


可疑之点:~疑。避~。涉~。厌恶,不满意:~恶(wù ㄨˋ)。~弃。讨人~。怨:尽释前~。~隙(由猜疑而形成的仇怨)。……





汉语拼音:xián fàn






  1. After the questioning, Mr Ma said he was innocent and prosecutors said they did not view him as a corruption suspect.


  2. Lopez said the same day police also arrested one suspect, believed to be masked, armed criminals robbed of cash transport companies.


  3. The trouble started in an area of north London, when a peaceful protest over the shooting by police of a black suspect turned violent.


  4. The police said the guy was hoping to work out a plea bargain by telling where the others may be hiding.


  5. Police have refused to reveal how much money was taken by the suspect, who is described as white, with brown hair and about six feet tall.


  6. A search in Cleveland by tactical teams looking for a newlywed suspected of killing his wife, sister-in-law and her three young children.


  7. Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud.


  8. Police shut down a local highway for a few hours out of concern the suspect had escaped through a back door.


  9. He spoke on condition of anonymity because those details had not been officially released by police. He declined to name the suspect.


  1. 嫌犯被拘留。

    The suspect is under custody.

  2. 我成了嫌犯么?

    Am I a suspect?

  3. 这些嫌犯投降了。

    Give up The suspects gave themselves up.

  4. 现抓获了5名嫌犯。

    Five suspects have since been arrested.

  5. 证人指认出了嫌犯。

    The witness indicated the suspect.

  6. 嫌犯被拘禁一星期。

    The suspect was kept in custody for a week.

  7. 嫌犯主动向警方报到。

    The suspect reported himself to the police on his own initiative.

  8. 卢旺达嫌犯还押英

    Rwanda suspects remanded in UK

  9. 他们找到了嫌犯的指纹。

    I know they found a suspect's fingerprint.

  10. 这里是所有嫌犯的资料。

    Here are the files we had on all the suspects.

  11. 警方发布了嫌犯的素描

    Police are circulating this sketch of the assailant.

  12. 警方已公布嫌犯的姓名

    Police have just released the name of the hostage taker.

  13. 当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。

    Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection.

  14. 警察开始逼近嫌犯的家。

    The police began to close in on the home of the suspect.

  15. 警方已公布嫌犯的姓名。

    Police have just released the name of the hostage taker.

  16. 有時警察用暴力逮捕嫌犯。

    Sometimes police use a forcible arrest of a suspect.

  17. 嫌犯身份和动机仍然不明。

    The suspect and the motive remain unknown.

  18. 法院也可将嫌犯还押。

    The court can also remand a suspect.

  19. 这就是起诉海盗嫌犯问题。

    That is the prosecution of suspected pirates.

  20. 嫌犯在警察局受到盘问。

    The suspect was subjected to crossexamination at the police station.

  21. 埃及拘留系列爆炸八嫌犯

    Egypt Detains Eight Suspects of Series of Bombings at Resort

  22. 嫌犯可能携带枪支, 十分危险。

    Suspects considered armed and dangerous.

  23. 我们警方目前正在寻找嫌犯。

    Our officers are currently looking for the suspects.

  24. 他们最后偷的是嫌犯的钱包。

    They stole the suspect's wallet.

  25. 通常得嫌犯是尘埃及宠物。

    The usual suspects are dust mites and pets.

  26. 通常的嫌犯是尘埃及宠物。

    The usual suspects are dust mites and pets.

  27. 现场在座的还有嫌犯的律师。

    Also present are the suspect's lawyer.

  28. 这个间谍嫌犯被立即处决了。

    The suspected spy was summarily executed.

  29. 我可以告诉他们嫌犯逃走了。

    I could tell themthat the suspects escaped.

  30. 嫌犯始终坚持自己是无辜的。

    The suspect sat tight and insisted he was innocent.


  1. 问:嫌犯拼音怎么拼?嫌犯的读音是什么?嫌犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嫌犯的读音是xiánfàn,嫌犯翻译成英文是 A suspect.