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汉语拼音:shén cì
God grant us the courage and wisdom to hear his Word for us, and with his grace to respond to it wherever it may lead us.
愿神赐我们勇气与智慧去聆听祂的话语,并且靠着祂的恩典作出回应,使我们顺着祂的带领来走祂要我们走的路。And I will put my spirit in the midst of you: and I will cause you to walk in my commandments, and to keep my judgments, and do them.
我要将我的神赐于你们五内,使你们遵行我的规律,恪守我的诫命,且一一实行。Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.
你比世人更美,在你嘴里满有恩惠。所以神赐福给你,直到永远。If you want to be in a saving relationship with God, you will have to begin again and let God give you a new heart and a new life.
尼哥底母,你必须重新开始,让神赐你一颗新心和新的生命,你才能得救,与神建立关系。And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money.
家宰说:“你们可以放心,不要害怕,是你们的神和你们父亲的神赐给你们财宝在你们的口袋里。你们的银子我早已收了。”The cup signifies that His death was the (portion) given to Him by God, the portion He took to redeem sinners for God.
杯象征祂的死是神赐给祂的(分),就是祂为着神救赎罪人所领受的分;Granted, religion is all about forging the perfect man, or at least ensuring that, as far as possible, he lives up to divine expectations.
众所周知,宗教信仰能够锻造一个完美的人,至少能赋予他神赐的期望。God would provide food in such a way that it would test their obedience to his instructions.
神赐下食物的方式,是要考验百姓是否听从祂的吩咐。But Jesus announced that this woman's actions gave evidence that she had another asset: God's gift of saving faith in his Son.