


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……





汉语拼音:tǐ wèi








  1. 仔细体会。

    明 高攀龙 《<就正录>自序》:“第举吾幼所诵读者,切身体味之而见矣。”《快心编初集》第七回:“佛要人念梵书,即要人体味书中之旨,做个善人。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第七章:“她更为清楚地体味到:没有这些孩子在前线战斗,敌人就会打过来残害更多的人。”



  1. The more I thought about it, the more it resonated with me, and I began to think about how it might apply to Twitter.


  2. Yet the difficulty rating is high: telling someone they stink is one of the least enviable tasks a manager might have to undertake.


  3. Today 's mess, I still regret, let me just take away the old memories, let his memories slowly. Memories of his own body, now have nothing.


  4. It's good that you're thinking about your scent, but having too much fragrance on your body can be just as revolting.


  5. Through the introduction above, we can understand how much harm the knowledge of schizophrenia.


  6. This idea was one of vengeance to me, and I tasted it slowly in the night of my dungeon and the despair of my captivity.


  7. Locals recommend that you take a trip to the less-travelled 'other' side of the main Honshu island to gain a sense of old Japan.


  8. "Same to you" can be a return insult : "get stuffed! " - "same to you" . As you can imagine, it is a rather childish rejoinder.


  9. At least when I sit next to her, I feel more comfortable " " The first time I reacted to smell was in a public bus.


  1. 体味大台北

    Taipei Appreciating.

  2. 答案是体味

    And the answer is smell, the smell of her body.

  3. 我们体味一切

    that sensation of what's going on.

  4. 体味文化的魅力。

    And savored the charm of culture.

  5. 凡人生活细细体味

    Everyman s life carefree degustartion.

  6. 于黑暗中体味光明

    We see light in darkness

  7. 亲身体味牙买加风情

    A Real Taste of Jamaica

  8. 你是说,那是你本来的体味?

    You mean that smell is you?

  9. 体味快乐,是一种心理能力。

    Happiness tasting is one metal capacity.

  10. 准备好去体味那些鲣鱼薄片。

    Get ready to savor those bonito flakes.

  11. 这本小说你应该好好地体味。

    You should really appreciate the novel.

  12. 这本小说你应该好好地体味。

    You should really appreciate the novel.

  13. 史塔西甚至收集人们的体味

    The Stasi even collected the smell of people.

  14. 我还能再次体味这般宁静吗?

    Will I ever again experience such peace ?

  15. 再次的体味到了这种伤心的痛。

    Once again to taste the pain of this sad.

  16. 我比你更能体味那扇窗户。

    I appreciate that window more than you do.

  17. 我想再次要求你们 用感情体味

    Now I'm going to ask you again to switch on the emotional bit.

  18. 让您感受草原风情,体味游牧生活。

    You will taste herdsmen's life styles on grasslands.

  19. 我们从生活中学习,在学习中体味快乐。

    We are learning from life, enjoying ourselves in the study.

  20. 这般疼痛,谁又能体味各中滋味?

    Such a pain, who can appreciate all the flavors?

  21. 不安于闲适生活。冒险中体味快乐。

    Never be satisfied current idle life and enjoy the happiness coming from adventures.

  22. 体味典雅与细腻是这些曲目的关键。

    Understated elegance and nuance are the keys to these programs.

  23. 不同的民族,不同的文化,让您体味不同的民族风情。

    Due to different nations with their own cultures, you will appreciate ethnic expression of all kinds.

  24. 风中感悟体味寒风然后知春日的甜美

    Taste the Wind and savor the sweetness of spring

  25. 贴近某个人站着,时不时嗅下对方体味。

    Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

  26. 养狗的人会告诉你,我们有体味,狗也有。

    As any dog owner can tell you, we smell, they smell.

  27. 组建运动队时她体味到了成功的乐趣。

    She tasted success when she made the team.

  28. 依莎萝丝香体露,消除体味,变臭为香。

    EASTROSE roll on deodorant, removes body odor, change the odor to be perfumed.

  29. 体味山川溪流的温柔,触摸手与手间的感动。

    Savor the gentle mountains and streams, touch hands and the hands moved between.

  30. 现在, 就请打开1000个为什么, 体味其中得乐趣吧!

    Enjoy your time studying with 1000 whys.


  1. 问:体味拼音怎么拼?体味的读音是什么?体味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体味的读音是tǐwèi,体味翻译成英文是 To appreciate; to savor.


