。

    She began uttering liberal platitudes.

  24. 我女朋友老是念叨着让我去理发。

    My girlfriend nagged me to cut my hair.

  25. 那些日子她念叨着我想要离去

    Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit

  26. 乞丐是他的贵客,走后他久久念叨。

    The long remember'd beggar was his guest.

  27. 你一直在念叨的这人是谁啊?

    Who is this person you keep on talking about?

  28. 你有着自己的家业,被人们所念叨着。

    You have a background of your own, you would be missed.

  29. 龚蓓荜在片中反复念叨的一句话。

    Gong Bei Piper film repeatedly Niandao sentence.

  30. 老人低下头,低声念叨我父亲的名字。

    The old man drooped his head and began to murmur to himself my father's name.


  1. 问:念叨拼音怎么拼?念叨的读音是什么?念叨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:念叨的读音是niàndao,念叨翻译成英文是 nag; discuss




【注音】:niàn dao

【释义】: 1、因惦记或想念而在谈话中屡次提到。 例子:他常念叨他们中学时的老师。| 这位就是我们常念叨的老校长。 2、说个不停。 例子:他的嘴里不知念叨着什么。|这事咱们念叨念叨。| 我有个事儿跟大家念叨念叨!| 你怎么又念叨了| 也作念道。