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汉语拼音:píng diào
亦作“ 凭吊 ”。谓对着遗迹遗物感慨往古的人或事。
清 徐夜 《富春山中吊谢皋羽》诗:“疑向 西臺 犹慟哭,思当 南宋 合酸辛。我来凭弔荒山曲,朱鸟魂归若有神。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·讯玉》:“手泽犹存,音容何在?好教我空对遗簪凭弔。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第三章五:“我凭吊过 黄兴 墓、 蔡锷 墓,也凭吊过 屈子 庙、 贾太傅 祠。”
见“ 凭弔 ”。
亦作“ 凭弔 ”。对着遗迹等悼念古人或感慨往事。
清 佟国器 《酷相思·石头城怀古》词:“百尺高臺临鹤渚,凭弔悲今古。” 清 陈梦雷 《易水怀古》诗:“河流呜咽增凴弔,策蹇城西日欲昏。”
JA : So many , in fact , that seeing has become a bit of a problem .
吉姆:事实上,人太多了,以至来这里凭吊已经存在一些小问题。Russian ambassador to Estonia Nikolai Uspenski was one of the early visitors.
俄国驻爱沙尼亚大使尼古拉斯是今天来到这里比较早的一批凭吊者之一。They sit beside it companionably, as if at a wake; the old skeleton seems to impose a philosophical quiet.
他们友善的坐在它的旁边,就像是在凭吊着什么;这个古老的骨架像是在展现一种哲学上的静谧。Always, almost rarely, you see her smiling, In silence she stood alone, with a look of longing for something lost.
人们很少看到她笑,她总是默默的站在那里,好象在寻找什么,又好象凭吊着什么。That this was a place for people to reflect, to remember -- a kind of quiet place.
而是供人们来凭吊和纪念的场所--很肃穆的场所。But I can still pay homage, I never belief, perseverance!
但我仍可凭吊,我永远的信仰、执着!I look on it as ponderation on the river and memory of a girl died in the river.
以此作为对这条河的凭吊,和对一个在河水中死去的女孩的纪念。Northern Song Dynasty name Zhang Shangying admires the meson extremely the moral behavior, comes to be grieved.
北宋名相张商英十分仰慕介子的人品,前来凭吊。The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects.
who would like to pay their respects.
Leave for today the low graves you are tending
They came to pay their last respects to the late chairman.
Only pay the remaining trace of the heart.
I love to grieve for the buried riotous year.
Pay homage to alone on the in the distance and desolate palisades
But I can still pay homage, I never belief, perseverance!
这个地方被保存下来, 供后人凭吊纪念。
The site was preserved as a monument for future generations.
They used to visit her grave twice a year.
我今朝回想起来, 又一人走来凭吊。
Having recalled it again, I went there to pay a visit.
陵园长年开放, 天天都有前来凭吊烈士的游人。
Cemetery open year round, every day visitors come to pay the martyrs.
Here has become martyrs Remembrance of the past later pondered the historical sites.
The Triomphe is a cemetery for unknown soldiers visiting heads of state of the pay sites.
We provide a huge, comfortable chapel in memory of your beloved pets cremation.
We provide a huge, comfortable chapel in memory of your beloved pets cremation.
北宋名相张商英十分仰慕介子的人品, 前来凭吊。
Northern Song Dynasty name Zhang Shangying admires the meson extremely the moral behavior, comes to be grieved.
可惜朴素典雅的延寿宫毁于战火, 只留下断碑残碣供人凭吊。
Unfortunately, life extension simple and elegant palace destroyed in the war, leaving only residual stone tablet for people to pay tribute Duanbei.