


1. 奔 [bēn]2. 奔 [bèn]奔 [bēn]急走,跑:~跑。~驰。~突(横冲直撞;奔驰)。~流。~腾。~忙。~波(劳苦奔走)。~放(疾驰。喻气势雄伟,不受拘束)。私~(女子私自投奔所爱的人,或跟他一起逃走)。奔 [bèn]直往,趋……





汉语拼音:bēn zǒu









  1. 急行。

    《后汉书·史弼传》:“及下廷尉詔狱, 平原 吏人奔走诣闕讼之。”《敦煌变文集·伍子胥变文》:“昼即看日,夜乃观星,奔走不停,遂至 吴江 北岸。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异七·鬼粥砚》:“ 王 遂发狂奔走,直上山巔,虽涧壑荆棘不避。”

  2. 谓为一定的目的而忙碌。

    《书·武成》:“丁未,祀于 周庙 ,邦甸侯卫,骏奔走,执豆籩。” 唐 柳宗元 《捕蛇者说》:“ 永 之人争奔走焉。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三八:“去到处奔走事情是他最怕的事。”

  3. 逃走。

    《北史·叔孙建传》:“斩首万餘级,餘众奔走,投 沁水 死,水为不流。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第二折:“那 张良 呵若不是疾归去,那 范蠡 呵若不是暗奔走,这两个都落不的完全尸首。”

  4. 趋附;迎合。

    《左传·昭公三十一年》:“攻难之士,将奔走之。” 杜预 注:“奔走,犹赴趣也。” 唐 韩愈 《平淮西碑》:“其告而长,而父而兄,奔走偕来,同我太平。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“一时奔走声气者,遂先期辐凑於其门,场屋中多倖进者。”

  5. 驱使。

    《国语·鲁语下》:“士有陪乘,告奔走也。” 韦昭 注:“奔走,使令也。” 宋 叶适 《湖南运判到任谢表》:“臣子供奔走之职,何敢屡违?”《老残游记》第七回:“大约他只要招十名小队,供奔走之役。”

  6. 见“ 奔奏 ”。



  1. "Yeah, we did hear the president that he could not wait. This country cannot wait for him to get off the campaign trail, " said McCarthy.


  2. In the course of time, Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him.


  3. Ever hearkening to the sound of beauty, straining for the flash of its distant wings, he watches to follow, wearying his feet in travelling.


  4. President Samaranch spent most of his time by traveling to various countries, trying to get them involved in the Olympic movement.


  5. Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he traveled as he went about his engineering projects.


  6. And in the little cracks you saw tiny little living things scurrying about, and there was that utter silence, complete and infinite.


  7. I'm glad I was young; the hours would have killed me if I had to sign up for a starting career as a game programmer now.


  8. Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins.


  9. No doubt Noah and his family must have talked together about relatives and friends who did not accept the ark as a means of salvation.


  1. 为募集奔走

    beat up for.

  2. 四处奔走寻找

    search high and low.

  3. 四处奔走找工作

    to scrimmage for looking for a job

  4. 奔走整个州拉选票

    ride a state

  5. 当她四处奔走的时候

    When she is on the move

  6. 奔走呼号, 为灾民募款

    go around trying to raise a relief fund for the victims of the disaster

  7. 我们开着车, 四处奔走。

    we were driven from pillar to post.

  8. 他用了1小时左右奔走游说。

    He put in an hour or so campaigning.

  9. 在街上来回奔走寻找工作。

    tramp the streets looking for work

  10. 为了寻找她, 我是到处奔走。

    I went around trying to locate her.

  11. 谁来为公共利益奔走呐喊?

    Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?

  12. 之后我开始奔走于世界各地。

    I flew around the world.

  13. 她又匆忙又高兴地到处奔走。

    Busily, gaily, she went hither and yon.

  14. 或是你出门四处奔走的时候

    Or when you were off on the road.

  15. 她由于工作的关系到处奔走。

    Her work took her all over the place.

  16. 我曾奔走寻找轮回建造者。

    I have run, not finding although seeking the builder of this house.

  17. 他们奔走于伦敦和巴黎之间。

    They travel to and fro between London and Paris.

  18. 由于朋友的奔走, 他得以释放。

    Through the agency of friends he was set free.

  19. 我父亲一生辛苦, 奔走于外。

    My father had a hard life going from place to place all the year round.

  20. 当他竞选总统时到处奔走拉票。

    He was a baby kisser when he ran for president.

  21. 这活物往来奔走,好像电光一闪。

    The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning.

  22. 我父亲一生辛苦, 整年在外奔走。

    My father had a hard life going from place to place all the year round.

  23. 要不是我在四处奔走检查皂液器

    Maybe I would have caught it if I wasn't racing around.

  24. 而演员绕台奔走则代表长途跋涉。

    An actor circling the stage suggests a long journey.

  25. 你可以比较价格不需四处奔走镇。

    You can compare pricing without having to run all over town.

  26. 我们几个推销员努力工作, 四处奔走。

    Our salesmen have worked hard to push the sale of your products here, there and everywhere.

  27. 她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找工作。

    She's been tramping the streets looking for a job.

  28. 结114这活物往来奔走,好像电光一闪。

    And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning.

  29. 这些天他总是不断的奔走于各处。

    Is these days of him be always continuously rushed approximately to everywhere.

  30. 牧师在营地到处奔走,一边祷告,一边劝戒。

    Minister rushed about the camp praying and exhorting.


  1. 问:奔走拼音怎么拼?奔走的读音是什么?奔走翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔走的读音是bēnzǒu,奔走翻译成英文是 run; rush about

  2. 问:奔走呼号拼音怎么拼?奔走呼号的读音是什么?奔走呼号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔走呼号的读音是bēnzǒuhūháo,奔走呼号翻译成英文是 go around crying for help

  3. 问:奔走相告拼音怎么拼?奔走相告的读音是什么?奔走相告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔走相告的读音是bēnzǒuxiānggào,奔走相告翻译成英文是 run around spreading the news; spread the ne...




【注音】:bēn zǒu


