







汉语拼音:móu miàn







  1. 谓察颜观色。

    《书·立政》:“谋面用丕训德,则乃宅人,兹乃三宅无义民。” 蔡沉 集传:“谋面者,谋人之面貌也。” 孙星衍 疏:“谋面者,《周书·官人解》有考言观色。”一说见 于省吾 《双剑誃诸子新证》。

  2. 见面;相识。

    清 周亮工 《<袁周合刻稿>序》:“吾邑 袁圣衣 太史与 金陵 周子 仍叔 ,素未谋面也。”《官场现形记》第九回:“ 陶子尧 虽久在 山东 ,同 王道臺 却是从未谋面。” 杨沫 《乡情》:“万没有料到,从未谋面的故乡人民,正在阴雨泥泞中,打着雨伞在公社的院里院外等待他们远方游子的归来。”



  1. "The company is likely to see a slate of five candidates and decide who they want to meet" for further interviews, Whitehouse says.


  2. For Mr. Kim, who did not meet the delegation, the trip appeared to have no downsides.


  3. The film is a comically poignant portrait of a middle-aged father searching for a son he did not know he had.


  4. She said she'd gone on a chat site for teens, started writing to a boy she'd never met and gave him her cellphone number.


  5. My friends say that I might regret Losing my heart to a guy I've never met. I say there is nothing I can do, I cannot help thinking of you.


  6. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he did not, the girl with the rose.


  7. Her name was Betsy Anderson and she treated Finch as if he were the grandfather she never knew.


  8. A translator is often fairly disconnected from your project and domain and you might never meet them face-to-face.


  9. We stayed in touch by letter but had not seen one another in years, and now Odette was dead.


  1. 我从未谋面过的人。

    I never met before.

  2. 我从未谋面过的人。

    I never met before.

  3. 和我们从未谋面的人

    we've just never seen before.

  4. 未曾谋面的女儿团圆了

    and the daughter you never knew.

  5. 她有个从未谋面的好姑姑

    She has this great aunt that she's never met.

  6. 是一个她从未谋面的老太太。

    It's an old lady she's never seen before.

  7. 独自走进素未谋面的人群之中。

    Alone in a faceless crowd.

  8. 我遇到了一个从未谋面的妹妹。

    I met a sister I never knew I had.

  9. 让那些我们从未谋面的人接触到。

    and make them available to people we've never met.

  10. 尽管以前素未谋面, 但他们相处融洽。

    They got on well together although they were total strangers.

  11. 您首先是我的朋友,而且是从未谋面的朋友。

    First of all you are my friend, but had never met a friend.

  12. 一起在一夜之间成为素未谋面的

    When overnight we became parents to a deaf teenager.

  13. 聚会经经常会有互未谋面的主人。

    After meeting each other often have never met a servant.

  14. 这些幸存者在为素未谋面的人奋斗

    this February, and got their clients 12 million dollars.

  15. 两个相隔千里的未谋面朋友的对话。

    Two separated by thousands of miles of a friend not seen for dialogue.

  16. 你要雇用素未谋面的人应三思而行。

    You should think twice about employing someone you have never met.

  17. 笔者1987年8月8日应邀与袁晓园先生谋面。

    For the first time, I met Linguist and Philologist Yuan Xiaoyuan on August 8th, 1987.

  18. 他们说的是我的姐姐香提一个我从未谋面的姐姐!

    They were talking about my sister Shanti, a sister I never knew I had!

  19. 我们的价值观呼唤我们去关心那些永不会谋面的人们。

    Our values call upon us to care about the lives of people we will never meet.

  20. 我回到那些熟悉的故地,看到久违谋面的家人朋友。

    I went back to old familiar places, saw friends and family that it has been too long since our last meetings.

  21. 贪婪与快乐未曾谋面,他们怎么可能结为友伴呢?

    Greedy has never met pleasure, how can they become friends.

  22. 但是从未谋面的祖父的离世给她带来了巨大的转折。

    But, when the granddaddy she never knew most passes away, her face down.

  23. 你们从未谋面的那个人, 当然, 也将永远无缘见面了。

    The guy you never take a look, for sure, you will never see him in the future.

  24. 我怎么才能放心把钱交给这个素未谋面的人呢?

    So how do I trust this man that I've never met with my money ?

  25. 黛安是一位重未谋面的朋友, 但却是我的最好朋友之一。

    I have not meet Diane, but she is a friend of one of my dearest friends.

  26. 哎, 慢著!你对素未谋面的人不能那样说人家。

    I say, steady on!You't say that about someone you've never met.

  27. 我从未想到会在机场见到多年未曾谋面的老师。

    It never occurred to me that I would meet my teacher I hadnt seen for quite a few years at the airport.

  28. 她谈笑风生,和那些素未谋面的人毫不拘束地聊着。

    She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before.

  29. 哦,我和一个叫埃普洛梅的未曾谋面的女孩初次约会。

    Well, I a blind date for tonight with a girl named April May.

  30. 我与这位教授素未谋面, 也没有在修中世纪史这门课。

    I had never met this professor and I wasn't studying medieval history.


  1. 问:谋面拼音怎么拼?谋面的读音是什么?谋面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋面的读音是móumiàn,谋面翻译成英文是 meet; meet each other or be acquainted with someb...


谋面是汉语词汇,拼音móu miàn,出处《书·立政》。