


1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……





汉语拼音:dòu shì








  1. 亦作“鬭士”。战士。

    《管子·法法》:“使贤者食於能,鬭士食於功。” 郭沫若 等集校引 张佩纶 曰:“《三国志·魏武帝纪注》引《魏书》载《庚申令》曰‘…… 管仲 曰:使贤者食於能则上尊,斗士食於功则卒轻於死。’” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·史书佔毕三》:“ 燕 视 秦 鬭士孰鋭?” 陈毅 《满江红·游广东旋至海南岛度假一周记沿途所见》词之六:“休养所,人几国;共聚此,同怡乐。尽 亚 非 拉美 ,斗士豪杰。”



  1. Kim Dae-jung, South Korea's former leftist president who died yesterday at the age of 85, was a political brawler right to the finish.


  2. Tracey said: 'It was devastating to hear because we thought we had got through the worst, but we know Tarun is a little fighter. '


  3. The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while.


  4. There was more disappointment for The King's Speech as Bonham Carter, who played Queen Elizabeth, lost out to Melissa Leo for The Fighter.


  5. With nothing but his hands, feet and a lot of attitude, he turned the little guy into a tough guy.


  6. He has his way with the persistent fighter, as they share an assortment of brawls with head KOs and chloros.


  7. She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy life was not lost upon her.


  8. She was the latest human-rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia.


  9. And that maybe costs me a little bit of damage, but I'd rather be seen as still trying, than having given up.


  1. 勇敢的斗士

    a redoubtable warrior.

  2. 意思是斗士

    and that means fighter.

  3. 斗士的灵魂。

    Soul of a fighter.

  4. 斗士的灵魂。

    Soul of a fighter.

  5. 角斗士的格斗

    gladiatorial combat.

  6. 振作起来,小斗士。

    Straighten up little soldier.

  7. 一个勇敢的斗士

    a gutsy fighter

  8. 谁想成为角斗士?

    Who wants to be a gladiator.

  9. 剑是斗士的象征。

    The sword is an attribute of a fighter.

  10. 变成角斗士的奴隶。

    The slave who became a gladiator.

  11. 挑战皇帝得角斗士。

    The gladiator who defied an emperor.

  12. 妇女可以雇佣决斗士。

    A woman might hire a champion.

  13. 我是最强的斗士!

    I'm the mightiest of warriors!

  14. 今日赛事决斗士锦标赛!

    Today only gladiator championship!

  15. 但看看他,这个小斗士

    But look at him. He's a champ.

  16. 因为当时你是个斗士。

    That's because you were a fighter.

  17. 这是真正得斗士得气魄。

    That is the true gladiator feeling.

  18. 这是真正的斗士的气魄。

    That is the true gladiator feeling.

  19. 角斗士的票已经告罄。

    The tickets for Gladiator have been sold out.

  20. 他是一个勇猛的斗士。

    He was a fierce fighter.

  21. 鹅卵石皮革黑角斗士凉鞋。

    Pebbled leather gladiator sandals in black.

  22. 观众得剧场欢呼得角斗士。

    The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators.

  23. 一位为和平革命的斗士。

    C. A crusader for peace.

  24. 两位斗士背靠背地站着。

    The two fighters stood back to back.

  25. 角斗士之城堡战争小游戏

    Kok war fighters castle Games

  26. 我是一个斗士,不是一个懦夫。

    I am a fighter, not a quitter.

  27. 你就是传说中的龙斗士嗯

    So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior.

  28. 他是一个不屈不挠的斗士。

    He is a fighter who never gives up.

  29. 这个角斗士玩具是个赠品。

    This gladiator toy doll a giveaway.

  30. 我们犹如两个复出的斗士

    We were two fighters on the comeback trail


  1. 问:斗士拼音怎么拼?斗士的读音是什么?斗士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗士的读音是dòushì,斗士翻译成英文是 A person who is brave and good at fighting...

  2. 问:斗士型的拼音怎么拼?斗士型的的读音是什么?斗士型的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗士型的的读音是,斗士型的翻译成英文是 mesomorphic

  3. 问:斗士型的人拼音怎么拼?斗士型的人的读音是什么?斗士型的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗士型的人的读音是,斗士型的人翻译成英文是 mesomorph