


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……


1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……



汉语拼音:kàn qí








  1. 整队时,以指定人为标准排齐站在一条线上。引申为向先进学习。

    徐特立 《论国民公德》一:“他们为革命流血,他们努力经济建设、文化建设、国防建设,他们英勇奋斗,我们一切爱国的人民都应向他们看齐。” 卞之琳 《工厂就是战场》诗:“后方向前方看齐,合打出更大的胜仗!”



  1. The next few minutes is, we're all going to get raised up to the level of a sea slug.


  2. If China were to follow the American model in terms of per capita carbon emissions, the world would be damaged beyond repair.


  3. I'm just trying to match up with you today. You are looking pretty good there. -Thanks, man.


  4. Living with a partner prone to worrying can be the death of you - even if you always manage to look on the bright side of life.


  5. To look to Europe has been seen as a historical imperative or even a technical question of adaptation.


  6. Still, some are skeptical of the ambitions of turning badminton into a global sport on a par with the most popular games.


  7. This word suggests that the minority Muslim groups in North America and Europe need to look like the majority, Christian culture.


  8. "One hundred and thirty-seven, " he announced. "Now, boys, line up. Right dress there. We won't be much longer about this. Steady, now. "


  9. With gleaming new headquarters and enlarged cash machine networks, they began to resemble banks anywhere in the developed world.


  1. 向左看齐!

    Dress left, dress!

  2. 向右看齐!

    Dress right, dress!

  3. 向排头看齐!

    Keep level with your file leader!

  4. 士兵向班长看齐

    The troops dressed on the squad leader.

  5. 行军者向右看齐。

    The marchers dressed right.

  6. 军官,命令那些士兵向左看齐!

    Officer, dress those men to the left!

  7. 它们应该向东方看齐,寻求灵药。

    They should look east for a cure.

  8. 向平均能源效率标准看齐。

    Corporate average fuel efficiency standards.

  9. 我一直在努力向他看齐。

    I always had to try a bit harder.

  10. 想法向那些干得好些的看齐。

    Try and measure up to those who have done better.

  11. 士兵们在行军中应相互看齐, 步调一致。

    Soldiers must keep step with each other in marching

  12. 她从一开始就努力向你看齐。

    She tried to emulate you right from the start.

  13. 她从一开始就努力向你看齐。

    She tried to emulate you right from the start.

  14. 前排两臂侧平举,后排两臂前平举,向左看齐!

    Front row,arms sideways. Back row,arms forwards. Deploy left!

  15. 向你所知道最积极最热心的人看齐。

    Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

  16. 看齐进行了仔细的检查和调整略有需要。

    The alignment was carefully checked and adjusted slightly as needed.

  17. 看齐进行了仔细得检查和调整略有需要。

    The alignment was carefully checked and adjusted slightly as needed.

  18. 世行董事会应多向公司性质的董事会看齐。

    It should become more like its corporate brethren.

  19. 接下来几分钟, 我们要向海蛞蝓的水平看齐。

    The next few minutes is, were all going to get raised up to the level of a sea slug.

  20. 在那里, 没一个暴徒不决心向您看齐。

    Not a rough there but will resolve to emulate you.

  21. 一旦使之与男人看齐的话, 女人就会居其上了。

    Once make equal to man, woman become his superior.

  22. 管理智慧认为, 所有的人都需要向最佳做法看齐。

    Management wisdom dictates that everyone needs to benchmark themselves against best practice.

  23. 一旦你向前迈出这一小步, 别人也会向你看齐。

    Once you take the small step forward, the rest will follow in its stead.

  24. 我今天只是想跟你看齐。你看上去很好。谢谢,伙计。

    Im just trying to match up with you today. You are looking pretty good there. Thanks, man.

  25. 阿瑟你怎么看齐达内头撞马帝拉左一事?

    Arthur How do you think about Zidanes slamming his head into the chest of Materazzi

  26. 只要能看齐瑞典的成功,多数其他欧洲政府就将会非常高兴。

    Most other European governments would be pleased if they could only emulate Sweden's success.

  27. 这种承诺自然根源于你把自己与无私的爱的一极看齐。

    This commitment stems naturally from the decision to align yourself with the polarity of unconditional love.

  28. 她怎么就不能向她哥哥本看齐呢?他是个挺有头脑的孩子。

    Why can't she be more like her brother Ben? His head is screwed on right.


  1. 问:看齐拼音怎么拼?看齐的读音是什么?看齐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看齐的读音是kànqí,看齐翻译成英文是 keep up with; dress





【含义】1、整队时,以指定人为标准排齐。 向左看齐 2、以某人或某种人为榜样。 向先进工作者看齐比如:子曰:“见贤思齐焉。” 3、跟上…的步伐 并不想在社交生活中和邻居看齐 4、把某东西和某某摆放整齐。

【翻译】[Eyes right dress] [follow the example;emulat [keep pace with]∶