







汉语拼音:fén huǐ







  1. 见“ 焚毁 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 焚燬 ”。烧毁。

    《后汉书·袁术传》:“天子播越,宫庙焚毁。” 清 钱大昕 《廿二史考异·宋史六·职官志十》:“ 玉清 、 会灵 先后焚燬, 祥源观 亦于 至和 元年灾。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第九章:“他们抛弃了一切辎重,焚毁了自己的粮食仓库和军火仓库。”



  1. The plane shot off the end of a runway without taking to the air and piled up in flames in a bog.


  2. If the House of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.


  3. At the other end of the street is a brightly coloured mall with its windows blown out but a hole in the wall already mended.


  4. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.


  5. I grew up with images of the city as a burnt-out shell and was amazed to see how modern it is.


  6. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.


  7. All linen that may have come into contact with small-pox victims or have been otherwise contaminated must be burnt .


  8. A paramilitary bunker near the line dividing Indian from Pakistani Kashmir was ransacked this week, and a police station torched.


  9. During one such trial in Indonesia last month, of a Christian accused of insulting Islam, rioters attacked the court and burned churches.


  1. 焚毁处理纸盒

    carton for destruction, disposal.

  2. 大片森林被焚毁。

    A large area of forest has been burnt down.

  3. 那栋房子被焚毁。

    The house went up in flames.

  4. 那里的渡船已经焚毁。

    The boats had been burned there.

  5. 该建筑物已全部焚毁。

    The building was burned to the ground.

  6. 伪军焚毁了整个村庄。

    The puppet troops burnt the whole village down.

  7. 森林被大火焚毁了。

    The forest was destroyed by fire.

  8. 内部被火焚毁的工厂

    a factory gutted by fire

  9. 内部为火焚毁的仓库

    A warehouse gutted by fire

  10. 房屋被拆毁,农场被焚毁。

    Houses are being demolished and farms are being burned down.

  11. 这座大楼昨天焚毁了。

    The building burnt yesterday.

  12. 焚毁的诺顿的意象分析

    On the Imagery of Burnt Norton

  13. 这座城镇被洗劫焚毁。

    The town had been pillaged and burned.

  14. 他把所有的信焚毁了。

    He burned all his letters.

  15. 店铺彻底被大火焚毁了。

    The store was completely destroyed by fire.

  16. 店铺彻底被大火焚毁了。

    The store was completely destroyed by fire.

  17. 那楝建筑物得内部被火焚毁。

    The building gutted by the fire.

  18. 那楝建筑物的内部被火焚毁。

    The building gutted by the fire.

  19. 整个村子都被伪军焚毁了。

    The whole village was burnt down by the puppet troops.

  20. 整座建筑物在大火中焚毁。

    The whole building went up in flames.

  21. 那栋建筑物得内部被火焚毁。

    The building was gutted by the fire.

  22. 那栋建筑物的内部被火焚毁。

    The building was gutted by the fire.

  23. 整座建物在大火中焚毁。

    The whole building went up in flames.

  24. 所有建筑物均为大火所焚毁。

    All the buildings were destroyed by a big fire.

  25. 示威者焚毁了总统的丑化像。

    The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.

  26. 他们遭到枪击,他们的长屋被焚毁。

    They were shot at, their malocas, their, longhouses, were burned.

  27. 整幢房子的内部被火焚毁了。

    The whole house was gutted by fire.

  28. 被焚毁的图书馆和被改写的人类记忆

    Burned Library and Rewritten Human Memory.

  29. 英军焚毁圆明园原因考实

    A Textual Research on the Reason of the British Military to Burn Yuan Ming Yuan

  30. 这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。

    The building was completely destroyed by fire.


  1. 问:焚毁拼音怎么拼?焚毁的读音是什么?焚毁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焚毁的读音是fénhuǐ,焚毁翻译成英文是 to burn down; to destroy by fire




【读音】fén huǐ



【示例】《东周列国志》第一回:“吩咐军士一不许践踏禾稼,二不许焚毁树木,三不许侵扰民居;获禽多少,尽数献纳,照次给赏。如有私匿,追出重罪。”清·钱大昕《廿二史考异·宋史六·职官志十》:“玉清、会灵先后焚毁,祥源观亦于至和元年灾。”民国二十二年《河南通志·睢县采访稿·袁可立大石坊》:“其‘三世司马’坊,为发匪焚毁。巅顶大石,岌岌欲坠。” 魏巍《东方》第三部第九章:“他们抛弃了一切辎重,焚毁了自己的粮食仓库和军火仓库。”