






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:wú jì kě xún








  • 【解释】:没有踪迹可以寻求。多指处事为文不着痕迹。


  1. Linus Torvalds rather famously does not like speaking in public, so his conference appearances tend to be relatively rare and unscripted.


  2. Other gifts by the Kochs may be untraceable; federal tax law permits anonymous personal donations to politically active nonprofit groups.


  3. In a few years, the financial effects should hardly be visible.


  4. While there are still a few goods manufactured in Germany or the UK, there appear to be no manufactured goods from Nigeria itself.


  5. He saw in them symbols of an historical continuity that Russia had lost under communism.


  6. Coming as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no visible landmarks.


  7. Suddenly, as if a voice say to me, the future life indeed is unknown, but not completely without traced, i will guide you in darkness.


  8. Frequently, an answer can be found, sometimes no answer evolves.


  9. A snowflake charged with palms, a moment of inter-water into steam, no trace to be found, such as ice personality.


  1. 原本的氛围已无迹可寻。

    All form of aura is absent.

  2. 通常,能够找到一个答案,但有时又无迹可寻。

    Frequently, an answer can be found, sometimes no answer evolves.

  3. 我也了解到真爱是有共性的,也并非无迹可寻。

    I learned that true love has some universal qualities and telltale signs.

  4. 那无迹可寻的指尖,如同悠扬的清风,拨弄着我的心弦。

    Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are play upon my heart the music of the ripples.

  5. 最终证明那不过是烟花般得一瞬, 炸开以后, 无迹可寻。

    But it turned out to be flashes of fireworks that blasted and vanished without a trace.

  6. 最终证明那不过是烟花般的一瞬,炸开以后,无迹可寻。

    But it turned out to be flashes of fireworks that blasted and vanished without a trace.

  7. 有朕兆可寻。

    There are signs for us to read.

  8. 有征兆可寻。

    There are signs for us to read.

  9. 原因垂手可寻。

    The reason is not far to seek.

  10. 已无处可寻?

    you can't see them anywhere.

  11. 上帝无处可寻

    God is nowhere.

  12. 平心静气, 可寻美味。

    He that is at ease seeks dainties.

  13. 平心静气,可寻美味。

    He that is at ease seeks dainties.

  14. 无错可寻。无懈可击

    Have no fault to find with

  15. 孩子们没有偶像可寻。

    There's no models for them.

  16. 此案有蛛丝马迹可寻。

    There are clues in the case.

  17. 这本书无处可寻。

    The book was nowhere to be found.

  18. 不是无处可寻的火花。

    Is not the light that is fading away.

  19. 职场成功没有捷径可寻。

    There is no shorter path to career fulfillment.

  20. 踪迹到这儿只有蛛丝马迹可寻。

    There was only the faintest indication of a trail here.

  21. 在文学修养上无捷径可寻。

    There is no highroad to literary appreciation.

  22. 他们希望外星球上有东西可寻。

    SETI wants there to be stuff out there.

  23. 击地, 四处看看, 但是你都无处可寻。

    Hit the ground, look around, but you're nowhere to be found.

  24. 我得风格原形在这个作品有迹可寻。

    You can also find my original style in this film.

  25. 我的风格原形在这个作品有迹可寻。

    You can also find my original style in this film.

  26. 我已看过大多数有关美国的可寻材料。

    I have looked at most of the available material on American.

  27. 在无政府主义和独裁统治之间无中道可寻。

    No balance can be struck between anarchy and authoritarian rule.

  28. 相对于其他商业投资, 艺术投资较无规律可寻。

    Unlike other business investments, however, art investing isn't as regulated or exact an industry.

  29. 然而,智慧有何处可寻?聪明之处在那里呢?

    But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?

  30. 上帝是个圆,圆心到处可见,圆周无处可寻。

    God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.