







汉语拼音:quán pán







  1. 全部;全面(多用于抽象事物)。

    高云览 《小城春秋》第四十章:“ 李悦 不慌不忙,慢条斯理的把全盘计划说出来。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十:“全盘的清算,他没那个魄力。”

  2. 指整盘棋局。如:一着走错,全盘被动。



  1. But part of being a good friend is in not saying all that you know.

  2. But weaker banks have been the most reluctant to come clean: public data on their holdings are a year out of date.

  3. In a second the whole affair, in all its bearings, went spreading before the eye of his imagination like the rapid unrolling of a panorama.

  4. and 37kg in toto - a " monster receiver " in every sense of the word, but a beautiful one !

  5. Lives in the area regarding the yard not to be suitable the total repudiation, but is should take it long to make up short modern community.

  6. " He was very shocked by this, and he said, " Okay, you've got 48 hours to come up with a national plan to fix the economy.

  7. Most of us, without knowing it, filter the noise around us to make sense of our environment, but Derek seems to have no filter at all.

  8. At present Iam ready to promise that the instant that I can communicate with you without endangering my own combinations, I shall do so.

  9. he pours out his broken heart in his works that shall bring tears of sacred sympathy from his readers.


  1. 全盘西化论

    Total Westernization.

  2. 全盘招供某事

    to come clean about something

  3. 一着失算,全盘被动。

    A false step and the whole game becomes passive.

  4. 伟大的全盘西化万岁!

    Long Live Great Radical Westernization!

  5. 伟大的全盘西化万岁!

    Long Live Great Radical Westernization!

  6. 全盘照搬人家的经验

    copy indiscriminately the experience of others

  7. 愤怒使她全盘托出

    Anger moved her to speak out.

  8. 我已经全盘托出了。

    I've told you everything.

  9. 掌控全盘,你搞笑呢?

    Running the show?Are you kidding me?

  10. 他听了全盘计划之后。

    After he heard the details.

  11. 我的努力终归全盘失败。

    My efforts ended in total failure.

  12. 我得努力终归全盘失败。

    My efforts ended in total failure.

  13. 然而, 我们不能全盘否定。

    However, we can not be negated.

  14. 按全盘击数计分的比赛

    medal play

  15. 走错一着,全盘皆输。

    A trip in one point would have spoiled all.

  16. 全盘华盛顿堕入一片火海。

    Washington into a sea of fire as a whole.

  17. 我们必须全盘考虑这些事。

    We must consider those matters as a whole.

  18. 他把生意全盘卖掉了。

    He sold the business lock, stock and barrel.

  19. 你们必须全盘考虑这些事情。

    You must consider those matters as a whole.

  20. 昨天我在赌场全盘皆赢。

    I swept the board at the casino yesterday.

  21. 这个岛战後已全盘西化了。

    The island became fully westernized after the war.

  22. 艾瑞克把事情全盘托出

    and he told her the whole story.

  23. 我们将全盘采纳他们得建议。

    We will adopt their suggestions in mass.

  24. 我们将全盘采纳他们的建议。

    We will adopt their suggestions in mass.

  25. 加拿大在游泳比赛全盘皆赢。

    Canada swept the board in the swimming races.

  26. 我们必须全盘来考虑这些事情。

    We must consider these matters as a whole.

  27. 向西方学习不等于全盘西化。

    To learn from the West does not mean to be completely westernized.

  28. 这个岛战后已全盘西化了。

    The island became fully westernized after the war.

  29. 她的全盘计划被他打破了。

    Her plan all along was to break the egg in his pocket.

  30. 他把所有秘密全盘托出。

    He made a clean breast of the whole secret.


  1. 问:全盘拼音怎么拼?全盘的读音是什么?全盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘的读音是quánpán,全盘翻译成英文是 overall

  2. 问:全盘否定拼音怎么拼?全盘否定的读音是什么?全盘否定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘否定的读音是quánpán fǒudìng,全盘否定翻译成英文是 total denial

  3. 问:全盘的拼音怎么拼?全盘的的读音是什么?全盘的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘的的读音是,全盘的翻译成英文是 catholic

  4. 问:全盘战术拼音怎么拼?全盘战术的读音是什么?全盘战术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘战术的读音是quán pán zhàn shù,全盘战术翻译成英文是 generaltactics

  5. 问:全盘招供拼音怎么拼?全盘招供的读音是什么?全盘招供翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘招供的读音是quánpánzhāogòng,全盘招供翻译成英文是 complete confession

  6. 问:全盘推翻拼音怎么拼?全盘推翻的读音是什么?全盘推翻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘推翻的读音是quánpántuīfān,全盘推翻翻译成英文是 general traverse

  7. 问:全盘理性拼音怎么拼?全盘理性的读音是什么?全盘理性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘理性的读音是quán pán lǐ xìng,全盘理性翻译成英文是 comprehensive rationality

  8. 问:全盘西化拼音怎么拼?全盘西化的读音是什么?全盘西化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘西化的读音是quán pán xī huà,全盘西化翻译成英文是 wholesale westernization

  9. 问:全盘一体化拼音怎么拼?全盘一体化的读音是什么?全盘一体化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全盘一体化的读音是quánpányìtǐhuà,全盘一体化翻译成英文是 overall integration



◎ 全盘 quánpán [overall;comprehensive;wholesale] 总体,全部;全面 全盘考虑 全盘否定