




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……



汉语拼音:fén huà







  1. 烧掉(纸钱、尸体等)。

    《说岳全传》第六五回:“ 宗良 正在焚化纸钱。”《红楼梦》第九八回:“﹝ 林姑娘 ﹞焚化诗稿。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二三:“清明扫墓,虽不焚化纸钱,也可训练小孩子一种恭肃静默的对先人的敬礼。”



  1. I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and life review beyond death that did not occur and within the aurora of earth.


  2. The cruel brahmin would not leave his bed to help the poor mother cremate the body.


  3. and creations combust as they are not prepared to match the sun's dream.


  4. The old era would receive a ceremonial cremation and a new, stronger one would arise out of its ashes.


  5. However, a Customs spokeswoman said the agency's port directors lack the authority to permit in incineration.


  6. All existing apartment house incinerators were to be closed or improved according to a specific timetable .


  7. when in reality it may only be a portion of thought -form left over from ancient times lost due to combustion of our holographic archives.


  8. Mainly because of a crippling $288m loan guarantee for a trouble-plagued rubbish incinerator, the city is in a hellish financial state.


  9. Dewatering is seldom used as an intermediate process unless the sludge is to be incinerated.


  1. 垃圾焚化站

    incineration house.

  2. 污水污泥焚化

    sewage sludge incineration

  3. 焚化厂操作工

    Incinerator plant operator.

  4. 垃圾焚化场

    refuse destructor plant.

  5. 污物焚化处理系统

    crematory system of sewage disposal

  6. 屠体焚化炉

    carcass cremator.

  7. 炉篦式焚化装置

    fire grate incineration equipment

  8. 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程

    Waste Incinerator

  9. 焚化此符以求保护。

    Burn this mantra for protection.

  10. 新式小型焚化炉

    modular incinerator

  11. 微粒污染物焚化器

    fume incinerator

  12. 大多数垃圾都被焚化了。

    Most of the waste is incinerated.

  13. 废弃物焚化和露天焚烧

    Incineration and open burning of waste.

  14. 催化焚化炉。触媒式焚化炉

    catalytic incinerator

  15. 工业废料回收和焚化厂

    Industrial waste recovery and incineration plants

  16. 焚化炉排放之废气。

    Air pollution prevention of incinerator emission.

  17. 要不就不经审判被焚化

    Or incinerated without a trial

  18. 焚化当然不可能避免掩埋。

    3 Incineration cannot, of course, eliminate landfilling.

  19. 自我焚化就类似于核裂变。

    Combustion can be likened to nuclear fission.

  20. 其餘都被焚化或是用於填埋

    Most of it's incinerated or landfilled.

  21. 操作和维修垃圾焚化炉。

    Operation and maintenance of a refuse incineration plant.

  22. 就在我们尸体焚化的骨灰上

    In the ashes of our lives

  23. 该如何焚化才能降低污染排放?

    How to incinerate in order reduce waste gas emission

  24. 垃圾填埋和焚化过程中的释放

    Releases from landfills and incineration

  25. 我奉命把这具尸体送去焚化

    I was ordered to take this corpse to the incinerator.

  26. 用于焚化的炉子, 尤其是处理垃圾

    a furnace for incinerating, especially to dispose of refuse

  27. 焚化我的记忆, 祭奠你犹存的美丽。

    Incineration of my memory, marking you dwells beauty.

  28. 垃圾焚化余热锅炉受热面设计特点

    Design Characteristic for Heating Surface of Heat Recovery Boiler Matched with a MSW Incinerator

  29. 污水处理场, 焚化炉废气除臭。

    Deodorization of sewage treatment plant, incinerator flue gas.

  30. 这不是这些焚化炉代表得价值。

    It is not representative value of those incinerators.


  1. 问:焚化拼音怎么拼?焚化的读音是什么?焚化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚化的读音是fénhuà,焚化翻译成英文是 incinerate

  2. 问:焚化场拼音怎么拼?焚化场的读音是什么?焚化场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚化场的读音是fén huà chǎng,焚化场翻译成英文是 burning area

  3. 问:焚化灰拼音怎么拼?焚化灰的读音是什么?焚化灰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚化灰的读音是fén huà huī,焚化灰翻译成英文是 incineration ash

  4. 问:焚化炉腐蚀拼音怎么拼?焚化炉腐蚀的读音是什么?焚化炉腐蚀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚化炉腐蚀的读音是fén huà lú fǔ shí,焚化炉腐蚀翻译成英文是 incinerator corrosion

  5. 问:焚化炉洗涤水拼音怎么拼?焚化炉洗涤水的读音是什么?焚化炉洗涤水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚化炉洗涤水的读音是fén huà lú xǐ dí shuǐ,焚化炉洗涤水翻译成英文是 incinerator scrubber water