







汉语拼音:nù hǒu








  1. 本指人、兽愤怒发出的巨大吼声。亦以形容大风、急流等发出的巨大声响。

    元 周霆震 《大风发屋雨雹交集》诗:“恍疑会羣龙,奋发交怒吼。” 清 陈维崧 《瑶台第一层·秦园月夜听泉声用艺香词韵》词:“阴森鳞鬣,还似玉龙怒吼崚嶒。” 巴金 《海的梦》前篇四:“怒吼罢,岛国的奴隶们!你们怒吼起来,就像这海一样!” 秦牧 《花城·沙面晨眺》:“ 广州 和 香港 的群众怒吼起来, 沙面 的洋务工人罢工了。”



  1. I think of you on an ocean's front, for you are the roar of the waves, the power of the sea, and the salt in the air.

  2. It was a wild night. The wind was howling outside, and the rain was beating and splashing against the windows.

  3. There's the kind you can solve by yelling and the kind you can solve by buying some sort of software.

  4. When he could not, he gave a roar, twisted his head back as far as he was able, and spat golden flame at the wall behind him.

  5. The wind was a monster roar at his head.

  6. Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened.

  7. He dropped them, growled, and prepared to lunge at me again.

  8. Light, oh where is the light! Kindle it with the burning fire of desire! It thunders and the wind rushes screaming through the void.

  9. Music is the movement of the raging sea waves, people like to see a sea of devils, it roared lifted from the waves, like all swallowed.


  1. 公牛怒吼。

    The bull bellowed with rage.

  2. 狂风怒吼。

    The wind is gusting angrily.

  3. 海风怒吼。

    It was blowing great guns from the sea.

  4. 怒吼, 暴跳如雷

    with a roar of rage

  5. 我发出怒吼

    The bell tolled for me.

  6. 风暴的怒吼

    the blatant roar of the storm

  7. 他发出怒吼。

    He delivered a cry of rage.

  8. 空中雷电怒吼

    Raging thunder in the skies.

  9. 暴徒们在怒吼。

    There were angry cries from the mob.

  10. 公牛怒吼起来。

    The bull bellowed angrily.

  11. 怒吼声响彻云霄。

    A roar rent the air.

  12. 发出一声怒吼

    give a whoop of rage.

  13. 穿越激流和怒吼

    Through the rush and roar

  14. 怒吼得面孔通红

    to snarl ones face flushed

  15. 狂风呼啸, 大海怒吼。

    The wind howled and the sea roared.

  16. 狂风呼啸,大海怒吼。

    The wind howled and the sea roared.

  17. 他们冲撞,抵抗,怒吼!

    How they clang, and clash, and roar!

  18. 那头公牛怒吼着。

    The bull roared with anger.

  19. 是北风得怒吼罢?

    Was it the angry roar of the North Wind?

  20. 是北风的怒吼罢?

    Was it the angry roar of the North Wind ?

  21. 听啊珠江在怒吼!

    Now listen The Peal River is roaring with anger!

  22. 听啊珠江在怒吼!

    Now listen The Peal River is roaring with anger!

  23. 波涛怒吼,高卷相迎。

    The roaring waters leaped high to meet them.

  24. 她龇牙咧嘴地怒吼着。

    Her mouth was contorted in a snarl.

  25. 他愤怒地朝我怒吼。

    He stormed angrily at me.

  26. 小福特怒吼着。

    The little Falcon was storming.

  27. 是对家人无声的怒吼。

    Is a silent roar family.

  28. 激起一片怒吼声

    call forth clamours of indignation

  29. 受伤的狮子发出了怒吼。

    The wounded lion bellowed out.

  30. 人群怒吼着它们的不满。

    The crowd howled its displeasure.


  1. 问:怒吼拼音怎么拼?怒吼的读音是什么?怒吼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怒吼的读音是nùhǒu,怒吼翻译成英文是 roar



狮子怒吼  怒吼 nùhǒu [roar;howl] 大声吼叫,比喻发出宏大雄壮的声音 狮子怒吼 本指人、兽愤怒发出的巨大吼声。亦以形容大风、急流等发出的巨大声响;也指因愤怒而吼叫起来。 元 周霆震 《大风发屋雨雹交集》诗:“恍疑会羣龙,奋发交怒吼。” 清 陈维崧 《瑶台第一层·秦园月夜听泉声用艺香词韵》词:“阴森鳞鬣,还似玉龙怒吼崚嶒。” 巴金 《海的梦》前篇四:“怒吼罢,岛国的奴隶们!你们怒吼起来,就像这海一样!” 秦牧 《花城·沙面晨眺》:“ 广州 和 香港 的群众怒吼起来, 沙面 的洋务工人罢工了。” 相关词语: 怒涌 怒怨 怒泷 怒骂 怒从心头起,恶向胆边 怒气冲冲 怒喝 怒噪 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 怒谴 怒号 怒那 怒目横眉 怒步 怒猊渴骥 怒火冲天 怒轰轰 怒吻  谗怒 奋怒 喜怒不形于色 春笋怒发 血怒 瞋怒雨 息怒停瞋 横怒 谴怒 蓄怒 息怒 赤熛怒 呵怒 虓怒 迁怒于人 众怒难任 老羞变怒 悬