







汉语拼音:duì děng





双方级别、地位 、条件等相等或相当:~原则。



  1. 平等;相等。

    梁启超 《论内地杂居与商务关系》:“假使我 支那 终不能与 欧 米 诸国立於对等,则 日本 者,为有利乎?为有害乎?” 茅盾 《无题》:“他不满意他的夫人--简直有点恨他的夫人老是把‘物质’和‘精神’对等看待。”



  1. Emphasis the bank's entrance of reciprocal nation as well as the supervision to the bank which have came in.


  2. Equivalent staging is only a measure to relate how the organization is compared to other organizations in terms of maturity levels.


  3. As another example, consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.


  4. If it fails to do so the United States, Europe and Mexico could eventually be allowed to respond with equivalent trade sanctions.


  5. The identity is only used to identify peers locally - it has no global significance.


  6. Unlike the Soviets, the Chinese appear not to be trying to match the size and capability of America's huge fleet.


  7. I'm satisfied as it was a very fruitful discussion during which both ourselves and our counterparts were able to get our arguments across.


  8. Second, because peers were enumerated in a properties file there was a sense of permanence about them.


  9. The problem wAS, AS the Internet grew, the public points became overburdened and traffic slowed at these bottlenecks.


  1. 不对等重传

    unequal retransmission.

  2. 发布支持对等复制。

    The publication supports peertopeer replication.

  3. 导纳阻抗的对等物

    The reciprocal of impedance.

  4. 发布不支持对等复制。

    The publication does not support peertopeer replication.

  5. 略论翻译对等与翻译策略

    On Translation Equivalence and Translating Strategies

  6. 检查瞳孔大小、形状和对等。

    Check pupils for size, shape, and equality.

  7. 临时对等信息和协商系统

    Interim Reciprocal Information and Consultation System.

  8. 这些公约以对等原则为基础。

    These conventions are based on the principle of reciprocity.

  9. 用精确的对等对词进行的解释

    a definition that gives an exact equivalent of the term defined

  10. 你有来我有往, 办事公平对等。

    Give and take is fair play.

  11. 权责对等的行政法控制研究

    Study on Control by Administrative Law over Reciprocity of Power and Responsibility

  12. 原文的读者反应与译文的读者反应对等。

    Equivalence of response of source language readers and target readers.

  13. 那描绘对等的在程序的结束之前。

    The render quits before the end of the process.

  14. 有些汉语词在英语中没有对等词。

    Some Chinese words have no equivalent in English.

  15. 有些汉语词在英语中没有对等词。

    Some Chinese words have no equivalent in English.

  16. 对等数据管理系统中数据映射的研究

    Research on data mapping in PDMS

  17. 对等承认及执行民商事判决

    reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters

  18. 把对等信号转换成数字信号的装置。

    device for converting analogue signals into digital signals.

  19. 把数字信号转换成对等信号的装置。

    device for converting digital signals into analogue signals.

  20. 相等在价值上, 效果上, 意义上相当, 对等

    Equal, as in value, force, or meaning.

  21. 第二台服务器执行对等恢复处理。

    The second server performs the peer recovery processing.

  22. 外交部长是和国务秘书对等的人

    The foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state.

  23. 世界上不存在不对等的懦夫博弈。

    Theres no such thing as a lopsided game of chicken.

  24. 双务合同中的各方权利义务对等。

    The parties in a bilateral contract share equal rights and obligations.

  25. 计算机网络对等安全通信技术的研究

    A Study on Techniques for Realizing Peer to Peer Safety Communication on Computer Network

  26. 您必须明白我对等人非常反感。

    You must realize I object to being kept waiting.

  27. 翻译中的语篇连贯和信息量对等

    On Connection And Equivalence In Translation

  28. 在对等的基础上相互给予最惠国待遇

    mutual granting of MFN trade status on the basis of reciprocity

  29. 局域网检测错误,任务切换至对等主机。

    Release my jobs to another host due to LAN check fail.

  30. 定义对等通道消息筛选器的基类。

    Defines the base class for peer channel message filters.


  1. 问:对等拼音怎么拼?对等的读音是什么?对等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等的读音是duìděng,对等翻译成英文是 equal

  2. 问:对等式拼音怎么拼?对等式的读音是什么?对等式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等式的读音是duì děng shì,对等式翻译成英文是 peer to peer

  3. 问:对等机拼音怎么拼?对等机的读音是什么?对等机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等机的读音是duì děng jī,对等机翻译成英文是 Peers

  4. 问:对等的拼音怎么拼?对等的的读音是什么?对等的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等的的读音是duì děng de,对等的翻译成英文是 even

  5. 问:对等交换拼音怎么拼?对等交换的读音是什么?对等交换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等交换的读音是duì děng jiāo huàn,对等交换翻译成英文是 reciprocal crossing over

  6. 问:对等保护拼音怎么拼?对等保护的读音是什么?对等保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等保护的读音是duìděngbǎohù,对等保护翻译成英文是 reciprocity of protection

  7. 问:对等共享拼音怎么拼?对等共享的读音是什么?对等共享翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等共享的读音是duì děng gòng xiǎng,对等共享翻译成英文是 peer-to-peer share

  8. 问:对等加密拼音怎么拼?对等加密的读音是什么?对等加密翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等加密的读音是,对等加密翻译成英文是 Symmetric key algorithm

  9. 问:对等原则拼音怎么拼?对等原则的读音是什么?对等原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等原则的读音是duì děng yuán zé,对等原则翻译成英文是 principle of reciprocity

  10. 问:对等复制拼音怎么拼?对等复制的读音是什么?对等复制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等复制的读音是duì děng fù zhì,对等复制翻译成英文是 peer-to-peer replication

  11. 问:对等实体拼音怎么拼?对等实体的读音是什么?对等实体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等实体的读音是,对等实体翻译成英文是 peer-entities

  12. 问:对等待遇拼音怎么拼?对等待遇的读音是什么?对等待遇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等待遇的读音是duì děng dài yù,对等待遇翻译成英文是 parity of treatment

  13. 问:对等服务拼音怎么拼?对等服务的读音是什么?对等服务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等服务的读音是duì děng fú wù,对等服务翻译成英文是 peer services

  14. 问:对等权利拼音怎么拼?对等权利的读音是什么?对等权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等权利的读音是duìděngquánlì,对等权利翻译成英文是 right of equity

  15. 问:对等条件拼音怎么拼?对等条件的读音是什么?对等条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等条件的读音是duìděngtiáojiàn,对等条件翻译成英文是 condition of reciprocity

  16. 问:对等款项拼音怎么拼?对等款项的读音是什么?对等款项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等款项的读音是duì děng kuǎn xiàng,对等款项翻译成英文是 counterpart monies

  17. 问:对等省略拼音怎么拼?对等省略的读音是什么?对等省略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等省略的读音是duìděngshěnglüè,对等省略翻译成英文是 deletion under identity

  18. 问:对等网络拼音怎么拼?对等网络的读音是什么?对等网络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等网络的读音是duì děng wǎng luò,对等网络翻译成英文是 Peer-to-Peer Network

  19. 问:对等网路拼音怎么拼?对等网路的读音是什么?对等网路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等网路的读音是,对等网路翻译成英文是 Peer to peer

  20. 问:对等货物拼音怎么拼?对等货物的读音是什么?对等货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对等货物的读音是duì děng huò wù,对等货物翻译成英文是 counter cargo




【读音】duì děng


