







汉语拼音:yòng bǐ







  1. 指书画的运笔。

    《三国志·魏志·刘劭传》“光禄大夫 京兆 韦诞 ” 裴松之 注引《文章叙录》:“ 师宜官 为大字, 邯郸淳 为小字。 梁鵠 谓 淳 得 次仲 法,然 鵠 之用笔尽其势矣。” 唐 李颀 《同张员外諲酬答之作》诗:“清言只到卫家儿,用笔能夸 钟太尉 。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·书画》:“大体 源 及 巨然 画笔,皆宜远观。其用笔甚草草,近视之几不类物象;远观则景物粲然,幽情远思,如睹异境。”

  2. 指运用写作技巧。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷十五:“诗文自须学力,然用笔构思,全凭天分。”



  1. at the end of a week he wrote as well with this pen as with the stylus.


  2. The U. S. has arrived at the point where poverty could be abolished easily and simply by a stroke of the pen.


  3. Copying the ancients, ink pen with him to learn, to understand the idea of his pains.


  4. Chinese literature, Lu Xun is an immortal monument to do his pen knife, directed at the enemy's heart.


  5. Since the writer bought the computer, he has no longer written novels with pen.


  6. Its textured account of the early struggle against spies and subversives gives way to a skimpy account of terrorist plots.


  7. If copying and painting from the start, then the pen does not know the structure, would not six errors.


  8. You interact with it by bending it into a cell phone, flipping the corner to turn pages, or writing on it with a pen.


  9. The drawings were pleasing enough with quite a sense of atmosphere, and something individual in the brush work.


  1. 笔填法用笔

    brush for brush technic.

  2. 局部用笔示范

    Demonstrating how to draw partially.

  3. 我用笔写信。

    I write a letter with pen.

  4. 骨法用笔中锋

    The bone method uses a center forward

  5. 作家用笔来描述生活。

    Writers depict life with their pen.

  6. 别用笔在书上戳。

    Don't jab the book with your pen.

  7. 林散之用笔变化多端

    Lin used varied brushstrokes in calligraphic creation.

  8. 我们都是用笔写字的。

    We all pen write.

  9. 不能够用笔就好了吗?

    Can't we just use a pen?

  10. 他用笔做了几个记号。

    He made a few marks with his pen.

  11. 用笔有方有圆, 或方圆兼济。

    The beginning and end of strokes are sometimes square and sometimes rounded.

  12. 用笔写上你得蔬菜, 水果得名字。

    Use a Sharpie to write your vegetable and fruit names.

  13. 用笔写上你的蔬菜,水果的名字。

    Use a Sharpie to write your vegetable and fruit names.

  14. 齐齐叫他用笔把它写在纸上。

    Qiqi asks him to write it down on the paper.

  15. 用笔和纸盗窃数据的事件将重新抬头。

    Pen and paper strike back.

  16. 他们用手,用笔,用眼神交谈,分享喜悦和悲伤。

    They use the hand, With pen, Converses with the look, Shares is joyful and is sad.

  17. 他们用笔把婴儿的名字写在腕带上

    They used wrist bracelets with the baby's name written in pen.

  18. 伪装得最巧妙,杀人不见血的,是用笔杀人。

    The way which is most artfully disguised and draws no blood is to kill with the pen

  19. 用笔追踪并定速, 保持一行一秒得速度。

    Use the pen to track and pace a consistent speed of one line per second.

  20. 用笔追踪并定速, 保持一行一秒的速度。

    Use the pen to track and pace a consistent speed of one line per second.

  21. 那种用笔和纸写字的想法几乎过时了。

    THE idea of pen and paper seems almost out of date.

  22. 只有一两个问题他们会用笔和脑记下。

    They put their pencils and heads down after one or two questions.

  23. 工笔画要求用笔细腻精到,构图严谨,细节处理精致。

    The meticulous style requires great care and grace, with strict composition and fine elaboration.

  24. 用笔写下感谢是非常真挚的, 能别人觉得非常高兴。

    affective as a way of making other people feel good.

  25. 困难的问题以前总是需要用笔和纸工作数小时。

    Difficult problems used to take hours of work with pencil and paper.

  26. 他的字结体重心低下,用笔含蓄储势,出神入化。

    Most of his characters are focused on the lower parts, and his strokes are subtle.

  27. 这里的关键是用笔快速在纸上记下自己的想法。

    The key here is to put pen to paper immediately to get thinking fast.

  28. 只能心算。这意味着在测试过程中不能用笔和纸。

    You must work mentally. Do not use pencil or paper during this test.

  29. 答题纸上得每一个空格都要用笔清楚得涂满。

    You may use a distrbuted whiteout to correct the answer sheet.

  30. 答题纸上的每一个空格都要用笔清楚的涂满。

    You may use a distrbuted whiteout to correct the answer sheet.