







汉语拼音:xià zhuì









  1. 向下落。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“ 天吴 踊跃於重渊, 王乔 披云而下坠。”

  2. 医家谓腹部感觉沉重,似欲大便。


  3. 情绪低落。

    王西彦 《古屋》第五部二:“可是这样一来,心的平静立刻被破坏了, 约伯 又因 撒但 的扰乱而下坠了。”



  1. And he has a quality shot, from the distance, a bit like Juninho, with a trajectory that the ball rises and then goes down rolling.


  2. Business investment, which had been plummeting in the past few months, is showing signs of stabilizing.


  3. If it is still in the air, it can attempt to stop its descent by flying again.


  4. The city seems to be locked in a death spiral.


  5. Around this time, the global economy entered free-fall as the sub-prime mortgage crisis exploded and credit markets ground to a halt.


  6. His only thought had to be the right knee dropping in at the ball.


  7. But a prolonged crash might well undo much of the progress the developing world has lately made towards democracy and political stability.


  8. So let me fall , If I must fall . I won't heed your warnings. I won't hear .


  9. Like the sound of silence calling. I hear your voice, and suddenly I'm falling lost in a dream.


  1. 投下坠球。

    Throw it underarm.

  2. 要下坠了。

    It is going to crash!

  3. 也许正在下坠的我。

    Maybe I am falling down.

  4. 我开始下坠,快要死去了。

    I start to fall. I'm about to die.

  5. 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠。

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain.

  6. 要下坠了,究竟怎么啦?

    It's going to crash! Why ?

  7. 产妇感到小腹下坠或腰痛。

    Women are falling lower abdomen or lower back pain.

  8. 这门的铰链好像有些下坠。

    The hinges of this door seem to have dropped slightly.

  9. 你能示范右边臀部下坠吗?

    So you can demonstrate the drop hip on the right?

  10. 人生就是一个不断下坠的过程。

    Life is a course of falling.

  11. 飞机盘旋下坠, 最后掉进海中。

    The plane spiraled down till it hit the ocean.

  12. 帐篷因帆布湿了中间有些下坠。

    The tent began to sag as the canvas became wet.

  13. 我冒烟了, 还着火了。我往下坠了。

    I'm smoking and burning. I'm going down.

  14. 矿井提升机下坠现象的解决措施

    The Solving Measures of the Toppling of Mine Hoist

  15. 给雨水打湿后, 帐篷中间开始下坠。

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain.

  16. 由于梳棉棉网下坠导致条子过细。

    Thin card sliver due to web falling at cards.

  17. 我记得,我该投外旋下坠球的。

    I remember. I should have thrown a slider.

  18. 因此我又开始向右旋转下坠。

    So I went into a spin down and to the right.

  19. 如果牠依然没到地, 牠可以试图停止下坠。

    If it is still in the air, it can attempt to stop its descent by flying again.

  20. 白带停止,小腹下坠疼痛,是怀孕得征兆么?

    Leucorrhea stop, abdominal pain, fall is a sign of pregnancy Mody?

  21. 白带停止,小腹下坠疼痛,是怀孕的征兆么?

    Leucorrhea stop, abdominal pain, fall is a sign of pregnancy Mody ?

  22. 当时教室寂静无声,我的心好像在下坠。

    Classroom silent, my heart to fall.

  23. 别尝试接住一柄正下坠的刀!

    Don't try to catch a falling knife!

  24. 当时就感到肚子有些下坠,躺在了地上。

    Then felt some tenesmus stomach, lying on the ground.

  25. 直升机桨叶扬起下坠碰撞动响应计算

    Computation of Dynamic Response for Helicopter Blade Droop Stop Impact

  26. 搅拌轴上的搁圈装置限制了搅拌轴的下坠。

    A loop placement device on a stirring shaft limits the falling of the stirring shaft.

  27. 若干颗螺栓断了,使得地板下坠,危险极了。

    Several bolts sheared, causing the floor to sag dangerously.

  28. 大概在这个时候你就要开始往下坠。

    It's right about at this point that you will begin to fall.

  29. 上个月最少有28宗铝窗下坠意外。

    There were at least 28 cases of falling frames last month.

  30. 在梦中我有一种正往下坠的感觉。

    In my dream I had the sensation that I was falling.


  1. 问:下坠拼音怎么拼?下坠的读音是什么?下坠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下坠的读音是xiàzhuì,下坠翻译成英文是 straining; tenesmus

  2. 问:下坠球拼音怎么拼?下坠球的读音是什么?下坠球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下坠球的读音是xià zhuì qiú,下坠球翻译成英文是 drop; sinker




拼音:xìazhuì 称下坠.医学叫里急后重,指便意浓,但便下不畅,似有大便结不完,但又没有多少大便可出 可以用盐酸环丙沙星。 基本解释 1. [sag]∶从原来或正常的状态逐渐陷落或下沉。 2. [go down]∶向地面(或似乎向地面)落下 飞机燃烧着下坠。 3. [straining(at stool);tenesmus]∶[肠炎、痢疾等病的患者或者即将临盆的孕妇]腹部感到沉重,像要大便。 详细解释 1. 向下落。 三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“ 天吴 踊跃於重渊, 王乔 披云而下坠。” 2. 医家谓腹部感觉沉重,似欲大便。 《西游记》第二七回:“桃子吃多了,也有些嘈人,又有些下坠。” 3. 情绪低落。 王西彦 《古屋》第五部二:“可是这样一来,心的平静立刻被破坏了, 约伯 又因 撒但 的扰乱而下坠了。”