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汉语拼音:guó cè
亦作“ 国筴 ”。犹国计。指国家的经济政策。
《管子·乘马数》:“故修宫室臺榭,非丽其乐也,以平国筴也。” 马非百 新诠:“‘国筴’一词,在书中凡十三见,皆指国家之经济政策而言,犹言国计也。”
毛泽东 《克服投降危险,力争时局好转》:“拥护抗战到底的国策,反对 汪精卫 的卖国协定。”
Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, we too have made it a state policy to oppose superpower hegemony and keep world peace.
粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们制定中国的国策,同样也是反对霸权主义,维护世界和平。In the recent national election there was no substantial difference between the two great parties in respect to that national policy.
这近期的国民选举中,就此项国策,两党之间并无存在实质性的不同。Do water and soil conservation work good, protect and improve our ecological environment is one of our long-term basic national policy.
搞好水土保持,保护和改善生态环境,是我国必须长期坚持的一项基本国策。Chang supported Chen when he ran for President in 2000. After Chen was elected Chang was named as one of his senior presidential advisors.
2000年张荣发支持陈水扁竞选总统,陈水扁当选后点名张荣发担任总统国策顾问的其中一员。Countries will protect the environment as a basic state policy, also is one of the key to realize the sustainable development.
国家将保护环境作为基本国策之一,也是实现可持续发展的关键。The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent.
美国受今日世界召唤采取的国策有远大的目标,甚至具有开创性,但并不是轻率之举。With a responsible attitude, China, while developing its economy, has always regarded the environmental protection as a basic state policy.
中国本着负责的态度,在发展经济的同时始终把环境保护作为一项基本国策。Building energy-saving is a set national policy. It trends to have the same view on external wall insulation of a building.
建筑节能是既定国策,对建筑外墙保温的看法已经趋于一致。So the Outer city wall of Kaifeng was like a military castle, the important aspect of "defend capital" of Northern Song Dynasty.