




讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……










  1. Realizes in a specific way is to construct a message board system, can be very convenient with the classmate communication with exchanges.


  2. If you know of other famous misquotes, be sure to tell us about it in the comments.


  3. Waiting for me to write a message back to add up, you might have to amend the original message content, be translated.


  4. The only time we get a letter from her is when I get so angry that I leave an upset message on her answerphone or go over to her flat.


  5. She was not in when I called, but I left word for her to ring me up.


  6. He said he received a phone message from an official of the U. S. Army's Criminal Investigation Command Sunday morning.


  7. He also said that he had seen some posting like "If we were to propose to him on Monday, he might say yes" at a certain fan site.


  8. Maybe, but I. I just can't seem to let it go. I keep leaving him messages And writing letters to addresses I'm not even sure are his.


  9. Hey, it's me. He's cute, and I think it went well. And I think he might be leaving me a message at home as we speak.


  1. 什么留言?

    What was the message?

  2. 留言已清除

    Message erased.

  3. 给某人留言

    to drop somebody a line

  4. 留言请点击。

    Please click to leave your comment.

  5. 留言点击这里

    Leave a message to click here.

  6. 查看留言信息

    Look over the message information.

  7. 点击直接留言。

    Click here quickly leave word.

  8. 我留言说了。

    I left a sticky note.

  9. 点亮留言灯

    Light the lamp of DS phone.

  10. 您要留言吗?

    Would you like to leave a message?

  11. 你要留言吗?

    Would you like to leave a message?

  12. 你需要留言吗?

    Can I take a message?

  13. 留言待取显示

    message waiting indication.

  14. 请, 嗯, 再次留言。

    Please, um, leave a message again. Beep.

  15. 请转达一下留言。

    Could you pass on my message?

  16. 请,嗯,再次留言。

    Please, um, leave a message again. Beep.

  17. 增强留言管理功能。

    How do I moderate comments on my blog

  18. 请在哔声后留言。

    Please leave a message at the tone.

  19. 有一些留言板

    Well, there's a bunch of message boards.

  20. 请点击此处留言!

    Click Here to leave Message to me!

  21. 家里没人,请留言。

    We're not here,leave a message.

  22. 作家点评留言板

    message board of comments of writers

  23. 住客手写留言便条

    Hand Written Guest Message Form

  24. 有些人用语音留言。

    Some people use voice mail.

  25. 有些人用语音留言。

    Some people use voice mail.

  26. 请在哔哔声之后留言。

    Please leave a message after the beep.

  27. 时政法律留言板

    message board of current events, politics and law

  28. 我们不在家,请留言。

    We are not at home.Please leave a message.

  29. 您有一条新留言

    You have one new message.

  30. 我们不在家,请留言。

    We are not at home. Please leave a message.


  1. 问:留言拼音怎么拼?留言的读音是什么?留言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留言的读音是liúyán,留言翻译成英文是 leave a message

  2. 问:留言簿拼音怎么拼?留言簿的读音是什么?留言簿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留言簿的读音是liúyánbù,留言簿翻译成英文是 a notebook offered in a public place for people t...

  3. 问:留言本拼音怎么拼?留言本的读音是什么?留言本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留言本的读音是,留言本翻译成英文是 guestbook