







汉语拼音:shēn míng







  1. 郑重宣明;阐明。

    《史记·律书》:“自是之后,名士迭兴, 晋 用 咎犯 ,而 齐 用 王子 , 吴 用 孙武 ,申明军约,赏罚必信。” 唐 韩愈 《禘袷议》:“今輒先举众议之非,然后申明其説。”《清史稿·戴铨传》:“二月,疏请申明会议旧章。” 鲁迅 《<华盖集>后记》:“ ZM君 便发表了我在讲堂上口说的话,大约意在申明我的意思,给我解围。”

  2. 重申。

    《东观汉记·马严传》:“ 严 举劾按章,申明旧典,奉法察举,无所迴避,百寮惮之。”《后汉书·桓帝纪》:“郡县务存俭约,申明旧令,如 永平 故事。”《后汉书·马援传》:“条奏 越 律与 汉 律駮者十餘事,与 越 人申明旧制以约束之。” 明 刘基 《郁离子·千里马》:“﹝ 平原君 ﹞尽散其私财以济贫乏,申明旧章,而重购以赏获盗者。”

  3. 辩解;申诉。

    《南史·齐鱼复侯子响传》:“ 子响 及见 顺子 ,欲自申明, 顺之 不许,於射堂縊之。”《新唐书·李尚隐传》:“善良方蒙枉,不为申明,可乎?”

  4. 昭雪。

    金 元好问 《通奉大夫张君神道碑铭》:“ 宣宗 贞祐 二年夏,寇来攻。县中兵力单寡,城为所陷。君乘乱而出,有司以不守议罪,父老诣州称枉,遂获申明。”



  1. Whenever you see a variable, look for a my declaration higher up in the same block.


  2. But heartfelt, eloquent statements like this video seem to torment liberals.


  3. First let me say that I have never been attacked by a shark, so don't take what I have to say as anything more than face value.


  4. The Senator had said he intended to resign last month but has now vowed to serve out his term.


  5. Again, not a fool proof plan but if one of these resonates with you, take steps to correct or modify the situation.


  6. Indeed, gay-issues advocates have had a mixed reaction, alternating between gratitude and anger at the perceived hypocrisy of his statement.


  7. Even when the EU issues a statement of concern on human rights, it is often not backed by a comprehensive strategy for change.


  8. I said that I would refuse to be a false teacher, compromising my faith to teach information which the Bible clearly says is immoral.


  9. The European Commission is often the place for dry, technocratic announcements, but the Spanish commissioner, Loyola de Palacio, was angry.


  1. 有力的申明

    a strong statement.

  2. 他一再申明他无罪。

    He keeps reiterating his innocence.

  3. 请申明您的姓名。

    Please state your name.

  4. 已知托运人安全申明

    Known Consignor Aviation Security Declaration

  5. 双方均申明答应停火。

    Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire.

  6. 申明郑重地宣誓或肯定

    To make an earnest avowal or affirmation.

  7. 请报价并申明包装环境。

    Please an offer indicating the packing.

  8. 被告申明自己是无辜的。

    The accused man protested his innocence.

  9. 可以以任何顺序申明类。

    Class declarations can come in any order.

  10. 免责申明本网站对公众开放。

    Disclaimer This site is open for public access.

  11. 这些论点算是我的免责申明。

    But I state these points above as a disclaimer.

  12. 申明身体是好而且特别的东西。

    Affirm that the body is a good and special thing.

  13. 请申明你何以应获颁此奖。

    Please justify yourself in winning this award.

  14. 我现在呼吁你也加入我, 申明立场。

    I ask you now to join with me and take a stand too.

  15. 他们异口同声地申明他们没有服用毒品。

    They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug.

  16. 申明这是一个可执行的程序

    The exec says this is an executable entry.

  17. 这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。

    There was one assailable point in this statement.

  18. 我申明一下,当我约她出去的时候

    For the record, I had no idea.

  19. 安理会还申明, 必须尊重人权与法治。

    The Council also affirms the need for respect for human rights and the rule of law.

  20. 他们申明拥有他们发现黄金的那块土地。

    They staked a claim to the land where they had found the gold.

  21. 我想申明,这就是我们此刻在做的

    I want to argue that we're doing that right here.

  22. 在这方面, 塞内加尔申明支持裁军。

    In this connection, Senegal affirms its support for disarmament.

  23. 到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。

    I should, at this point, declare my interest.

  24. 请出示护照, 海关申报表和健康申明表。

    Can I have your passport, customs and health declaration forms, please?

  25. 我在此申明所填写的内容真实无误。

    I hereby declare all the information provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  26. 本人申明上述提供的资料是真实和准确的。

    I certify that the above provided information is true and accurate.

  27. 请出示您的海关申报表和健康申明卡。

    Your customs and health declaration forms, please.

  28. 请出示您得海关申报表和健康申明卡。

    Your customs and health declaration forms, please.

  29. 宣言清楚地申明了社会发展的必要条件。

    The declaration clearly restates the essential conditions needed for social development.

  30. 他申明了国家的统一、团结和互信原则。

    He affirmed in the country the principles of unity, solidarity and mutual trust.


  1. 问:申明拼音怎么拼?申明的读音是什么?申明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申明的读音是shēnmíng,申明翻译成英文是 declare

  2. 问:申明浩拼音怎么拼?申明浩的读音是什么?申明浩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申明浩的读音是Shēn Mínghào,申明浩翻译成英文是 Shin Myong-ho



“申明”是个多义词,它可以指申明(画家), 申明(临夏州委常委、秘书长), 申明(汉语词语), 申明(务川自治县政协副主席)。