




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……



汉语拼音:yǐ ér









  1. 罢了;算了。

    《论语·微子》:“凤兮,凤兮,何德之衰!往者不可諫,来者犹可追。已而,已而,今之从政者殆而。” 朱熹 集注:“已,止也。而,语助辞。” 宋 辛弃疾 《婆罗门引·别叔高》词:“已而已而,算此意,只君知。”

  2. 完了。

    宋 范成大 《荣木》诗:“逝其须臾,坐成四时。今我不学,殆其已而。”

  3. 用为死亡的讳称。

    唐 元稹 《祭亡妻韦氏文》:“纵斯言之可践,奈夫人之已而!”

  4. 旋即;不久。

    《史记·孝武本纪》:“ 少君 曰:‘此器 齐桓公 十年陈於 柏寝 。’已而案其刻,果 齐桓公 器。”《新五代史·梁臣传·霍存》:“ 存 伏兵 萧县 ,已而 瑾 果与 溥 俱出迷离, 存 发伏击之。”

  5. 后来。

    《史记·孟子荀卿列传》:“ 李斯 尝为弟子,已而相 秦 。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·辛亥游录》:“过午一时,潮乃自远海来,白作一綫。已而益近,群舟动荡。”

  6. 然后。

    《孔丛子·论书》:“ 尧 既得 舜 ,歷试诸难,已而纳之於尊显之官,使大録万机之政。” 宋 叶适 《刘建翁墓志铭》:“治县极宽,不为节限,讼者从容各尽其辞;已而敷畅折衷,隐情遁节,如镜见象,姦民未尝不避影敛跡也。”

  7. 时而。

    宋 陈亮 《甲辰答朱元晦书》:“ 伯恭 晚岁亦念其憔悴可怜,欲抆拭而俎豆之,旁观皆为之嘻笑,已而嘆骇,已而怒駡。”



  1. Cynics might argue that the government didn't have much of a choice on either count, but the outcome is all that matters.


  2. It rises again among the richest nations, where entrepreneurs tend to be driven by perceived opportunities rather than necessity.


  3. It was more to accommodate Sheva and Ballack and also due to those nightmarish series of injuries.


  4. those eyes expressed entreaty and dread of a refusal and shame at having to beg , and readiness for unforgiving hatred in case of refusal.


  5. Going with little sleep is sometimes an unfortunate necessity, but it shouldn't be adopted as a way of life and a point of pride.


  6. Minority governments, although common in other Nordic countries, are frowned on in Finland and would only be considered as a last resort.


  7. The use of force would be the last choice made under extraordinary circumstances.


  8. For ex-communist countries in the euro, pegged to it or hoping to adopt it soon, the Portuguese example merits careful study.


  9. Mr Obama's best course is to explain, calmly and patiently, why bailing out banks and honouring contracts are necessary evils.


  1. 突然雷电大作,已而大雨倾盆。

    Suddenly it thundered and lightened, and then rain fell in torrents.

  2. 已而浣毕, 她们又吆三唤五地结伴而归。

    Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five to accompany to.

  3. 已而倒掉剩油,再加猪油,水和佐料,慢火沌成。

    Yier Discard leftover oil, coupled with lard, water and seasoning, simmered into turbid.

  4. 已而战争跟别的事情一样,让我们努力提高活动水平。

    And warfare is just as capable of productivity improvements as any other activity.

  5. 已而, 加资政殿学士, 依旧职, 知福州兼福建安抚使。

    YiEr, add sm, still bachelor house position, fuzhou and fujian comfort to know.

  6. 我只是想追上先父而已。

    All I ever wanted was to measure up to my father.

  7. 但是我们只是把他说漏嘴而已。

    But we spilled the beans about him.

  8. 汽车已疾驰而去。

    The car has spun away.

  9. 已定而尚未交货的

    on order

  10. 此时缪斯已远离而去。

    Yet as far the Muse outflies.

  11. 我母亲已转而信仰天主教。

    My mother has converted to Catholicism.

  12. 这些方法已废而不用了。

    These methods have fallen into disuse.

  13. 她知道他已一怒而去。

    She knew that he had stormed out.

  14. 认定某物已丢失而不找寻

    give sth. up for lost

  15. 她假装已怀孕而骗他结婚。

    She trapped him into marriage by pretending she was pregnant.

  16. 虚荣使人得宠于已,而失宠于人。

    Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others.

  17. 据说哈里的父亲已潦倒而死。

    It was said that Harry's father had died a dog's death.

  18. 他因为已超龄而不能参加考试。

    He couldn't enter for the examination because he was over age.

  19. 他那双老马靴已磨损而补过了。

    His ancient riding boots were scuffed and patched.

  20. 他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。

    His activities were restricted by old age.

  21. 公开遴选的过往承诺已随风而逝。

    Gone are past promises of an open selection.

  22. 随着时间推移,时间和空间已因此而压缩。

    So over time, time and space have compressed because of this.

  23. 由于人难免犯错,错误可能已由此而生。

    Errors may have been made due to human falli.

  24. 他们人已疲倦而兴致甚高,决定先休息一下。

    They, weary but game, decided to take a break.

  25. 这个小国家到底从他身上获利多少已不得而知。

    How much that little country has benefited from his involvement is unclear.

  26. 你的圣所已被践踏污辱。你的司祭已蒙难而忧伤。

    For your sanctuary has trampled on and profaned, and your priests are in mourning and humiliation.

  27. 似乎仅仅一眨眼的光阴,我们的青春就已随风而逝了。

    It seems that we our youth has gone with the wind in a wink.

  28. 恍惚间, 那份未完成的爱和甜酸的暧昧都已随风而逝。

    Dimly, the unfinished love, as well as the sweet and slightly sour ambiguity has gone with the wind.

  29. 好几个月前他曾告诉我说我已老而无用并祝我别处发财。

    Many months ago he told me I had outlived my usefulness, and he wished me well.

  30. 他已长大成熟而不再轻信。

    He has outgrown his credulity.




拼音:yǐ ér