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1. 翘 [qiáo]2. 翘 [qiào]翘 [qiáo]举起,抬起,向上:~首。~望。~企(殷切企望)。~足引领。特出:~才(高才)。~楚(喻杰出的人才)。翘 [qiào]一头向上仰起:~尾巴。~辫子(死)。……
1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……
汉语拼音:qiáo qū
The front yard was an icy swamp, and a couple of warped planks, extending from the sidewalk to the door, made a sort of rickety footbridge.
前院成了一个泛着冰碴儿的烂泥塘。过道与房门之间,用几块翘曲的木板搭起了一条晃晃悠悠的栈道。High moisture content, the wood easy to warp, deformation.
含水率高了,木材容易翘曲、变形。The front cover and back crepe folded and warping materials primarily on text and cover papers and the brush adhesive.
与造成封面书背绉折和翘曲有关的材料主要有内文和封面用纸及所刷胶粘剂。If it is a thin piece ( like a knife or blade ) , cut the cooling solution with the object so it won't warp .
如果是薄片(如刀或刀片),用目标物体切割冷溶液,使其不会翘曲。If a piece is irregular in shape, a slow rate is all the more essential to eliminate warping and cracking.
如果工件形状不规则,为了消除翘曲和开裂最根本的是加热速率要缓慢。However, according to her logs, she would have had to used warp drive to travel the distance required.
但是根据它的航行纪录,它必须使用翘曲飞行才能行进所需要的距离。The specially structured acoustic circuits actually bend the sound waves to wrap them around the outer layers of the cloak.
这种特殊结构的声音线路会造成声波翘曲,使其沿着外罩外层转弯。Thus, the semi-insulating nitride semiconductor crystal substrate in which warpage is less and cracking is less likely can be obtained.
由此,能获得其中翘曲较少且较不可能发生破裂的半绝缘氮化物半导体晶体衬底。This indicates that the developed ANN model has good interpolation capability and can be used as an efficient predictive tool for warpage.