如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……
汉语拼音:dǎ yú
If your struggling to make it just a few days in forget about doing it for weeks and just focus on getting 10 days down.
如果你只是两天打鱼,三天晒网,一曝十寒,那就集中精力、认真坚持10天。He has a whale boat and used to go fishing in it, but now he is no longer strong enough to manage its unwieldy bulk.
他有一条捕鲸船,以往常常出海打鱼,如今气力不支,弄不了这条笨重的破船了。Once there was an old man. He lived by a river. He went out to catch fish every morning.
从前,有一位老人,他住在河边。每天早晨他都出去打鱼。Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
耶稣顺着加利利的海边走,看见西门,和西门的兄弟安得烈,在海边撒网。他们本是打鱼的。He had appointed to go out in this boat, either for pleasure or for fish, with two or three Moors of some distinction in that place.
他吩咐下来,要同两三位在本地有地位的摩耳人一同坐这只船到海上去闲游或者打鱼。Some researchers speculate that they made the best of a bad situation by catching fish, and hunting turtles and waterfowl from the canals.
科研人员进一步猜想,认为每遇到情况不妙的时候,他们还能打鱼过日子,会从他们开挖的水渠系统中捕捉一些海龟和水鸟一类的东西。He made a law that nobody in the county could make a living by fishing in the rivers and lakes there.
他制订了一条法令,那个县所有的人都不允许靠在江湖里打鱼为生。The old man said, " They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are. "
听人说,从前他父亲是个打鱼的。他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me, ' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.
He earned his living as a fisherman.
skipjack fishing clipper.
The menfolk have all gone out fishing.
It is ten years since he was a fisherman.
他家是船户, 以打鱼为生。
He lives on a boat and makes his living by fishing.
He lives on a boat and makes his living by fishing.
The fisherman had caught a whopper.
The fisherman had caught a whopper.
When young, she used to go fishing with her grandpa.
You lack perseverance, so you'll never get anywhere with your calligraphy.
You lack perseverance, so you'll never get anywhere with your calligraphy.
渔夫撑船离岸, 到湖里打鱼去了。
The fisherman poled a boat and went fishing on the lake.
The fisherman poled a boat and went fishing on the lake.
They drifted on the lake, fishing and catching shrimp to get by.
Jones works by fits and starts and lacks continuity in endeavor.
There lives a fisherman and his son by a lakeside.
During the holidays we hired a boat and went fishing.
My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts.
去深海打鱼并学着切鱼片, 为自己烹鱼。
Go deep sea fishing and learn to filet and cook your own fish.
在今天的福音中, 宗徒们又开始打鱼了。
In our gospel story, the disciples are fishing again.
He can't hold a constant interest in anything. He always works in fits, and starts.
He can't hold a constant interest in anything. He always works in fits, and starts.
渔妇不仅要做家务, 还要打鱼, 生活很辛苦。
The fisherwoman not only has to do the household chores, but also has to go fishing. Life for her is very hard.
The fisherwoman not only has to do the household chores, but also has to go fishing. Life for her is very hard.
明天早上如果不刮暴风, 渔船就出海打鱼。
The fishing boats will put out to sea if the storm keeps off tomorrow morning.
He is taking his netting gear, so it seems that he is going fishing now.
一个老人经常在海上打鱼, 却总是钓不到。
An old man fishing at sea often, but not always catch.
He tells Simon to launch out and let down his nets for a catch.
公司首先开除了那些三天打鱼, 两天晒网的人。
The company dismissed first those who and loose with their work.
All the neighboring boatmen have lived here and made a living by fishing for generations.