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1. 父 [fù]2. 父 [fǔ]父 [fù]爸爸,母亲的丈夫:~母。~辈。~子。~兄。对男性长辈的称呼:~老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯~。舅~。父 [fǔ]老年人:田~。渔~。同“甫”。……
汉语拼音:tiān fù
太平天囯 以天父称上帝。
And if He says that He and His Father are one, we and His Father are also one because we are also the children of God.
假如祂说祂和天父同一体,那我们也和天父同一体,因为我们也是上帝的子民。Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
你们看天空的飞鸟:它们不撒种,不收割,也不收进仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们;Father in heaven, give us the grace to take time this month to be still before you and to wait patiently for you to come into our lives.
天父,求祢赐下恩典,使我们可以在本月默然倚靠祢,耐性地等候祢进入我们的生命。You do not love yourself. But in his eyes loveliness is so complete and flawless that he does see in it an image of his Father.
你并不爱自己,但在他的眼中,你的可爱是如此完美无瑕,他才能从中看到天父的肖像。The Father can take care of the whole universe so just a bunch of you is nothing.
天父照顾了整个宇宙,照顾你们一小群人对祂并不是问题。You must free yourselves from all of the accusational conditions that have cropped up in history and be able to call to the Father.
你们必须把自己从各种历史上累积下来的控诉中解放出来,并且要能够呼求天父。I thanked Gaia on all of our behalf and went on to ask Papa Source if there was anything to mention on the thread tonight.
我代表我们所有人对盖亚表示感谢,接着问天父源头是否对于今晚的讯息有任何需要提及的。Be careful not to make a show of your righteousness before people. If you do so, you do not gain anything from your Father in heaven.
你们要小心,做好事不可在人前张扬、为引起他人注意;否则,你们就不要指望天父的赏报了。Beloved Father, I ardently wish and pray that You will raise us to be able to make strenuous efforts toward the fulfillment of the will.