


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……





汉语拼音:dāng zhòng








  1. 对着大家;在众人面前。

    张仲朋 《青松岭》第三场:“把会计大账搬来,当众查对查对。” 管桦 《清风店》二:“有的意见, 老曹 、 克星 当众解释一下,便不存在了。”



  1. The great thing about getting older is that this sort of public failure gets rarer too.


  2. One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public.


  3. Most of us dread making a speech to a group, but if you think of it as simple communication or helping others, you won't be nervous.


  4. Gordon Brown wept in public last weekend when he spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser.


  5. He said the prophecy in the box, and locked in public, said the Aug. 13 open test his prediction is accurate.


  6. He acknowledged publicly that he might have made a mistake.


  7. With his son seated on his lap, the king announced that he would be the crown prince, and his mother would be the number one queen.


  8. Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.


  9. She thought he would make an abject fool of himself, and for her sake, as well as his, decided to prevent him from standing.


  1. 当众示爱。

    Commit a public display of affenction.

  2. 当众侮辱某人。

    Put an affront to sb.

  3. 当众冒犯某人。

    Put an affront upon sb.

  4. 当众处以鞭刑

    a public flogging.

  5. 他当众侮辱我。

    He put an affront upon me.

  6. 尽量别当众吵闹

    tried not to make a scene.

  7. 他常常当众胡闹。

    He often cut up in public.

  8. 他常常当众出洋相。

    He often cut up in public.

  9. 希望你当众认错。

    We hope you can acknowledge your mistake in public.

  10. 我会当众处决他!

    I will execute him in public!

  11. 我会当众处决他!

    I will execute him in public!

  12. 不适宜的当众争吵。

    An unseemly public squabble.

  13. 当众宣布自己的晚点

    Declare oneself

  14. 我不喜欢当众朗诵。

    I dont like reciting in public.

  15. 违犯者被当众鞭笞。

    Offenders were publicly flogged.

  16. 你善于当众讲话吗?

    Are you good at speaking in public?

  17. 名单将会当众宣读。

    The list will be announced publicly.

  18. 他将当众发表演说。

    He is going to make a speech in public.

  19. 她竟敢当众侮辱他。

    She had the face to insult him in public.

  20. 我竟然会当众出丑。

    I should have made a fool of myself I public.

  21. 当众戳穿某人的诡计。

    Expose one's trick in public.

  22. 他们为小事当众吵闹。

    They made a scene of trifles.

  23. 这些疯子当众转化了?

    These nuts are woging in public?

  24. 她不习惯于当众演说。

    She is unaccustomed to public speaking.

  25. 他不习惯于当众讲话。

    He is unaccustomed to speaking in public.

  26. 那个贪官被当众解职。

    The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

  27. 总统必须当众宣誓就职。

    The President has to be sworn in publicly.

  28. 我当众出了大丑了!

    I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone!

  29. 我当众出了大丑了!

    I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone!

  30. 他当众说出这些话。

    He said these words in the audience of the congregation.


  1. 问:当众拼音怎么拼?当众的读音是什么?当众翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当众的读音是dāngzhòng,当众翻译成英文是 publicly

  2. 问:当众开标拼音怎么拼?当众开标的读音是什么?当众开标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当众开标的读音是dāngzhòngkāibiāo,当众开标翻译成英文是 bid opening in public

  3. 问:当众认错拼音怎么拼?当众认错的读音是什么?当众认错翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当众认错的读音是dāngzhòngrèncuò,当众认错翻译成英文是 acknowledge one's mistakes in public

  4. 问:当众谢罪拼音怎么拼?当众谢罪的读音是什么?当众谢罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当众谢罪的读音是dāngzhòngxièzuì,当众谢罪翻译成英文是 apologize in public

  5. 问:当众醉酒拼音怎么拼?当众醉酒的读音是什么?当众醉酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当众醉酒的读音是dāng zhòng zuì jiǔ,当众醉酒翻译成英文是 public intoxication



词目:当众 拼音:dāngzhòng 英文:in open court