











汉语拼音:fèng huáng yú fēi






  1. na.
  2. The two phoenixes fly side by side.;a wedding compliment;conjugal harmony [

  3. happiness];The male and famale phoenixes are flying together -- conjugal felicity.;The pair fly together happily.

  4. >

  1. 猎枪,我们于凤凰短暂的失去了联络。

    Shotgun, we've temporarily lost contact with phoenix.

  2. 它开始于我飞回伦敦 在科索沃的联合国任期结束后。

    And it began when I flew back from London after my time at the U. N. in Kosovo.

  3. 马刺将于今晚飞回圣城,准备于周五迎接小牛的挑战。

    They jetted home knowing Dallas awaits Friday.

  4. 这对皇室夫妇将于11月飞抵韩国。

    In November the Royal couple will fly to Korea.

  5. 有了这些小枝只是飞领先于其他口袋自行车在比赛中。

    With these sprigs just fly ahead of the other pocket bikes in the race.

  6. 试验发现损失于飞灰中的碳较多。

    Considerable carbon was lost in fly ash after the cyclone.

  7. 介绍了不同于回转剪的模式飞剪。

    The die set shear that is different from general flying shear is introduced.

  8. 飞船预期将于6个月后飞抵火卫一。

    The spacecraft is expected to fly past Phobos about six months from now.

  9. 飞机飞于云上。

    The plane is flying above the clouds.

  10. 哦,飞,飞呀,翱翔于天际。

    Oh, fly, fly, so high against the sky.

  11. 看来有人是飞上枝头当凤凰了。

    The sad caterpillar has turned into an extravagant butterfly.

  12. 飘飞于长空,浮上峡谷和山峦。

    That floats on high over vales and hills.

  13. 哈利特与凤凰会的密令将于明年7月在英国和美国上映。

    It will come to be played the Secret Order of Harley Baud and Phenix Meeting in England and America on July next year.

  14. 哈利波特与凤凰会的密令将于明年7月在英国和美国上映。

    Harry. Bod and Phenix secret order will be showed in UK and USA in July next year.

  15. 是那飞上枝头变凤凰的小燕子吗?

    It flew up into the branches is a change of the Flying Swallow Phoenix do?

  16. 是那飞上枝头变凤凰得小燕子吗?

    It flew up into the branches is a change of the Flying Swallow Phoenix do?

  17. 罗琳本应于今年六月完成凤凰一书。

    Rowling was supposed to finish Phoenix this past June.

  18. 你待我像天使。高飞于天空。余生有你相伴,死而无撼。

    You treat me like an angel, flying in the sky, I want to spend my life with you, until the day I die.

  19. 有鸟雀常飞来飞去,叽叽喳喳着于人亲近。

    Finch had regular flying, and closed to chirp to a person.

  20. 象鸟,隆鸟一种不会飞的巨鸟,产于马达加斯加岛,现已绝种

    A genus of extinct, large, flightless birds native to Madagascar.

  21. 西门改飞,总胜于坠毁。

    Simon Rather that than risk a crash.

  22. 飞节垂直于地面,且位置很低。

    The hocks are perpendicular to ground and well let down.

  23. 掷自己于青空远飞在风中。

    Throw you to the wind you fly away.

  24. 洋葱里长不出玫瑰。乌鸦里飞不出金凤凰。

    An onion will not produce a rose.

  25. 第一届飞球比赛于1983年举办于美国。

    The first Flyball tournament was held in1983 in the USA.

  26. 约翰将于星期二飞往赫尔辛基。

    John is flying to Helsinki On Tuesday.

  27. 玉在匵中求善价, 钗于奁内待时飞。

    The jade in the box fetch a good price, The pin in the casket longs to soar on high.

  28. 飘落在地,于尘土一起飞到树根底下。

    Falling to the ground, in the dust with the flying to the roots underneath.

  29. 玉在椟中求善价, 钗于奁内待时飞。

    The jade in the box expects to be sold with a good price, The pin in the casket long to soar on high.

  30. 最迟我将于周四飞往芝加哥。

    I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday, the last.





“凤凰于飞”是个多义词,它可以指凤凰于飞(奚美娟演唱歌曲), 凤凰于飞(张惠妹演唱歌曲), 凤凰于飞(王维倩演唱歌曲), 凤凰于飞(王琼演唱歌曲), 凤凰于飞(1944年由周璇主演的电影), 凤凰于飞(孙茜、张晓龙对唱歌曲), 凤凰于飞(汉语成语), 凤凰于飞(周璇演唱歌曲)。