






1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……





汉语拼音:dú lì sī kǎo






  1. Working with her father and uncles was also important: They taught her to "think and act independently, " she said.


  2. Guan Chao is studious and methodical, able to think independently and analytically, and interested in a wide range of subjects.


  3. Forever do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.


  4. You have to be able to think independently, and when you come to a conclusion you have to really not care what other people say.


  5. We consider it a good thing that we are able to think and fend for ourselves, that we are not just sheep in a crowd.


  6. You may be sent out to the advance, flank or rear, and a great amount of flexibility and independent thinking will be required.


  7. The only difference is they made the effort to think for themselves and condense their understanding into a list.


  8. I am not able to understand the position of Western countries, which appear to resent independent-minded leaders and seem to prefer puppets.


  9. You helped me such a lot in the old days that I suppose I never learnt to think for myself.


  1. 他独立思考

    independent in his thinking.

  2. 他们能独立思考。

    They are capable of independent thinking.

  3. 我们有独立思考的智慧

    We are independently brilliant.

  4. 独立思考是绝对必要的。

    Independent thinking is an absolute necessity.

  5. 好的教师鼓励独立思考。

    A good teacher encourages independence of thought.

  6. 同时惩罚独立思考的游戏。

    and that punishes independent thinking.

  7. 我们必须训练他们独立思考。

    We must train them to think independently.

  8. 独立思考对学习是绝对必需。

    Independent thinking is a necessity in study.

  9. 独立思考能力发育得太晚了。

    Development of independent thinking was too late.

  10. 不是他们不想让我独立思考。

    And it's not that they didn't want me to think critically.

  11. 别让他夺去你独立思考的自由。

    Don't let him take away your freedom to think for yourself.

  12. 教师的授课方式能吸引我独立思考。

    The way the instructor conducted the class was able to intrigue me into thinking critically.

  13. 在我的课堂上,你们将学习独立思考。

    Now, my class, you'll learn to think for yourselves again.

  14. 保时捷的优点之一就是独立思考能力。

    One of the strengths of Porsche is our independent thinking.

  15. 鲁上校我教你们独立思考,我是这样教的!

    Ludlow I taught you to think for yourselves! Thats right I taught you!

  16. 他下决心独立思考,不受任何偏见的支配。

    He determined to be swayed by no prejudices.

  17. 广征博引诸家学说与独立思考相结合。

    Combine quotation of various theories and independent thinking.

  18. 没有一个独立思考的人会有意识地模仿。

    No person of independent mind will copy consciously.

  19. 没有一个独立思考得人会有意识地模仿。

    No person of independent mind will copy consciously.

  20. 敢于独立思考的人能使别人和他们一同思考。

    Those who dare to think by themselves can make others think with them.

  21. 他是个有独立思考能力的相当早熟的孩子。

    He was rather a precocious child with a mind of his own.

  22. 这些儿童趋向于自我驱动、独立思考、和内向。

    These children tend to be highly driven, independent in their thinking and introverted.

  23. 做事认真且有条理,善于独立思考分析能力强。

    Work seriously and tidy, at independent thinking and analytical ability.

  24. 他能够独立思考和行动,而非唯朋友是从。

    He capable of independent thinking and action, not only from friends.

  25. 同时,他也强调了独立思考和独立生活的重要性。

    But he further stresses the importance of thinking and living independently.

  26. 男孩们没有被娇生惯养, 长大后都能独立思考和行动。

    Boys weren't mollycoddled and grew up to think and act independently.

  27. 独立思考则允许孩子们尝试吞吃鞋子和用脚穿香蕉。

    Independent thinking allows children try eating the shoes and wearing the bananas on their feet.

  28. 所幸的是,独立思考并不需要智力超群或学富五车。

    Fortunately, you dont have to be particularly intelligent or well educated to think independently.

  29. 当然,思想的幼稚是不敢直面现实进行独立思考的表现。

    Of course, the naiveness of mental activities is the embodiment of their incapability of independent thinking by facing up to the hash reality.

  30. 对于老师在复习期间留的作业要独立思考,认真完成。

    For teachers to remain in operation during the review to think independently and to complete carefully.