


1. 勒 [lè]2. 勒 [lēi]勒 [lè]套在牲畜上带帽子的笼头:马~。收住缰绳不使前进:悬崖~马。强制:~令。~索。统率:~兵。雕刻:~石。~碑。~铭。勒 [lēi]用绳子等捆住和套住,然后用力拉紧:~紧。方言,强制,逼迫。……


1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……



汉语拼音:lè lìng








  1. 以命令方式强制人做某事。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·忤时》:“以僕曹务多闲,勒令专知下笔。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷七:“ 高宗 曰:‘ 孟子 发挥王道, 説之 何人,乃敢非之!’勒令致仕。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七三回:“下了个札给 歷城 县,勒令即刻将 弥轩 驱逐出院。” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第十四章:“ 唐二爷 也入了佛门,勒令一家人都不准吃牛肉。”



  1. Forcing a state-owned factory to shut down for a bit may seem easier than convincing millions of people to turn down their air con.


  2. We have no right to order him to leave school unless there is enough evidence to convict him of cheating in the exam.


  3. The News of the World, which suspended Goodman on Friday, said it had no comment to make on today's court proceedings.


  4. At the airport, Mr Chaudhry was manhandled by the police and his retinue of lawyers was ordered to leave Karachi.


  5. No one complained about his daily routine more than Alan---right up to the day he was expelled and I lost touch with him.


  6. He was taken out of school as a boy, but that won't stop him from becoming synonymous with inventions that define the modern era.


  7. The biggest encampment, at Dale Farm in Essex, is expected to be ordered to leave within a month.


  8. "You'll never believe this, " he said, "but I don't even have a college degree. I was thrown out for low grades. "


  9. He also was ordered to move out of the house, he only used his skill to delay a week and pay the rent.


  1. 勒令学生停学

    suspend a pupil from school.

  2. 他被勒令停学。

    He was suspended from school.

  3. 勒令交出赃物

    order sb. to surrender stolen goods.

  4. 她被勒令停学。

    She was suspended from school.

  5. 她被勒令停职4天。

    A fourday suspension was imposed on her.

  6. 勒令某人规规矩矩

    Bind sb. over to good behavior

  7. 我已被勒令退赛。

    I've been ordered off it.

  8. 我已被勒令退赛。

    I've been ordered off it.

  9. 她被勒令停学一周。

    She was suspended from school for a week.

  10. 被捕后,他被勒令停职。

    Upon his arrest, he was suspended from his job.

  11. 他被勒令休学一个月。

    He was suspended from school for a month.

  12. 擅自占房者被勒令迁出。

    The squatters were ordered to vacate the premises.

  13. 她也被勒令退出比赛了。

    She was also ordered off.

  14. 这个逃学的孩子被勒令休学。

    The truant child was suspended from school.

  15. 这个逃学的孩子被勒令休学。

    The truant child was suspended from school.

  16. 学院勒令这些学生休学一年。

    The College sent the students down for one year.

  17. 里弄烤肉店会被勒令停业得。

    Backyard barbecue grills could be proscribed.

  18. 我们被勒令不许进入该城市。

    We were ordered to remain away from the city.

  19. 里弄烤肉店会被勒令停业的。

    Backyard barbecue grills could be proscribed.

  20. 该案件被勒令推迟到星期五。

    The case was ordered to stand over till Friday.

  21. 他们因斗殴被勒令退出课堂。

    They were ordered out of the class for fighting.

  22. 他因连续犯规被裁判勒令退场。

    He was sent off by the referee for persistent fouling.

  23. 裁判员有权勒令他退场吗。

    Do the referee have the power to send him off the field.

  24. 他因连续犯规被裁判员勒令退场。

    He was sent off by the referee for persistent fouling.

  25. 司机和他的助手被勒令下车。

    The driver and his assistant were ordered out of the vehicle.

  26. 你觉得她不会勒令这项目停止么

    You think she's not gonna make this disappear?

  27. 但朝廷执行投降政策, 勒令其退兵。

    But the royal government enforced a surrender strategy and order him withdraw.

  28. 我们的汽车在边境处被勒令折返。

    Our car was turned back at the frontier.

  29. 我们得汽车在边境处被勒令折返。

    Our car was turned back at the frontier.

  30. 故事一开始, 霍尔顿被勒令退学。

    At the start of the story, Holden is kicked out of school.


  1. 问:勒令拼音怎么拼?勒令的读音是什么?勒令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勒令的读音是lèlìng,勒令翻译成英文是 order




拼音: lè lìng例句:校长发文勒令该男生退学。释义:用命令的方式强制人做事。勒:强迫;强制 。如:勒取(强行索取);勒迫(强迫);勒停(强制停止;勒令停职)。