


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn yī








  1. 道教名词。本指保持本性,自然无为。后多用以指养生的方法。

    《鬼谷子·本经阴符》:“信心术,守真一而不化。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·地真》:“割嗜慾所以固血气,然后真一存焉,三七守焉,百害却焉,年命延矣。” 明 刘基 《淮南王》诗:“收拾真一归中圆,化为五色黄金丸。”

  2. 中国 伊斯兰教名词。指真主独一无偶,为天地万物的主宰。这是 中国 伊斯兰教著述中阐明真主根本特征的第一个概念。

  3. 指真一酒。

    宋 苏轼 《真一酒歌》:“酿为真一和而庄,三杯儼如侍君王。” 宋 苏轼 《真一酒》诗:“人间真一 东坡 老,与作 青州 从事名。”参见“ 真一酒 ”。



  1. After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees.


  2. This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun.


  3. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter.


  4. Buy a pairs of shoes from exclusive store and another identical counterfeit of it, mix them and wear them on.


  5. While Mr. Yen's fighting style and screen personality are different from Lee's, he pays homage to his idol in 'Chen Zhen. '


  6. "Ballad" begins with Shinichi's recurring dream of a beautiful princess by a pond.


  7. Mr. Sasaki, Toyota's customer-quality chief, was among the attendees.


  8. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there's an old saying "where there is a will, there is a way. "


  9. This month, Shinichi Abe left Oracle for Google as managing director of enterprise business, Japan.


  1. 真一之水, 真虎

    renal fluid

  2. 真一之精, 真阴阳

    renal yin and yang

  3. 真一得名字是提过, 但似乎并重型鼓劲得大会。

    Shinichi's name is mentioned, there seems to be heavy agitation.

  4. 真一在西贡找得一间村屋居住, 同屋还有一个租客嘉儿。

    He finds a house in Sai Kung and he has a housemate, Ka Yee.

  5. 当然, 使一真棒景象, 享受!

    Certainly makes an awesome sight, enjoy!

  6. 大家都知道她一真坐缆车上山的。

    She's been known to take the cable car up the mountain.

  7. 这真是一诅咒咧。

    It's a curse, really.

  8. 你真是一坨狗屎。

    You really are a piece of shit.

  9. 我真想一夏天都。

    I wish I could stay here at the ball.

  10. 真是一封动人得信!

    What a charming letter!

  11. 真是一封动人的信!

    What a charming letter!

  12. 你对女人真有一套。

    You have a way with women.

  13. 你对孩子真有一套。

    You really have a way with kids.

  14. 想起我们上一次的分手, 我就一真觉得悲痛。

    To me, the remembrance of our last parting has been ever mournful and painful.

  15. 这个问题确实一真萦回在我的头脑里,参议员先生。

    This I DO carry in my head, Senator.

  16. 天啊,真是一条大蛇!

    Wow, look at how big that snake is!

  17. 你真是一匹漂亮的马。

    What a pretty horse you are.

  18. 还真是一刻不得喘息啊

    No rest for the weary, huh?

  19. 真是一长串烦人的不。

    That's a really long and boring version of No.

  20. 绝对是垃圾, 真是一坨屎!

    Absoulute rubbish, what is this crap

  21. 所有的写了这样一真棒线程真棒开发商非常感谢。

    Many thanks to all the awesome developers that wrote such an awesome threads.

  22. 所有得写了这样一真棒线程真棒开发商非常感谢。

    Many thanks to all the awesome developers that wrote such an awesome threads.

  23. 那可真是一堆破铜烂铁啊

    cause that is one fantastic piece of crap.

  24. 那条狗真像一只野兽。

    That dog looks a real brute.

  25. 你的脸真像一坨大便!

    Your face really resembled turd.

  26. 真是一刻也不能相信你。

    Can't trust you for a minute.

  27. 你说起这些还真是一套一套的

    You're weirdly good at this.

  28. 我的学生真是一堆好孩子。

    My students are quite a nice bunch.

  29. 我的学生真是一堆好孩子。

    My students are quite a nice bunch.

  30. 泰勒的妈妈真是一记警钟。

    Taylor's mom was a real wakeup call.


  1. 问:真一年生植物拼音怎么拼?真一年生植物的读音是什么?真一年生植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:真一年生植物的读音是zhēn yì nián shēng zhí wù,真一年生植物翻译成英文是 eutherophytes

  2. 问:真一条件语义拼音怎么拼?真一条件语义的读音是什么?真一条件语义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:真一条件语义的读音是zhēn yī tiáo jiàn yǔ yì,真一条件语义翻译成英文是 truth conditional semantics