







汉语拼音:jiān bèi







  1. 同时具有。

    《史记·礼书》:“ 周 衰,礼废乐坏,大小相踰, 管仲 之家,兼备三归。” 裴駰 集解引 包氏 曰:“三归,娶三姓女也。妇人谓嫁曰归。”《宋史·章衡传》:“使 辽 ,燕射连发破的, 辽 以为文武兼备,待之异於他使。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我的家庭》:“硕大,结实,豪放,爽直,一个将军所必需的种种本色,爸爸无不兼备。”



  1. A well-balanced diet with milk and juices would be just as good in a healthy, normally active, normally growing child.


  2. A concept of quasi-flux-wall guided transfer and its forming conditions with excellent usability and resistence to pores are put forward.


  3. Subject to the constraints of the UML metamodel, any model element might be a provider, a consumer, or both.


  4. He was an inspiring teacher, giving scholarly but entertaining lectures that betrayed his early love of the theatre.


  5. The Jackal is a great offensive and defensive unit, but needs to be placed carefully to avoid harming your own units with splash damage.


  6. Our consultants have many years of industry experience combined with consulting skills, focused to deliver tangible results for our clients.


  7. To acquire warmth and charm, Karl enrols himself to Heidelberg University as a student prince, learning pleasure of life.


  8. He seems to combine the gifts of many men, and it is difficult to single out any individual Western manager who combines these qualities.


  9. Through the years, the PLASAF has grown into a strategic force equipped with both nuclear and conventional missiles.


  1. 内外兼备铸名牌

    Establish wellknown brandnames from both inside and outside

  2. 质量优劣兼备的东西

    the curates egg

  3. 物像、情态、行神兼备。

    Like, modality and do with god.

  4. 翻译还是应该神形兼备

    The supernatural shape combine with should translating

  5. 作为燃料, 煤炭兼备多项优势。

    Coal has several advantages as a fuel.

  6. 当今,两种兼备的人才大有人在。

    Thats an easy combination to find nowadays.

  7. 你高雅及仁慈兼备又有感性。

    You have grace and kindness and sensuality.

  8. 他主张要形神兼备, 更重传神。

    He paid considerable attention to the vivid expressions of the figures to show their spirit.

  9. 玛丽亚活力、才智和美貌兼备。

    Maria had spirit and intelligence as well as beauty.

  10. 但是两者兼备可够你受的。

    You really can't afford to be both.

  11. 但是两者兼备可够你受的。

    You really can't afford to be both.

  12. 表里俱佳丝丝入扣, 形神兼备栩栩如生。

    Inside and outside are both with meticulous care and flawless artistry and as vivid as life.

  13. 好的领袖应该兼备才思和决心。

    A good leader should be one of intelligence and resolution.

  14. 好的领袖应该兼备才思和决心。

    A good leader should be one of intelligence and resolution.

  15. 两者兼备,使操作的更为驾轻就熟。

    Both have both, make operate more handy.

  16. 他兼备绅士和基督徒的最佳品质。

    He unites the best qualities of the gentleman and the Christian.

  17. 你应该兼备语言能力和工作技能。

    You should combine your language ability with your business skills.

  18. 这将需要信念与机敏两者兼备。

    This will require conviction as well as nous.

  19. 形神兼备的模仿, 天马行空的改编, 都是不如。

    Xingshenjianbei parody , Tianmaxingkong the adaptation, are not.

  20. 蒸炒兼备又是本设备得特点之一。

    The combingtion steaming and roasting is also one of the features of this machine.

  21. 蒸炒兼备又是本设备的特点之一。

    The combingtion steaming and roasting is also one of the features of this machine.

  22. 实用性,美观性兼备,使爱车更显豪华。

    Function, beauty and have, make love the car to even show the luxury.

  23. 列表是原子的链表,或者是列表的列表,或者两者兼备。

    Lists are linked lists of atoms, lists, or both.

  24. 人物形神兼备,衣纹流畅,富有不同的质感。

    Character portraits, the clothing lines smooth, full of different texture.

  25. 留有诗集一部,是住文武兼备的将军。

    He wrote a book of poetry, and he was a both civil and military general.

  26. 一个公共发布或者测试计划,或者两者兼备。

    A common release or testing schedule, or both

  27. 论传统武术训练中的形神兼备与内外相合

    On the Integration of Form and Spirit, Inside and Outside in Traditional Wushu Training

  28. 我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。

    We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.

  29. 巴臣不只才貌兼备,还有精明的生意头脑。

    Bachchan is beautiful, talented and also shrewd in business.

  30. 完善的货币要求央行和财政部两者兼备。

    A fully fledged currency requires both a central bank and a Treasury.


  1. 问:兼备拼音怎么拼?兼备的读音是什么?兼备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼备的读音是jiānbèi,兼备翻译成英文是 to have both... and...; to be in possession of...



词目: 兼备 注音: jiān bèi 释义: [meet;have both…and…] 同时具备 示例: 明 陈继儒《大司马节寰袁公(袁可立)家庙记》:“生死无暇,荣哀兼备。” 德才兼备